Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 592 Opening Battle

The schedules for the trainee group and the professional group were arranged on the day the top 128 were determined. Only the mentor group competition was delayed until now.

Several people looked at the lists one by one, picked out a group of legendary seeds, and began to arrange them one by one.

Soon they completed more than half of the progress. At this time, a certain transcendent suddenly remembered something and said to others when he saw the name 'Dak'.

"Master Willy seems to have specifically told me to make Dak's opponent weaker to ensure that he meets Alex in the 16-to-8 game."

"Why do you arrange it like this?"

"You talk so much nonsense! Just do what Lord Willy says!"

They quickly arranged the schedule for Dak. The opponents before 16 advanced to 8 were slightly weaker, trying to reduce the burden on Dak.

Then when it was Alex's turn, a certain transcendent happened to see the name 'York', and without much thought, he directly arranged 'York' to be Alex's opponent.

In this way, the opponent in the first game of the Banyan finals, 128-64, became Alex.

Soon, the schedule for the top 128 instructors was completed and posted on various street noticeboards by a staff member.

‘The tutor group schedule is posted on the notice board. Let’s go and take a look.’

"Hey, I won't drink anymore. I just want to see which of the unlucky guys bumped into the legendary seed."

Soon all the signboards were crowded with people, including those near Dad's Club.

And when Rong Hu and Dake walked out of the martial arts gym and came to the signboard, they heard shouts from the crowd. Most of the gloating laughter was mixed with a small number of lamentations.

"Hahahahaha, I was really laughing. That guy Enrique actually bumped into a hunter from the Shadow Troupe!"

"Asshole! I protest, why is my opponent Leia Polo!"

"Tsk, man, sometimes you have to admit luck. It's better to give up, otherwise you will lose ugly."

"No, this is not true! I don't believe it! Why is my opponent Lord Ryan?!"

Facts have proved that happiness based on the pain of others is indeed very happy, and everyone has the potential to be a happy person.

Banyan Tree and Duck were still looking for their names, and at this moment a burst of laughter attracted their attention.

"Look, York's opponent in the first game, who set the record for the fastest promotion to the mentor group, is actually Alex!"

Suddenly another burst of laughter broke out.

Banyan's face darkened, and he couldn't help shouting: "Why are you laughing? What's so funny!"

In an instant, the scene became quiet, and the person who spoke first shrank his neck and hurriedly ran away. He was afraid that the angry banyan tree would attack him in person.

But Dake didn't give the banyan tree any face, and laughed to himself.

"Hahahahaha, it really made me laugh. Who said five days ago that he has been lucky since he was a child?

Haha, I can't do it anymore, hahahahaha, you are really lucky, you met Alex in the first game! "

Looking at the old man who was laughing so hard that he was out of breath and couldn't straighten up, Rong Shu's face suddenly turned darker.

"Old man, what do you mean?"

"Come on, want to fight? Am I afraid of you? Whoever doesn't come will be the grandson!"

"Get lost, I'm not in the mood to fight now!"

After the two quarreled for a while, they left the scene and returned to Dad's Club. The sign in front of the signboard became lively again.

After returning to the front hall, Rongshu saw a famous guest looking at him with a strange expression. Even the young lady at the front desk looked like she wanted to laugh but didn't dare to. It was obvious that she knew the opponent he was about to face. who is it.

Dak, who had been laughing all the way, finally managed to stop his smile and asked curiously: "Do you want to abstain?"

"Get out! I finally participated in a martial arts festival, how could I abstain from the first round?"

Dak sighed after hearing this, patted his shoulder and comforted him: "Boy, look at it, you are still young, there is no shame in giving up against the legendary seeds, the worst is to come back in three years!"

The banyan tree shook his head: "No matter how strong my opponent is, I will never allow myself to admit defeat without fighting."

Dak immediately looked sideways and praised: "Okay! If you are ambitious, I will avenge you, just wait and see!"

"Just you? Revenge me?" The banyan tree glanced at him and said suspiciously, "Old man, you are making fun of me!"

"Hey, look at my bad temper, I have the guts to go out for a fight outside the city!"

"I told you I'm not in the mood to fight!"


The two ignored the weird looks from the others and walked noisily toward the backyard. When they passed the front desk, the banyan tree picked up another newspaper.

【Shock! The powerful white fangs actually fled.】

‘Well, it’s a familiar shocking title’

Then he looked at the specific content.

“The White Fangs fully contracted, abandoning 4 territories and 69 strongholds outside the Blood Plains. All key personnel retreated to the Blood Plains, leaving only the periphery to fend for themselves.

Some gangs have already started committing crimes after the White Fang backbone left, and there are still a large number of gangs ready to move, hoping to take advantage of the vacuum of power to enter these abandoned territories and plunder."

After taking less than five seconds to quickly scan through all the contents, the banyan tree casually tossed it back, and the newspaper quickly floated back to the front desk.

‘Haha, Alex’s expression should be very exciting now’

July 10, 552.

Another five days passed after the preliminaries, and finally it was time for the finals to begin.

Three days ago, several members of the Knights of Flame came to inquire about Banyan Tree. After confirming repeatedly that he had no intention of giving up, the battle between him and Alex was scheduled to be the opening match.

By two o'clock in the afternoon.

In the central area of ​​Blue Helmet City, there is a magnificent arena built at the foot of the statue of the Blue Knight, with more than 30,000 seats already occupied.

Most of the high-ranking officials of the Knights of Flame came to the stands, and some extraordinary people from other major forces also sat in the VIP seats.

The ordinary audience stands are already full, and those who have not bought tickets can only watch the live broadcast outside through crystal screens everywhere.

The battle area below is a square with a diameter of one thousand meters paved with hard extraordinary stone, which is enough for a mentor-level extraordinary person to exert his full strength. There is also a transparent barrier as a shield to protect the audience stands.

As the host of this martial arts festival, Willy stood on the most conspicuous high platform in the stands and attracted all the attention.

"Now, I announce that the top 128 finals of this martial arts festival have officially begun!"

In an instant, the arena was filled with cheers.

When Willy announced the start, he left the stage. When another mentor-level referee in a suit stood on the stage and began to speak, the cheering audience also fell silent.

"The first person to appear is a young warrior who broke the record for the fastest advancement in the mentor group, Lucky York!"

In an instant, the stands burst into laughter, including Dak, who was laughing so heartlessly that he was out of breath.

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