Extreme Yama System

Chapter 997: auctions

Xue Wusuan was a little uneasy. He originally planned to go home and toss Zhou Huiru after shopping, but this woman is so bright now, and her physical fitness has also allowed Xue Wusuan to let go of the toss.

This is the condensed desire, from the previous "all beautiful women" is now condensed into "Zhou Huiru". It is also the result of Xue Wusuan's current practice of "obsession as driving force".

In fact, it is not only the desires that have changed, but many things at the level of thinking are also changing with each passing day. Before leaving the Golden Immortal Realm and entering Luotian Daxian, Xue Wusuan could feel that it was already in front of him, and he could step in with only one big step.

Now that the original plan has been disturbed, the matter of going home and rolling the sheets can only be held down temporarily in the car.

"Okay, husband, don't be angry. It's a big deal, go back to the head office at night, right? I must go to this auction today. I've been preparing for a long time, and I can't do it if I don't show up. And there are many acquaintances. , you won't be bored." Zhou Huiru said coquettishly while arranging her clothes.

She led the charity auction in the evening. She was so excited to go shopping before that she forgot the time. It wasn't until the evening, less than an hour before the auction house started, that she was called by the assistant to remind her. Now I can only rely on Xue Wusuan's help to rush over.

"Hmph. You have a lot of things to do." Xue Wusuan pouted. He also laughed a little in his heart, secretly thinking that his **** desire should be properly controlled, and he actually caused his mood to fluctuate a little just now. This woman is really destined to be his eternal obsession.

The venue of the auction is not in a small county, but in a coastal city. If we rush over now, the normal way is too late, and we have to rely on Xue Wushen.

After putting away the car, Xue Wusuan thought, and led Zhou Huiru to disappear into an alley in the small county town.

"This, this? Are we here?!"

I thought it would come over like before, Zhou Huiru had experienced it, so she didn't have any problem with Xue Wusuan taking her in the car because she was dissatisfied. After all, Tengyun came over in time. But he didn't want to, he actually appeared on the streets of this coastal city thousands of kilometers away from the county seat in the blink of an eye.

Two people suddenly appeared, but no passers-by looked at this kind of bizarre thing. It's not that they are used to it, but that their brains ignore and completely forget the scene they just saw in an instant. So, ah, there is really no reason to talk between God and man.

Take out the black unicorn car that Zhou Huiru gave her, and take Zhou Huiru to the hotel that was auctioned.

As soon as they arrived at the door, countless flashes focused on the black car parked in front of the red carpet.

Anyone who knows something about cars will know the brand "Kirin", and they will always remember the appearance of the first Kirin car, which is the perfect application of real artificial intelligence in transportation, with Indelible trans-epoch significance.

However, most people have seen this first Kirin car in magazines or on the Internet, and it is the first time they have seen the real thing today. Different from any of the Kirin, this first car is a self-contained one, with a domineering and unassuming shape, and the golden dragon dark pattern on it is even more unique.

There is only one in the world, and it is in the hands of the husband of Ms. Zhou Huiru, the first vice president of Longshan Company. And her husband is also the actual owner of the most mysterious Longshan Company!

Big news! Damn big news!

Although Zhou Huiru has always been a frequent headliner of major newspapers and magazines, and even the entertainment section can often see her beautiful appearance on the cover, and even greatly affects the fashion of women in the world for dressing. But these are not important now. Because even Zhou Huiru had never once attended any public occasion in the past in this golden dragon-patterned unicorn car. The only explanation now is that the business giant of Longshan Company, who has been in charge of the shady world, is here!

The reporter was excited. Those celebrities and rich people who had just walked the red carpet and were being interviewed had the same eyes. They didn't leave, and walked towards the car with quick steps. The people in the lead are really acquaintances of Xue Wusuan.

The door opened, and a cold man got out of the cab, walked to the passenger seat, opened the door, and pulled out a bright woman. And this woman does not need to ask, is the famous Ms. Zhou Huiru. In this way, everyone realized that the cold man driving the car was none other than the mysterious Mr. Xue!

"Mr. Fu Xue Wusuan in the mysterious world personally drives for his wife." This news instantly popped into the minds of many reporters.

And those who are more familiar are thinking of the wedding photo "Angel and Death" that was once popular on the Internet. Now it seems that the real person of Mr. Xue looks far colder than the photos and makes people afraid to approach.

"Mr. Xue."

"Huh? Why are you here?"

Xue Wusuan was a little surprised. He actually saw Jian Chen, Ma Weicheng, and even five or six monks and teachers from the Dragon Tiger Academy in this place where the rich were gathered.

"Haha, we're here to give Huiru a place. We didn't know you were here too." Jian Chen laughed. It can be seen that he is in a good mood, and the cultivators behind him are also full of energy and seem to have happy events.

Xue Wusuan noticed this, and then suddenly realized that these monks who came here have already made great progress in their cultivation. The most prominent ones are Jian Chen and Ma Weicheng. Realm, from then on, there will be no more constraints on the number of lifespans. However, the two did not take the opportunity to change their appearance back to their youthful appearance, which made Xue Wusuan a little strange. Could it be that these two are used to it?

"go in."

Xue Wusuan didn't like being flashed by a group of flashlights. With a wave of his hand, all the reporters in the field were stunned for a moment, as if they were all distracted. Not only did they forget to ask questions and make noise~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The camera in his hand stopped, The scene instantly turned into an extreme state, which again frightened the rich people around the world who were thinking of coming up to say hello and familiar faces.

It turns out that Mr. Xue is also a monk? ! It is unimaginable for ordinary people to be able to silently make hundreds of reporters like puppet toys.

I don't like to communicate with mortals. It's not because I hate it, but because I don't have the influence of obsession, I don't care about Xue Wusuan. So what's the topic? You will be bored to play with some animals like cats and dogs, and you will even love them, but you will never treat them as equal beings that exist independently like yourself! This is ideological instinct. It is also a basic principle recognized by the general public.

In the same way, in Xue Wusuan's eyes, the rich man or the famous person is just a name or symbol on the book of life and death in his hand.

"Is your academy rich now? This is a charity auction, so don't be embarrassed." Xue Wusuan reminded Jian Chen. This old stingy, don't take a broken jar casually, even if it's a perfunctory thing, this face, the Xiujie who has finally seen the light again, can't afford to lose it.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xue. I think a "Huang Ting Tempering Body Art" is enough to help Huiru Town, and it won't lose the face of the academy."

"Oh? I remember that this "Huang Ting Tempering Body Art" was the secret method of the Taoist Shushan in the past. It's worth it if you don't hide it but sell it."

"Mr. Xue is joking. Now no one in the academy looks down on this thing. Instead of leaving it on the bookshelf, it's better to exchange some money for charity."

The two were chatting, but someone else came over. A white man was born.


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