[Jidao Martial Arts Modifier] []

"What should I do?"

Seeing how happy the two of them were, He Zhou raised his head and asked, "I mean, what are you going to do to me?"

There was a vague feeling in his heart.

The organization behind these two people wants to use him to figure out how to contact the evil god, so there is a high probability that he will lose his freedom and become a research tool for these two people.

He Zhou doesn't want this ending, he doesn't want this kind of life.

"Don't worry, my friend, we won't do anything to you. It's not too late for us to protect you now."

Jenny reassured.

Lao Mai followed up and said, "My friend, you are absolutely safe here. We can assure you that you no longer have to worry about accidents, rent, or everything else."

While the two were talking, He Zhou was also thinking.

He admitted that the two men should not have lied to him in this regard.

Otherwise, it is extremely unlikely that you will die in the next second.

The supervisor thought quickly before speaking immediately.

Jenny spoke up again, biting the word "everything" very hard.

In fact, I don't have anything bad to say now, because I am vague in my heart, no matter what I think now, we will let me go.

"Come, your friend, lie down outside."

Hearing those words, the supervisor had no choice but to stand up from his desk and slowly walked behind the eight people.

It was a large research laboratory with only one instrument outside the room.

"Back off."

Those eight people obviously realized that their destiny was about to change.

"That's right. He's very knowledgeable, but he saved you a lot of trouble."

He Zhou nodded to Lao Mai, and then the two of them took Jenny out.

It is Jenny who should be worried about the future now, but the eight people behind me.

"go on."

Immediately afterwards, I noticed that the scene around me changed slightly.

Behind Jenny's eyes was a recliner with a small gap between Mewtwo's access points.

He Zhou and Lao Mai looked at each other with unhappy expressions on their faces.

"Humph, that's not a place where you usually stay."

The supervisor stretched his hands downward and begged for mercy.

Hearing those words, Jenny was instantly alert.

If the organization behind them really relies on him to study a huge problem, then they will definitely try their best to ensure his safety.

It seems that his clone has been trying to compete with him for control of his body, but he has always been able to do so.

Even so, Jenny still had hope.

Because the current Jenny is not this bold and timid person, but a weak and ambitious low hand.

Before exiting, I closed the heavy door.

"You really want to, but you can do it!" The clone said fiercely and gritted his teeth, as if he was full of resentment towards Jiang Hui.

"Your friend, retreat."

I'm sure the two of them didn't lie.

"Supervisor, will you take me upstairs to set me up first?"

The supervisor was checking information behind his desk and just glanced at the eight people casually.

Of course, the supervisor thought that He Zhou and Lao Mai would lie unless they wanted to die.

That way the clone could control my body and leave that place.

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[Jidao Martial Arts Modifier] []

The elevator goes all the way down.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Hui didn't stop, and kicked off Lao Mai's sternum, which hit the wall, and his whole chest was dented.

Lao Mai on the side immediately answered, "My friend, your treatment will definitely be the best among all researchers, even though he is worried."

We know that we are now in the company of an extremely safe person.

Jenny turned around and saw a person who looked exactly like me, but he was dressed the same as me.

The supervisor turned slightly sideways and performed a medieval knight's salute.

He Zhou patted Jenny on the shoulder.

Followed by another punch.

However, just when He Zhou and Lao Mai were about to help me tie the restraints, Jiang Hui suddenly got angry.

Combined with the information he just learned from He Zhou and Lao Mai, Jenny almost understood the situation.

Jenny looked around outside the elevator, remembering everything in his heart.

It seems that the clone has not found some unique method, which cannot make the clone do what I want to do.

Jenny nodded with satisfaction.

That's why this series of supernatural events happened.

That instrument was specially used to test the purity of consciousness and analyze the type of super dream the research subject had at the time.

Jiang Hui asked aloud.

Learned about Jenny’s brief situation.

He Zhou and Lao Mai took Jenny all the way back, but as we walked, we suddenly realized that there was something wrong with Jenny.

Finally, only the supervisor was left outside the laboratory.

Jenny could not help but frown.

The environment in that place was really depressing.

Of course, He Zhou and Lao Mai knew that Jenny hadn't replaced him yet.

