Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1001: Reorganize the army

Help is a must, but it will not help to the end. Just help these people bring this technology back, and the rest is just watching the fun. Those who are in a hurry will naturally be in a hurry, and those who should come will naturally come.

Sure enough, after the handover, more than a dozen bodyguards were led by Italian businessmen by land instead of planes or boats. Travel across the Eurasian continent by car and train and return to the intended location.

You must know that the missiles in the United States are not vegetarians. Without the protection of rail guns, rashly choosing planes and ships is almost killing them. Only the land route has the best concealment and the most changeable route, and you can also use the country you pass through as a moral barrier. And there is also the possibility of sending additional escorts along the way.

In fact, the biggest threat is the domestic institutions in the East. They were intimidated by Xue Wusuan, but it was unknown how strong the deterrence was. Xue Wusuan didn't remind them, he just waited to kill the chickens and warn the monkeys. However, Jian Chen and the others are well aware of Xue Wusuan's temper. They don't know these joints, and they know more about Xue Wusuan's methods. Therefore, he has secretly warned the upper levels of the seriousness of the matter again and again, and he felt that the upper levels should understand what to do.

When the foreigner who got the technology left the hotel in a hurry, everything was as Xue Wusuan expected. This journey can be described as thrilling. If it wasn't for the presence of those monks from the Demon Sect, none of these guys would be able to return to their own territory alive with things.

The next step is "cooperation" and the distinction between "closeness and distance". At that time, the small countries that paid out were in pain, but they were extremely excited. And then came the thorny reality.

The technology obtained is only the technology of the living warehouse. What needs to be matched is a large series of aerospace technology accumulation. How can they have this ability? So "cooperation" has become inevitable. Even if he is sniped by a powerful country when he returns, it is no big deal to let go of the "misunderstanding" in order to realize the grand blueprint that seems to be at hand. So, the UK has stepped into this alliance, and even polar bears have joined in. Only not the United States.

What is the old saying? It's all my fault that I'm too draggy and have no friends. It's inevitable to be isolated at critical moments, and I can't blame anyone.

At first, the domestic reaction was very strong, thinking that the actions of Xue Wusuan and Longhu Academy were nourishing foreign troubles, but the international atmosphere that has obviously begun to change has shut up all domestic conspiracy theorists.

The foreign secret sentiment, which had been particularly violent in the past, has now undergone a great change. It seems that an "alien immigration program" has given these foreigners back their "confidence". With a smile, he turned his attention to the vast starry sky. It seems to say: Orientals, do you see it? We have begun to prepare for space immigration, so you can play in the mud slowly while guarding the earth whose resources are about to be exhausted!

Very cute attitude, easy to satisfy "confidence", but the brain is not very good.

I don't even think about it. Even if the rail gun can be produced in China, there will be no other derivative technologies? Therefore, the country does not care about the technology itself that Xue Wusuan brought out this time, but is worried that it will go out into the hands of these countries.

Although it is incredible, the effect is very good. The secret resistance of the naive **** people to the East has suddenly dropped to a negligible level, allowing Longshan Company and the domestic economy to find a further entry. Coupled with the strong influence of the Zombies on the political systems of various countries, everything is evolving again violently and unnoticed.

But all this has been known to Xue Wushen. Because he once again left the original world and returned to the underworld.

To be honest, the affairs of the Wudao Underworld are not as complicated as before, of course, this is for Xue Wusuan. Because he had already made detailed plans for the existing underworld institutions last time, and assigned considerable powers. So much so that he no longer needs to deal with it personally from time to time, and he can just follow his own steps, and there is very little time to worry about it.

But if there is any major event or accident, his real body still has to go back to deal with it.

This time I came back to see Wang Tianyun, Ding Chunqiu and Zhong Mei. And the matter is still about the weapons of the Yin Soldier array.

In Legend of the Sword and Fairy, Xue Wusuan opened and directly launched the plane of the attacking program. At present, it has been incorporated into the system of Wudao Reincarnation, and the remaining power of those cultivators has not been directly annihilated by Xue Wusuan, but has been used as a training place for the Yin Soldiers array, a place for tempering. At the same time, it is also the most suitable place to use it as a test site for new weapons.

"Report to Yan Jun, the arrangement of the ruling has now been completed, and the data of the first large-scale use has also been collected and sorted out. I also ask Yan Luo to show it." Zhong Mei bowed to report and handed over several slates.

After the divine sense swept over, the content engraved on the slate was naturally understood, and he was very satisfied with the power displayed by the new weapon.

Looking at Wang Tianyun, Xue Wusuan asked: "Tell me, do you have any plans for the use of this weapon now? How harmonious is the new weapon and the array in actual combat?"

Wang Tianyun went out and replied respectfully: "Yan Luorong, the power of the ruling is very powerful, the effect of using it on the Yin Soldier array is obvious, and it has actually improved the combat effectiveness of the Yin Soldier array by several grades. But I want to In any emergencies, it is necessary to make some targeted adjustments to the existing tactics and battle formations to perfectly cooperate with the array to play an advantage. Therefore, the end general intends to ask Yama to give the shadow soldiers a gentle calm after completing the current attack. Organize your time."

"Hehe, I used to say that I was in a panic when there was no battle, but now I want to adjust my state? Well, let's do it like this. Integrate the new weapons with the fighting habits of the Yin soldiers as soon as possible. At the same time, we must speed up the Yin soldiers. The overall strength of the soldiers has improved. The minimum requirement must be able to face the cultivator of the Golden Immortal realm without falling behind! Understand?"

"This subordinate understands! It's just that in terms of resources, if you want to achieve it, you still need some external help..."

"Don't think about the idea of ​​improving the Yin Bing Camp, there is no way at the moment. However, the resources can be appropriately tilted towards you, and I will inform Bao Zheng~www.wuxiaspot.com~ For now, if these ten 20,000 Yin Soldiers can hold back those middle and low-level monks on the Conferred God Plane, then all calculations will be feasible. As for the powerful ones, there are only a lot of those powerful ones on Xue Wusuan's plane.

As for Na Hongjun, at present, Xue Wusuan still does not have a safe way. Just take the risk and gamble again.

After Wang Tianyun and a few ghosts left, Xue Wusuan came to the third floor of hell, and the Queen of Blood Ghosts had been waiting for a long time.

Unlike the shadow soldier array, the growth of blood ghosts is mostly free development by their instincts and the advanced nature of creatures. Even after Xue Wusuan introduced the method of demon cultivation into the evolutionary process of blood ghosts, he did not spend any more thought. It can be said that the power of the vampire has little to do with the cultivation of Xue Wusuan.

But this time, it was the first time that the Blood Ghost Empress made a request to Xue Wusuan.

"Master, there are more and more children now, but the environment suitable for their cultivation is becoming more and more lacking. I heard Lord Ma Mian mention that **** can still expand, I don't know if there will be more after expansion. **** suffocation?"

(End of this chapter)

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