Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 1,752 One step closer to the truth

[Jidao Martial Arts Modifier] []

Chapter 1752 One step closer to the truth

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"Relax, relax..."

He Zhou looked excited, and Jenny and Lao Mai quickly spoke out to comfort him.

After He Zhou took a few deep breaths, he finally felt calmer.

"That's right, that's it, relax!"

Seeing He Zhou relax, Jenny and Lao Mai breathed a sigh of relief.

He Zhou asked again: "Then why did the clone attack me?"

He knew that Jenny and He Zhou must be watching him and seeing everything he went through.

So as long as you mention the clone, the other party will definitely know what is going on.

It's impossible not to know.

"Wait, before we answer your question, we have a few questions to ask you first."

At that time, the spreader was spreading fertilizer accurately, but the inspection program was abnormal.

Jenny asked.

Jenny saw the expressions on the two people's faces and hurriedly asked: "Wait a minute, are you sleepwalking because of these CDs?"

Jenny said: "First question, have you ever experienced a sudden loss of control of your body in normal times?"

"Just wait until you think about it."

It's just that I perceive the movements of my hands and mouth. My subjective consciousness can only accept the information feedback from my eyes, so I think the water level suddenly rises and falls.

"Did he know what he did when he was sleepwalking?" He Zhou asked again.

In other words, the water outside the cup was not drank by myself.

Jenny shook his head.

"Suddenly losing control of your body?"

I know what that means, I just know what bad thing it is.

I can't guarantee that what He Zhou and Lao Mai said out of their mouths is true. I can only judge by myself.

Wen Wei and Lao Mai replied in unison.

Until sitting there and participating in He Zhou's research.

"Oh no, you are struggling with that. Now, you want to ask, why can your clone possess these killing methods? For example, in the eighth death incident, what happened to these attacks?"

Jenny asked slowly.

In fact, if it weren't for sleepwalking, he wouldn't have taken this trip with Lao Mai.

Hearing that, Jenny nodded eagerly.

Did He Zhou ask further?

Wen Wei and Lao Mai shook their heads together.

"You figured it out, but you still understand it." Jenny looked at He Zhou, "What on earth is going on?"

He Zhou looked at Jenny and then at Lao Mai, and his heart sank.

"Yeah." Wen Wei nodded, "It's easy for him to answer that question. These people all exist in reality, and what he sees are all simulated scenes."

I almost understand.

In that case, who could embed a Trojan program into a networked greenhouse control program?

He Zhou replied: "Because he will be in a state of complete loss of control."

The problems under me should indeed be caused by these discs.

"So..." Jenny quickly turned to look at He Zhou, "When your body lost control, it was actually another personality of yours that took over your body?"

"Wait a minute, Lao Mai, is he saying that you can figure out what the evil god is by just reading the contents of the CD?" Wen Wei asked.

"It's bad." Jenny sighed.

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It seems that my situation is not good, otherwise the two of them would not have such expressions.

Jenny asked after thinking for a while.

He Zhou held his chin and thought deeply.

Jenny looked confused.

"You can feel it." He Zhou shook his head, "That's why you said it's partially controlling the body. He can only feel the part of the body he controls. He can fully feel the rest of the controllable part. Or to put it another way, , he can sense it, but his perception is blocked, so he automatically ignores these actions."

This question seems to hit a key point.

Thinking of that, Jenny could not help but feel terrified.

The greenhouse and control room were well monitored. At the same time, no one was on duty in the main computer room and control room. Someone saw someone breaking in.

A moment ago, I explained: "Specifically, the first time the body loses control, the victim should still be in a state of partial control of his body."

Hearing that, He Zhou and Lao Mai looked at each other.

Wen Wei asked aloud.

"You want to ask, do all the people who appear outside the disc exist in reality?"

"Just ask."

"It is to make those who come into contact with the evil god feel the existence of the evil god."

Basically do it.

Jenny thought for a moment and replied: "When you fall asleep, you mean that you will sleepwalk before falling asleep."

Seeing this, Jenny could not help but fall into deep thought.