I need to explore the space carrier now, so I need the help of the supervisor behind me.

At that time, Jiang Hui and the supervisor had not yet reacted, and they wanted to run away with panic on their faces.

"My friend, in addition to ensuring your safety, we will also try our best to meet all your reasonable requirements, you know? All reasonable requirements!"

At that time, the clone said: "You have been imprisoned outside for so long, and now you have finally found a way to drag him outside. Now, you are going to let him taste the feeling of being imprisoned."

"He, what does he want? You can't help him. You are absolutely the master of his will."

So how could the supervisor take it seriously?

Just because I don't have huge research value.

However, what I do know is that Jenny needs to be comforted now.

Because that is indeed the best research object so far.

It was originally a scene inside the space carrier, but suddenly it turned into a barren grassland.

Jenny looked outside for a while, then stepped back inside.

When Jenny thought about it, he felt like he had been pulled out by an inexplicable force just now.

My heart couldn't get any stronger for a long time, and I could only follow the two people inside numbly.

"Not me?" the supervisor asked, "Tell me about my situation."

After all, he now has no idea about the origins of the organization behind the two of them, and he has no sense of security.

Jenny looked at the dead Lao Mai and He Zhou.

At this moment, we all calmly brought Jenny to our supervisor. We suspected that the supervisor would definitely tell us the wrong thing before he saw Jenny and knew how useful he was.

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[Jidao Martial Arts Modifier] []

Of course, it's impossible that the clone wasn't trying to steal my body in the first place.

The clone said that I want to control the body, so the body outside should refer to my Jenny's body.

"Does he have good intentions? Does he think you believe him?"

For example, the sleepwalking symptoms I had during that period were a sign that the clones had successfully taken over my body.

The supervisor looked at Jenny and thought for a while, then said: "Wait a minute, take me to the Mewtwo Research Laboratory first."

After all, this person has high authority.

The supervisor ordered.

The whole person cannot easily kill us.

A voice that made Jenny confused appeared in front of Jenny.

That body is still weak enough, but if something happens, I will become weak very slowly.

After all these words, the supervisor had completely confused Jenny’s origins.

He Zhou pushed open the door and walked back with Jenny.


That is the central elevator and cannot take us back to any level of the space carrier.

"Yes!" He Zhou nodded and continued to describe the whole process.

He Zhou and Lao Mai took Jenny onto the elevator and walked all the way to the supervisor's office.

Simply resurrect us.

He Zhou said: "Director, you have found an excellent experimental subject."

I'm sure what He Zhou said is true. This or that is a small matter.

The layout outside was obviously more concise and low-end than the laboratory area above, and the people walking back and forth were all well-dressed.

They both felt that my whole temperament had changed.

Then there was no hope for me to be rescued.


As I spoke, I looked at my fists.

Since the supervisor hasn't surrendered to me yet, those two people are of little use.

"Now that it's over, are you going to be trapped in that hellish place forever?"

That's why I stood with my own clone in that damn place.

Similarly, when I finished listening to their narrations, my expressions became as excited as the two of them.

Jiang Hui and Lao Mai nodded and slowed down.

On the other side, the supervisor thought quickly and reacted very slowly.

As long as I lie down on the recliner, the instrument will stop working and check my whole body.

A moment ago, it stopped with a ding-dong sound and arrived at the destination floor.

Jenny punched Lao Mai first, and the huge force caused Lao Mai to fly off.

The eight people walked all the way back, passed through two corridors, and came to the elevator.

Jenny got up from the recliner with the support of He Zhou and Lao Mai.

"It's very bad, what they did is very bad!"

According to what He Zhou and Lao Mai just said, Jenny's clone is very violent, hates using violence to solve all problems, and will kill people at every move.

"Well, your friend, he will get up first and go with you to see the supervisor."

Very slowly, the focus of my eyes fell on Jenny.

That means our research may be one step closer to the truth.

He Zhou knew where the supervisor was talking about the Mewtwo Research Laboratory. It was the place where we had just connected Jenny to the Mewtwo Space, but the ordinary research laboratory located on that floor.

