Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1000: sky-high

The blueprint of the original world has been laid out, but time has to slowly settle. If you want to follow Xue Wusuan's plan, the complete integration of the original world cannot cause any large-scale conflicts. This is because the railguns that have been formed can basically achieved the purpose. But there are no obvious signs of fusion around the world, but the secret confrontation is getting more and more fierce.

This will not work, it will greatly delay the opportunity for world integration.

Xue Wusuan doesn't care about time, but he cares about delaying time. He doesn't like to procrastinate, and prefers to get things done as soon as possible, even if he won't intervene directly, it doesn't mean he won't intervene indirectly. So there is this one today.

Not directly to domestic institutions, because the previous rail guns have already covered the technical levels in long-range space navigation. Another reason is that this thing was not prepared by Xue Wusuan for domestic institutions.

If you want people from other countries who have been xenophobic for a long time to willingly participate in the great integration, this does not show that it will take a long time. And if you want to shorten this time, you must give these countries that are currently in rebellion and are looking for a way out an "opportunity". What Xue Wusuan brought out today is such an "opportunity".

Hit, but can't hit. Stay and see no future. This is the general mentality of people from other countries besides China, from top to bottom.

If you can get out of the earth, go to Mars or some other planet and start over again? Maybe most people will not do this, but for some people who pursue "right" and "control", it is the best way at present. At the very least, we can come up with an idea, so that people with the same idea can calm down again, and everyone has the energy to go to one place.

The stakes are very important, and for all the rich people present, they must do their best. Whoever gets this technology can easily give the forces behind him hope for the future.

As for credibility, no one doubts it. Technical information is not something that can be faked for a long time. As long as you experiment, everything can be clearly seen. And what is Mr. Xue's identity to make such a joke? And so many technologies of Longshan Company, many people have long suspected that it is from this mysterious big man behind.

An hour of time is not enough for ordinary people to raise much money, and it is completely different for everyone sitting here.

The noisy venue has become a bit hysterical, and many people can hear emotional growls even after deliberately suppressing the sound.

Money, money!

At this time, only if you have enough money in your hand can you have enough confidence.

Compared with the United States and the United Kingdom, the richest people in other countries are well aware that it is impossible for them to compete with their own money alone. So, almost immediately, these countries that want things but don't have enough money came up with a word: together.

Buy them together first, and then we all sit down and share. For a country like them, this is not an opportunity to win this auction, but a great opportunity to change the international status of their country.

As a seller, Xue Wusuan was not really idle. The phone not only kept calling into Zhou Huiru's hands, but also into the hands of Jian Chen and others. Even less than 30 minutes after he took out the things, a full 500 heavily armed soldiers had arrived outside the hotel.

Hard and soft. For such an important weapon of the country, it is beyond reproach to have such two-handed preparations. As far as Xue Wushang was concerned, he felt a little unhappy.

As soon as his mind moved, the five hundred fully armed soldiers were stunned for a moment, and then they carried their weapons like puppets, where they came and went back, ignoring the orders and roars in the communication.

"Tell them, I will do whatever I want, and if I dare to send people here, I will take their lives." Xue Wusuan said this to Jian Chen, and asked him to tell the other end of the phone in his hand. institutional boss.

The plan cannot be changed, and no one is qualified to point fingers. Dare to get off track, Xue Wusuan didn't mind picking up a pen to tick off some obstructing names.

An hour will come soon, no one has the courage to ask Xue Wusuan to extend the time.

The host is also full of energy, knowing that the most glorious moment of his career is coming, and this time it will be an unimaginably crazy number.

Sure enough, from the very beginning, the base price of 10 billion did not form any obstacle, and after two consecutive quotations, it has exceeded 30 billion. It seems that these rich people who have obviously received strong support behind them are not prepared to be pretentious, and directly show the bayonet to quickly decide the winner.

When the price broke through 80 billion in the host's trembling voice, the atmosphere of the entire venue was already very hot. The bidders also changed from all to three. US, UK, Italy.

When did the mere Italy have the ability and the two big countries to have more money than the two big countries? As long as you're not a fool, you can see where Italy's inspiration comes from.

The Middle East, Africa, and Asia, all the small and medium-sized countries that participated in this charity sale have become a whole, and it is obvious that they are going to win this lot.

"Protest! It's not fair! I ask Mr. Xue Wusuan to disqualify them from bidding!"

Xue Wusuan smiled and did not answer. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, he would have killed the shouting American with a slap in the face.

Seeing that Xue Wusuan ignored it directly, the price had reached a terrifying height of 530 billion, which was already the limit of running water, and any more would lead to the internal problems of various countries.

Britain was the first to give up and began to call to discuss how to recover and how to join the project plan of the final winner. And only the United States is still holding a sign in anger, and people keep telling him how much money is ready. Therefore, the bidding on both sides is getting slower and slower, dragging time.

860 billion!

Ninety-three billion!

One hundred and one billion!


"Bastard!" Philip, the richest man in the United States, got up and left~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to express his dissatisfaction. On the other hand, the tragically victorious temporary alliance is toasting to each other, and finally, the damned American guy is on the ground.

And the sluggish auctioneer and host looked at the fixed figure of 1.6 trillion for a long time and couldn't come back to his senses.

"Mr. Xue, I'm afraid these people will have to find a way to get the things back. I'm not finished yet." Jian Chen whispered. Obviously not optimistic about these celebratory foreigners. If you have a life to take it, you may not have a life to take it. And these foreigners won't understand, how could Xue Wusuan be a kind person who would kindly take advantage of others?

Xue Wusuan smiled, but things were interesting, and it was a bit unexpected for him not to fall into the hands of Qiangguo. It's more appropriate to get this way, and it can be more convenient than he thought before. However, as Jian Chen said, these people may not have the ability to bring things back.

"There are so many monks in the Demon Sect who are idle. Find opportunities to let them go out for a walk, and it is good to combine work and rest."

"You mean to help these foreigners?"

(End of this chapter)

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