"If you can answer that question, it is absolutely confidential."

Then, He Zhou looked at Jenny and shook his head: "Someone can answer him,

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Chapter 1752 One step closer to the truth

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Your friend, his problem has been bothering you, and you also want to obscure everything, but so far, you have not really found a clue. "

But judging from the questions He Zhou is asking now, the reason why he did something bad is because he lost control of his body and he knew it.

"How is it ordinary? How is your situation so ordinary?"

Unless there is no mole.

Jenny replied: "You do everything, and you are vague about it, but in short it is a bad thing. You are hiding it from me. You were picked up by the police because of the trouble you caused while sleepwalking, so you came to find them slowly. "

"Yes Yes."

He Zhou nodded slightly.

Before I thought about it carelessly, I felt that Lao Mai and He Zhou would lie to me at that point.

"That's wrong. This is the first time you have seen him in this situation. You have never encountered him before." He Zhou said as he opened a light screen and displayed the following scene behind Jenny's eyes.

Both of them had solemn expressions on their faces.

But in reality, it was all done by myself.

Jenny looked confused.

It seems that Jenny's situation has never happened.

Let’s just mention that for now.

"That clone has a very weak desire to kill, and its methods of behavior are extremely violent."

I was coming home from work and sitting under the sofa drinking water. Suddenly, the water level outside the cup rose and dropped inexplicably.

"That's wrong. His existence will be of very little help to your research." Wen Wei nodded solemnly.

According to He Zhou, it was really impossible for him to drink the water outside the cup at that time.

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I was wrong, even though I was fully aware of the situation at the time and thought something supernatural had happened.

Jenny listened to He Zhou's explanation and relived everything he had just experienced in the Super Dream Space.

He Zhou and Lao Mai looked at each other, and then He Zhou replied: "The question he asked is exactly where his value lies."

Jenny asked repeatedly, my heart was not in my throat yet.

"Wait, how could you do it..." Jenny wanted to stand up and retort, but when he thought about losing control of his body, he immediately withered.

He Zhou thought to himself, isn't sleepwalking essentially about losing control of the body?

"You want to ask, when your body is out of control, can you feel your physical condition?"

"have what."

At that time, everyone in the family believed that there was a mole, and both Jenny and Jack looked guilty, insisting that they would definitely do such a thing.

But I just believe it, because there is no evidence to prove that speculation.

He Zhou seemed to have expected the answer. He didn't show any doubts on his face, but asked the question directly.

"Yes, yes, what does he mean? Can you say good things about him?"

"Yes, there is no problem outside." Jenny turned to look at Lao Mai, "You told him that, and he said everything was because of the evil god."

He Zhou's eyes narrowed.

"The blood emerging from this cave is the worst proof, because it shows that the clone's heart is filled with weak hatred."

What He Zhou said was wrong. His clone was very violent and would hit and kill him at the drop of a hat.

"Maybe he thought he was walking abnormally, but in reality his hands were picking at the pockets of passers-by, and his feet were kicking the stones under the road."

He Zhou and Lao Mai looked at each other again.

"It's bad. If he thinks about it, he won't lose control of his body."

I implanted the Trojan horse into the greenhouse control program myself, and then deleted the Trojan horse before it took effect.

Jenny could not help but frown.

Hearing that, Jenny swallowed back the previous question.

"What about you..." Jenny wanted to ask, but was interrupted by He Zhou.

Speaking of the first thing, He Zhou looked at Jenny with a hint of joy in his eyes.

Thinking of that, Jenny couldn't help but think of the job he lost, the job of controlling machinery on a machineless farm.

After hearing that, and then contacting the following information, Jenny almost lost some speculations.

He Zhou nodded when he saw Jenny's relieved expression.

"Who can answer this for you?"

It's just that sleepwalking, a state of losing control of the body, occurs when one is asleep and in one's conscious state.

Wen Wei returned to the previous topic and asked.

"How long did that situation last for?" He Zhou continued to ask.

Wen Wei looked curious.

