Extreme Yama System

Chapter 996: 1 voice

"Eating is worthless!"

Today is the weekend, and Zhou Huiru had agreed with Xue Wusuan yesterday to go shopping at the mall. She said that she hadn't been to the street for a long time, and this time I heard that there was a new product, so I had to go check it out.

The peak of the God-Conferred Plane is full of fire, and the sound of killing is shocking, but for the time being, there is really no Xue Wu.

The Iron Guard's spies currently seem to be worthy of being called an elite by Rong Ziju, and their ability and efficiency are extremely high. At present, the Iron Guard Intelligence Analysis Department in the Wudao Underworld already has a set of relatively clear blueprints, and has a relatively complete grasp of the various forces. It has even begun to implement the plan of "strong business and weak west".

Strengthen the overall strength of the Chaoge military **** system, weaken the military **** power of Xiqi, and form a larger power gap at the basic level. Only then will take the opportunity to infiltrate the middle and low-level monks in Chaoge who have benefited.

Of course, Xue Wusuan also knew about these plans. He said to Rong Ziju that there is only one requirement: be extremely careful.

Renjiao and Chanjiao came prepared, they had no intention to calculate, and they didn't care about face at all, so Tongtian and his interception had a slim chance of winning against them, and they would become Renchan as Xue Wusuan knew before. The situation in which the two religions were defeated. Moreover, after this war, the interception will be forced to hide, completely losing the ability to compete against the Taoist lineage, and even the strength will be gone forever.

That's not a good sign, at least for a ruthless underworld.

Tongtian, Xue Wusuan looked forward to the day when he officially met with him. But right now, obviously eating and going shopping with my wife is the most important thing.

two years. Xue Wusuan had given himself a long vacation since the last time he ruled the plane of the Westward Journey, and it has been two years since the original world.

Looking at Zhou Huiru's current outfit, you can easily perceive the great changes in the world in the past two years.

In the past, Zhou Huiru's favorite dress was all kinds of skirts, and Xue Wusuan's favorite tights and stockings. Now Zhou Huiru is wearing a short skirt that looks like a rubber and matching stockings that seem to be of the same material. The whole body is prominent, but it has a visual impact that has never been seen before. It seems that this kind of clothes should not appear in daily life. among.

However, the fact is that traditional woven materials such as cotton and wool have begun to shrink significantly. Under the impact of various new materials, people have gradually accepted new technology products with better functions.

Xtc-like rubber materials have occupied half of the garment industry in just two years.

It can be powered by a functional battery as small as a pea, so that it can withstand the low temperature of minus 30 degrees Celsius and the high temperature of 45 degrees Celsius, and keep the body temperature constant at 25 to 28 degrees. between. And the color of the clothes can also be converted by itself according to the preset microchip.

The whole suit has actually become an extension of life technology. It is also an obvious reflection of the technology exhibition in the original world and the skyrocketing human cognition.

Putting down the newspaper, got up and went to the dining table. Three simple but extremely delicate and fragrant breakfasts were brought out of the kitchen by Zhou Huiru with a smile. Xue Wusuan picked up a piece and took a bite early, it tasted very good.

This is not the awakening of Zhou Huiru's culinary skills, but the awakening of technology.

A kitchen appliance called "Stunt Chef" allows laymen without even a kitchen knife to cook hearty and delicious meals.

"Let's go after dinner, okay?" Zhou Huiru poured herself a glass of golden medicinal wine before eating. Five cups a day, in Xue Wusuan's words, she will soon reach the limit of physical transformation. It also means that the Long Yuan, which is always missed by this woman, is about to be used.

"Why are you in such a hurry? It's only eight o'clock, is the door open?"

"How can I open the door? But I want to go to a few more places today. Those shops that I like have already agreed that they will open the doors for me in advance. After dinner, I will go at just the right time."

"Oh. I just think you're in good spirits."

"Hmph, you told me! If you didn't have to toss until it was almost dawn yesterday, would I only have slept for three or two hours? Hmph, it makes me feel a little bit sore now."

Xue Wusuan smiled, and his eyes naturally fell on Zhou Huiru's figure.

Zhou Huiru was so frightened that she quickly shrank her neck and whispered, "I was wrong, I was wrong. Let's talk about it tonight, okay?" Zhou Huiru knew that although her physique had soared and she could stand the attack of her own man, she still did not dare to be arrogant. As soon as the man was in bad mood, most of the day had passed, so what kind of shopping would he still be doing?

The charming end of breakfast, the couple went out, and no one followed. A simple mana, who can come up to see the strangeness? Just like A, B, C, and D, it was directly ignored by all passers-by.

"It's good to go out with you. Usually when I'm alone, a group of people follows me wherever I go. It's annoying." Zhou Huiru complained happily.

Xue Wusuan patted Zhou Huiru's butt~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and laughed: "You, the beautiful president, naturally many people want to get close." This is not a joke. Now Zhou Huiru's status is not weaker than that of Yuan in some small countries. The mighty Longshan Company has become a super giant on the whole earth. The only thing that can be compared with it is the domestic national economic complex.

It is not accidental that this kind of economic giant that is unprecedented in human history can be formed in an explosive manner within two years, but it was achieved on the premise that the country is strong enough to completely crush all resistance forces, and it is also based on the domestic cultivator civilization. It is the result of acquiescence to the new understanding of the two characters Longshan and the three characters of Xue Wusuan.

In the field of communications, smart devices and networks, automobiles and new energy, unmanned weapons and equipment, and long-distance exploration of outer space, Longshan has an invincible influence in industries that have real influence. It also pulls the world economy, which cannot be reversed, to follow the Longshan Company and the domestic economic complex to continue to fly in the long-planned direction.

Looking up at the sky, in the orbit of the earth that ordinary people can't see, dozens of huge spheres have completely settled down, covering the entire surface and the entire sea area at all times, the response time is milliseconds, and the maximum number of targets to be dealt with is tens of thousands. The so-called "powerful country" trembled and closed the mouth of reproach. These railguns are the sharp swords on their heads, unstoppable.

To use a phrase that is more popular in foreign countries now: just press a button, and all clothes will be taken off in an instant except for the mysterious country in the east.

The current earth society still has a long way to go from the "one voice in the world" conceived by Xue Wusuan, but it is already on the right track. Fusion only takes time.


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