Extreme Yama System

Chapter 999: incense bait

As soon as Xue Wusuan finished speaking, he burst into laughter, all of them were well-intentioned and ingratiating, and no one had the guts to be uncomfortable with the head of Longshan Company. Besides, this 100 million is not a big number, everyone present can take it out casually, laughing because of what Xue Wushen said.

Buy it for your wife? Isn't this what your wife sold for charity? The two don't communicate at all? Perhaps Mr. Xue also wanted to keep this set as a surprise for Ms. Zhou.

It was indeed a surprise, Zhou Huiru was really reluctant to bear this set, and now she was bought back by her own man for a hundred times the price. Is this scene as expected? After all, the first charity sale was 100 million. Just a little blush, and psychologically sweet.

Sure enough, no one bids anymore. Xue Wusuan got up with a smile, and without waiting for the waiter to bring the ornaments he photographed, he went straight up, stood in front of Zhou Huiru, picked up the ornaments on the display stand without a word, stuffed them into his hands, and lowered his head in front of Zhou Huiru. He whispered softly in his ear: "Take it, go back and take it when I clean you up."

Zhou Huiru's face was slightly red, and she hummed, and then smiled and pulled Xue Wusuan off the stage. The host of the venue didn't need her, she just came up to start.

The scene that followed was indeed very lively. The bottom line was 100 million, and the many rich people in the seat were also unambiguous. They smashed tens of millions and hundreds of millions, and all of them were still smiling without any reluctance.

This is Zhou Huiru's face, and it is because of Xue Wusuan's unexpected arrival. What is money? Now the more you smash it, as long as it can leave an image in Mr. Xue's eyes, it will be worth a thousand dollars. Among them, the white Mike is the most active. He has already made three things and spent 500 million to go out. It can be seen that the rich people around him are very dissatisfied with him. Isn't this a chance to grab everyone's shot?

Soon, as the lot sold, the auction reached its first peak.

"The following item is a practice method from the Dragon Tiger Academy, called "Huang Ting Tempering the Body", you can also understand it as a secret method. Its function is to enhance the existing physical fitness by one to three within half a year. Bei. Of course, if you happen to have the talent for cultivation, then it is entirely possible to become a real monk. Now the price is 10 million!"

Originally, I thought that even Zhou Huiru's downturned auction would not bring out anything outstanding. When I saw Jian Chen and other monks from Longhu Academy, I didn't think much about it, but now it's really unexpected. He was willing to take out the cultivator's secret method for charity sale!

No one will think it's fake, this Dragon Tiger Academy can't afford to lose this person. Then the only possibility is that the people from Longhu Academy are really trying their best to sell Zhou Huiru and Xue Wusuan's face.

Xue Wusuan cheerfully turned his head and glanced at Jian Chen next to him. The old boy had said before that he had a lot of contact with the high-level officials of the Dark Mage Association. I'm afraid it's not as simple as what he said to "give Zhou Huiru a place to be".

The crazy scene exploded after a short burst of rapid breathing. The price has skyrocketed all the way, but the bidding has skyrocketed to one billion in three or five times, and there is no feeling of reaching the top. And many people are rushing to make phone calls, and they are eager to explain the situation to the forces behind them.

The old man Jian Chen was very happy. The higher the price, the more the rich people from all over the world cared about the monks' methods.

"five billion!"

A loud explosion sounded, and everyone in the field was stunned for a moment and then turned their heads to look, only to know which one was so arrogant.

Philip, Mi Guofu, and Longshan have a lot of business dealings, and behind them are the state agencies of the United States.

Speaking of the national constitution of the United States, it is also very interesting. Businessmen have high social status and even political status there. It is not uncommon for businessmen to become presidents. Therefore, money-oriented businessmen will not give up making money because of some political exclusion. Now, if you want to make a lot of money, it is inseparable from Longshan Company and the national economies of the East.

"Mr. Philip offers five billion! Is there a better price? Well, five billion once! Five billion twice, there it is! Mr. Federer five and one billion!"

Federer, British businessman. Like that Philip, he is not a simple businessman, but behind the entire European Union. I didn't expect to have this opportunity when I came to participate in the charity sale this time. How could it be missed?

Not even Philip and Federer alone, everyone in the field knows that compared to those dark magicians with dead faces, the cultivator system in the East is obviously better and gentler, at least it won't become weird.

Dark magicians are nothing new. Anyone with a little knowledge has seen those magicians. But like these rich people, no one has joined, even if the threshold is low. The reason for this is that the dark magicians are gloomy, no matter what they say or do, they always make people uncomfortable to watch.

Now that a monk's method is sold, who doesn't want it?

In the end, Philip took away this method with a price of 7.5 billion. No one would feel that this transaction was a loss, and they only hated that they could not come up with so much cash in a short period of time, so they gave up sadly. After all, this is just a charity sale, not an official auction~www.wuxiaspot.com~ does not wait for you to raise funds, nor does it accept pledges.

Those who got it were naturally overjoyed, and those who didn't get it would sigh inwardly. At the same time, they were also thinking about whether they could borrow the method and transcribe it.

The next auction items were not satisfactory, and the rich people lost their interest in bidding, and maintained Zhou Huiru's face embarrassingly.

"Thank you very much for your generosity. All the donations this time will be used for the education of world charities in poverty-stricken areas..."

The host was interrupted before he finished speaking, it was Xue Wushen.

"I also have an auction item, so I have to wait a little longer to end it." As he said, Xue Wusuan got up and walked towards the stage. With a flip of the hand, a USB flash drive was placed on the exhibition stand. No one knew what was in there.

"This is a space manned spacecraft survival bin technology, which can be loaded on existing spacecraft to achieve long-distance manned missions. The maximum distance is 50 light-years. The old man is innocent, and the starting price is 10 billion. . Can give you an hour of fundraising time."

After speaking, Xue Wusuan ignored the noise below and returned to his seat with a smile. Compared with the fragrant bait thrown out by the Dragon Tiger Academy, what he brought out was the most urgent thing for all countries to get.

Jian Chen and other cultivators from Longhu Academy wanted to ask why it was auctioned, and why not sell it directly to China? Wouldn't it be cheaper for outsiders to be photographed in the hands of foreigners?

Cheap foreigners? Xue Wu was not so kind. It is said that it is fragrant bait, how can there be no backhand? However, these words were not yet known to Jian Chen and others.

Only Zhou Huiru, leaning on Xue Wusuan's shoulder, had no curiosity at all. It's not her turn to talk too much about her own man's actions.

(End of this chapter)


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