Extreme Yama System

Chapter 995: The disappearing Shen Gongbao

When the war broke out, the killing intent rushed out from the Sishui Pass, all the way to the west. As long as there is an affair with Xiqi and rebellion, no matter who it is.

Bloody human heads were hung on both sides of the official road, and in every larger town, a dozen people would always be killed as chickens to warn the monkeys.

All commodities and materials are prohibited from flowing to Xiqi and Southeast Bohou countries. No one is allowed to enter the territory of these three host countries with any non-military behavior. No one is allowed to have any form of contact with these three host countries through any non-military behavior. All violators will be punished for treason.

The strict order of killing made the people of the entire Shang Dynasty close to the three Bohou kingdoms in the south, east, and west tense their nerves. If you report in advance, you will be punished!

What kind of nonsense is there in the words of General Baizhan and Wenzhong of Tie Mian Killing God. This is not the mundane wars of the past, but a great game destined to be written into the history of monks in the world as a monk. Whoever has the slightest kindness and hesitation, may pit himself and ruin the future of countless colleagues behind him.

The Chaoge army went out of the Sishui Pass, and the news arrived on the desks of the brains of the three Bohou Kingdoms in the east, south, and west as quickly as it had grown wings.

"Wen Zhong divided his troops and came in three directions, intending to attack the borders of our three Bohou kingdoms in unison.

Each of the three armies is fifty thousand. Wen Zhong personally led it to the west, Chonghou Hu to the east, and Zhang Guifang, the new general of Zhenguo, to the south.

And it is worth noting that when they came out of Sishui Pass, no spies have found that Shen Gongbao who is the supervisor. "

The military situation was urgent, and the temporary wartime headquarters of the three Counties were established immediately. At this time, the military information in the front has returned, and then new information will come back every day.

"Shen Gongbao." Jiang Ziya was dressed in white. After Ji Chang's death, the whole Xiqi was so pale. As the prime minister, Jiang Ziya was also dressed in white and hated.

When it comes to strategy and the gullies in his heart, Jiang Ziya is confident. His cultivation talent is not good, and his time is much more abundant than other monks. It is also with this confidence and means that he has won the top spot in this wartime tripartite military organization.

Jiang Ziya has always understood what the true intention of the war he is now manipulating is. Even the allocation of places on the Conferred God Ranking, his master Yuan Shi told him early. Therefore, when Jiang Ziya was waiting for the army of Chaoge to come over, he studied it repeatedly for a long time, and sorted out all the details and places where there were changes no less than ten times. The biggest lump in his heart happened to be his former junior brother, Shen Gongbao.

In Jiang Ziya's impression, his former junior apprentice and younger brother had a cunning personality. He always looked down on others and looked down on him, Jiang Ziya, a lowly talented person. Instead, he liked to curry favor with people with a high level of cultivation, and he was very fond of those who taught the middle class. Also make a lot of friends. The reputation on Kunlun Mountain is not very good, and I always feel that Shen Gongbao is out of tune with Chan teaching. It is also unclear why the master accepted him in the first place.

Now Shen Gongbao openly betrayed the Kunlun Mountains, such a traitor should have been captured back to the Kunlun Mountains to be punished, and then recovered his cultivation base and then driven out of the mountain gate, but now Kunlun Mountains ignores this traitor. There must be something strange here!

Now that the army of Chaoge is rushing, Xiqi or the Southeastern Bohou country is facing an unprecedented huge test. To be honest, Jiang Ziya has always understood that the winner of this war is not actually the 200,000 soldiers under Xiqi's command, but the support of people's education and interpretation.

After searching the three counties in the south, east and west, the regular army was less than 150,000. With the first batch of militiamen who completed brief training, the number was barely 250,000, but these soldiers Not to mention the comparison with the "Jiejun" of the leading troops of the Shang Dynasty, even the general soldiers of the Shang Dynasty are much stronger than them. Because, there are no militiamen holding back the pawns of the Chaoge army, who are overwhelmed by the army. They are all professional soldiers.

It is impossible to beat these soldiers alone. Since they can't beat it, there is nothing to arrange. Everything depends on the follow-up support from the two religions. As long as they can block the attack of the Chaoge army this time, there will be a big turning point in the back.

Jiang Ziya has studied Wen Zhong carefully, and he knows it. But he didn't know much about Shen Gongbao. Because of this, people's brains are too jumpy. Just like now, the army is about to make contact with three parties, but this Shen Gongbao is not in the army! Dignified superintendent, does this count as leaving without permission? And Wen Zhong, who has always been strict in governing the army, didn't say anything. Could it be that Shen Gongbao's disappearance was intentional, deliberately hiding in the dark, what kind of insidious tricks were he going to use?

"Let the spies try and see if they can find out the news about Shen Gongbao." Jiang Ziya waved to call the herald and asked him to quickly pass on the order.

"Shen Gongbao? Is the Prime Minister worried about the reason for his sudden disappearance from the army?"

Jiang Ziya nodded~www.wuxiaspot.com~ looked at Ji in the tent, and said solemnly: "Then Shen Gongbao entered the Kunlun Mountain with my front and back feet, and at the same time worshipped under the master's school to learn art. His talent is higher than mine. There are many, and now the cultivation base is also. But his character is not good, and his mind is changeable and mixed, and he has always complained deeply about the ascetic cultivation in the mountains. This time he took refuge in Chaoge, but disappeared mysteriously. I am worried that Shen Gongbao is preparing some secret hand. ."

Ji was dressed in fancy clothes at this time, wearing a jade crown, with a calm and majestic face, and she was already sitting firmly in the leader's position. As for Jiang Ziya, Ji still trusts Jiang Ziya very much. After all, this is the minister whose father, Ji Chang, helped him to save Xiqi before his death. Then some methods and strategies of Jiang Ziya really proved that this person is not simple.

Therefore, now that the war is imminent, Ji did not stay in the back to wait for any news, but followed Jiang Ziya to the front line, and said: Now the crisis is like a tired egg, what is the difference between the rear and the front? I am in the front, the people are in the back, and I will never let the soldiers of the faint king step into Xiqi before I die!

Of course, in addition to inspiring the military, Ji also has selfish intentions. In such a major event, no matter whether it is successful or not, he cannot be missing, otherwise, how can he deeply put his name in this crucial war? Moreover, he also wanted to learn Jiang Ziya's military strategy. After all, there were not many such opportunities.

"Secret hand? What does the prime minister mean?"

"Intercept the monk!"


Jiang Ziya is not easy to explain to Ji, it must be the arrangement of the powerful above, and it is not a good thing for mortals to know more. Can only explain reluctantly: "There are many monks, and there are many people with advanced cultivation. But most of them are happy and do their own thing. But if Shen Gongbao comes forward to gather these lazy monks, the situation will be good. It's really spoiled."


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