Extreme Yama System

Chapter 998: smart foreigner

There are not a lot of white people in this auction, and there are all kinds of people. After all, this is a charity party prepared by Ms. Zhou Huiru, the first vice president of Longshan Company. Whoever receives an invitation letter must give this face. In terms of face, Zhou Huiru is bigger than the company's president Guo Tianjian.

Who makes the man behind the family the actual owner of this company?

The white man who came over was named Mike, and he was the first one among the foreigners who had been following Xue Wusuan. It is already very rare to be able to withstand the repulsive force from a group of monks. On the one hand, he is bold enough, on the other hand, he seems to be certain that his behavior will not attract resentment.

Because this white man named Mike is not a simple businessman or a rich man, his fame is in other fields, just like the old man Jian Chen next to Xue Wusuan, this Mike is relying on dark magic Teachers Association. He was the head of Eastern affairs.

Xue Wusuan didn't rush people, he was very curious about what this Mike came to find him. The **** Dark Magician Association was a transitional product made by Xue Wusuan for the Zombies. The purpose was to slowly infiltrate the system of monks into the daily lives of Westerners and Americans in a moderate way. When the conditions are ripe, it is time for this transition product to exit. At that time, there will only be monks in the world, and there will be no more magicians.

"Dear Mr. Xue, please allow me to extend my most sincere greetings to you on behalf of my master, Patriarch Dakan, and please forgive me. I can't give you the full ceremony right now."

Very standard Chinese, and the etiquette of hand in hand is also quite in place. The voice was suppressed between the words, but it was only for Xue Wusuan to understand.

Xue Wusuan nodded and didn't answer. On the other hand, Jian Chen smiled and said, "Mr. Mike, stay safe? Please take a seat."

Compared with Xue Wusuan, Jian Chen and Ma Weicheng are still very familiar with this white man. After all, it is a family at the root, and there are frequent exchanges, and Mike's cultivation is not only about the zombies, but also some things from Jianchen.

"Mr. Xue, Mike has always had an idea and has communicated with us many times. This time I came here to hear your opinion." Jian Chen guessed the reason why Mike came over at a glance, and explained Xue Wusuan with a smile. . At the same time, he also secretly admired that Mike was born in politics, and the timing was too good.

"Oh? Thoughts? Let's talk about it." Xue Wusuan lit a cigarette habitually, and took a glass of red wine from the messenger beside him. After smelling it, he swayed the mana in his hand and directly steamed the glass. The liquid, and then turned over to take a jug of wine and poured it.

This series of random movements made Mike have to be a little nervous. He is not an "outsider". Dakan has told him a lot of things. He also knows that this one is not only the richest man in the world, but also has a high-level existence in the entire Dark Magician Association in addition to the Dragon Tiger Academy. Maybe Mike also Thinking that the entire zombie clan seems to be crawling at this person's feet.

What is the Society of Dark Magicians? In front of the zombies, they are like babies, not to mention in the eyes of this Mr. Xue?

Since Mike entered Dakan's sight and was entrusted with important tasks to know more secrets, he knew in his heart that the Dark Mage Association would be cleaned up one day. Because it is just a tool, a tool for Mr. Xue to integrate the world. Look at the Dragon Tiger Academy, it's harsh to accept apprentices, and it's not too much to save one million, and then look at the Dark Magician Association? It's total trash that can't be seen on the table. Who uses the truth of leaving garbage after use?

Mike doesn't want to be trash. He already knows a lot of things now. He hopes that he is not just a temporary item found by the zombies. He wants to enjoy this status and life for a long time. And who's to say all of this? He felt that there was only Mr. Xue in front of him.

Zombies are a closed-minded group, powerful, but they don't have much innovative spirit or ambition. What scares Mike the most is that in the eyes of the zombies, humans are in the same position as a plate of roast chicken. Now that the zombies don't care about his Mike, and are actually crawling under Mr. Xue's feet, then why should he hesitate?

"Respected Mr. Xue, it's not just me, there are actually many children with spiritual talents in the West and the United States. I hope I can do something for you and your Dragon Tiger Academy to the best of my ability."

"Hehe, you have a lot of ideas. I know, you, and I remember it too. Go back and help Dakan well. What should be yours is yours, don't worry. Go ahead."

A longevity waste after being transformed by the zombies, with zero state of mind and no cultivation behavior, Xue Wusuan can immediately know what Xue Wusuan is wandering in his mind without guessing. But I also found it funny, and I was not interested in continuing to listen. I waved my hand to understand, and encouraged one sentence.

Mike is also interested, the purpose is to let Xue Wusuan know him, and now he has completely achieved it. With Xue Wusuan's words, he felt a big stone in his heart. Bow down and leave.

"Mr. Xue, there are also many smart people in the foreigners. They know that their life will not be better in the future. Now they have started to prepare for the future~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Not only this Mike, but also some dark magician associations. The high-level officials also came to the academy to hint."

"It's not something they should think about, and it's not something you should think about. Okay, put my wine down, you've already had three glasses of it, it's not good for you to drink too much of this wine. Give it to others."

Jian Chen, an old man who doesn't cultivate, shyly handed the jug to Ma Weicheng, who smiled and hurriedly distributed it to the rest of the Dragon Tiger Academy cultivators.

This is Mr. Xue's wine. It is not only mellow, but also an excellent tonic for monks. It's a rare opportunity to be fortunate enough to have a taste.

And when a few people were sharing the wine, all the people in the venue arrived. Zhou Huiru, as a leader, naturally went up to give a speech, and she should first put her own set of decorations there for a charity sale. The ornaments are a set of old objects, items from the ancient palaces in the past, and they are invaluable, and they were also bought by Zhou Huiru at a large price. Now that I am willing to take it for a charity sale, I guess I want to give this auction house a good start.

However, when Zhou Huiru put down this set of accessories, the unintentional reluctance in her eyes was still caught by Xue Wusuan.

This woman is really stupid.

"Ten million. I'm going to buy this ornament for my wife."

The person who spent the money was a businessman from the Middle East. After he finished speaking, he politely smiled and bowed to Xue Wushen's seat. The meaning is obvious: Look, Mr. Xue, I'm still very proud of the things your wife brought out? The market price is less than 5 million, and I am directly 10 million.

It is indeed for face. Xue Wusuan also raised a glass to the businessman in the Middle East with a smile, which meant he was convinced. Turning his head and raising his hand: "One hundred million, I also want to buy it and give it to my wife."

(End of this chapter)


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