"The curse of the evil god?" Wen Wei repeated the term with a dull expression.

"In that case... these eight cases may have been done by him."

"That was his experience in the Mewtwo space, and this clone was chasing him."

Lao Mai shook his head,

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Then he added: "In fact, you also know that you are not just a CD seller."

"Yes, but obviously his situation is too ordinary, exactly as you imagined." Lao Mai shook his head.

What Jenny was thinking at this time was that the level outside the cup dropped because he drank water, right?


"What's your value?"

"Did he go to the crime scene? Or did he watch the news?" He Zhou asked warily.

Jenny retracted his thoughts and ended his careless recall of that period of time.

Thinking of that, Jenny nodded and said, "No."

He Zhou opened his mouth and explained.

"Can he understand when you say that?"

"Did he think of something else?"

Did you really do the bad thing yourself?

Very slowly, I thought of the strange incident I finally encountered.

I could see the whole process clearly, but it scared me very much.

Hearing that question, He Zhou was silent for a while.

Everything was done by myself, but I just knew it.

"Just those few days, at least eight days." Jenny replied.

"Did you feel it yourself when you made that strange move?" Wen Wei asked.

He Zhou shook his head regretfully.

The surveillance was naturally broken by its own Trojan horse program.

"Can you tell me how that part controls your body?" Jenny interrupted.

Of course Jenny would do that kind of stupid thing.

"For example, when he eats food, the food will be digested when it returns to the intestines, but he will feel the digestion process."

"What does it mean? It means that his seven limbs will make various movements on their own, as if they don't have their own thoughts."

Naturally, I could tell the story about the greenhouse. After all, if I tell the story, there is no chance that the owner of the farm will come to seek compensation.

He Zhou thought for a while and replied: "He can't think like that. It doesn't mean that he can control his eyes to see, control his cerebellum to think, have abnormal hearing, taste, etc., but he can control himself seven limbs."

This means that his own copy is not his own contact person with the evil god. He can really contact the evil god, obtain weak means from the evil god, and use those means to kill people or resurrect people.

Seeing this, He Zhou asked: "What does he want to say? He might as well say it and you can analyze it together."

"Are you going to be in a state of complete physical loss?"

"It's another personality. He's a copy. You call it the curse of the evil god."

"His condition is relatively ordinary."

"But now that he is gone, maybe you are closer to the truth."

"What is the purpose of this disc?" Jenny asked doubtfully.

Although he has never lost control of his body, he has experienced sleepwalking symptoms.

Jenny thought for a while, looked at Lao Mai and said, "Lao Mai, he sells these CDs of yours. When was the content on the outside recorded?"

Jenny replied: "The first time I went to the crime scene, but it was very close to the crime scene. The seventh and eighth times I went."

If it were because of that, I would beg for mercy from the sky many times.

"It seems he figured it out."

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"Except for sleepwalking, has he never experienced a situation where he lost control of his body?"

He Zhou clicked a few numbers under the light screen, and then explained: "He was responsible for the eight deaths, and he was also responsible for the seventh resurrection of the dead. This means that his clone can truly contact the evil god. A means that only the evil god possesses."

After hearing this, Jenny thought for a while and said: "Every time you watch these CDs that Lao Mai sold you, there will be a dead person incident. The dead person is exactly the same as the one in the CD image, except that the environment of death is the same, but the way of death is the same."

Seeing that Jenny's expression was correct, He Zhou asked aloud.

But thinking about it now, Jenny felt that the mole might not be him.

"You said it." Lao Mai nodded, but then changed the subject, "But his situation is relatively ordinary."

He Zhouzuo said: "He has not yet experienced the violent methods of his clone, so he should be able to figure out what evil things his clone has done. These death incidents were all done by his clone." of."

Engineers believe that no one planted a Trojan horse program to deceive the host.

"You know what he wants to ask, your friend, but your answer is that you also know it, and you can't answer him."

Jenny looked serious.

It is precisely because of that that I finally found Lao Mai through various channels, trying to find a solution from the CDs sold by Lao Mai.

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