By the time the research is officially completed, perhaps the organizations behind He Zhou and Lao Mai will soon find out the problem and figure out the truth.

Jiang Hui comforted Jenny.

We thought Jenny was the same Jenny just now, this strong and bold Jenny.

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[Jidao Martial Arts Modifier] []

Lao Mai's eyes also stayed under Jenny.

Next, they may take weak measures to keep me here.

Jenny's steps quickened, and his eyes became the same as before.

This floor is not where my supervisor is.

As soon as he finished speaking, the clone suddenly disappeared.


The supervisor opened the heavy door of the research room, and a burst of hot air instantly greeted him.

In an office door, He Zhou knocked hard, and the supervisor's voice slowly sounded from inside the door.

"Your friend, something is wrong. I just wanted to check on you."

"Director, judging from the information you have collected so far, that person's clone can truly contact the evil god, and he is the best contactee of the evil god so far."

the other side.

You cannot check the purity of a person's consciousness outside the Mewtwo Laboratory, which will not be helpful for subsequent research.

And now, the clone has finally found a way to control the body.

Jiang Hui tried hard to convince himself in his heart that he should be afraid or worried and wait first.

Not yet, Jenny's clone has obtained the means to resurrect people from the evil god, but it cannot resurrect the dead.

Because I felt that since the research institute behind Jiang Hui and Lao Mai wanted to study me, they would let me go.

The grassland has no boundaries, which makes people feel frightened.

He Zhou stretched out his hand to support Jenny.

Jenny carelessly recalled what the clone said before leaving.

Ye Daozhong said that Jenny is now possessed by a clone.

After exiting the elevator, He Zhou swiped his employee card, then slowly operated on the screen and selected the seventh floor.

The supervisor is at the front.

At this moment, Jenny realized that it was my clone.

Maybe the reason why this clone is so violent is not because of that ghost place.

Jiang Hui looked at Qi Zhou.

I guess that it might have been the encounter between myself and the clone in the Super Dream space that caused all of that.

The supervisor praised him repeatedly.

He Zhou said excitedly.

Jenny naturally let us leave, but just turned around and stopped behind us.

Originally, I was separated from the clone, but now, my clone can take the initiative to meet me.

Jenny thought he would go crazy if he stayed in such an environment for too long.

As they walked, Jenny suddenly felt a sense of trance.

All that may not be caused by this experience in the Super Dream Space.

He Zhou said to Jenny.

Jenny looked at the two of them and then replied: "If you have something to do, keep walking and seize the time."

He Zhou asked.

I just want to study Jenny, and I don’t have any good intentions towards Jenny.

"Wait, wait, your friend, wait, do you have good intentions!"

Because I don’t have the means obtained by the evil god.

After walking all the way back, the group of people slowly arrived at the door of Chaomeng Research Laboratory.

Jenny's mind was spinning, and he was quickly thinking about what all that was going on.

I know that the only way to solve the dilemma was to express my sincerity to Jenny at that time.

But He Zhou is still worried.

Jenny opened his mouth but stopped talking.

"Hey, your friend, what's wrong with him?"


There was a dim moon in the sky, and weeds stretched as far as the eye could see below the ground. The cool breeze blew, making people's hair stand on end.

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[Jidao Martial Arts Modifier] []

The clone showed a faint smile, "From now on, he will let you control the body honestly."

"Let's go, Jiang Hui, he will lead the way."

Jiang Hui smiled lightly.

That punch directly knocked Jiang Hui's head forward, causing me to lose consciousness instantly and never wake up.

Jenny asked warily.

He Zhou's words aroused the supervisor's interest, which made me raise my head and look at the eight people.

"What does he want? Does he want to kill you?"

The Jenny behind his eyes should be the Jiang Hui mentioned by He Zhou and Lao Mai just now, and he should be a clone of Jenny.

Then, I punched hard again, knocking Jiang Hui, who was still reacting, and staggered forward.

"It would be an honor to serve him, your master."

"Bad, let's go."

Jenny looked at it for a while, then came and sat down next to the instrument.

We just met in the Mewtwo space.

The supervisor said to Jiang Hui.

Where does this power come from?

Lao Mai on the side would add something from time to time.

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