Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1014: It's a logger now

Xiqi was reorganizing his army, and at the same time used the opportunity of Wen Zhong's retreat to completely integrate the remaining military forces in the Southeast Peyhou Kingdom. And also use this blank period to carefully plan the strategic plan for the next period.

In Jiang Ziya's eyes, Wen Zhong's retreat means that the entire battle situation has undergone earth-shaking changes, which is of great strategic significance.

Before the war started, neither Xiqi himself nor the princes in the world believed that Xiqi would be able to resist the army under the furious Wen Zhong's army. They all believed that all the temporary resistance forces in the entire Xiqi and Southeast Bohou Kingdom would collapse into rubble with a single blow.

But what about now? Although Xiqi's side can't talk about victory, it definitely can't "lose". This is important, and the influence of the miraculous power. Because from this moment on, the comparison of the strength of the war against Chaoge's forces in the south, east, and west has become very different.

Xiqi is not a local chicken, and he will not necessarily lose; Chaoge is not sweeping Liuhe, and he is invincible.

But in a weak position, Xiqi still maintains a clear gap with Chaoge. However, this gap now has a very valuable window period. How to use it to strengthen himself and change his weakness is what Jiang Ziya needs to do quickly, and it is also a matter for the princes in the world to "watch" with their eyes wide open.

The number of princes in the world exceeds a thousand. They are not as powerful as Bo Hou, but they also have their own strengths. And once these forces are gathered together, it is a powerful force that can really sweep the world. It is also the power that Jiang Ziya has coveted for a long time.

At present, except for the princes who are deeply involved with the three counties of the south, east and west, in fact, most of the princes are on the side of Chaoge, and a few are neutral. It's not something that can be explained by a notion of loyalty, it's a matter of fist size.

If I don't help the guy with the bigger fist fight, should I help the guy with the smaller fist? Isn't this sick?

Therefore, if Jiang Ziya wants to grab the loose power in the world and hold it in his hand, he needs to make his fist look bigger as soon as possible, and even directly needs to surpass or compare to Chaoge's fist.

At that time, maybe it will really turn the world upside down.

Thinking of this, a rare smile appeared on Jiang Ziya's face. It was the first time he had laughed heartily since the war began. Because he finally found a trace of precious sunshine in the place where the dark clouds covered the sky.

Standing in front of the map, Jiang Ziya began to turn his head, and at the same time, the entire three countries of the east, west and south also began their first formal integration.

The boundaries of the soldiers of the three major uncles have been lifted, unified management, unified scheduling, and the three parties are inseparable from each other. Then for a formal and seditious spiritual beacon, at the suggestion of Jiang Ziya, Ji Fa, the son of Ji Chang, the Marquis of Xibo, announced the establishment of a new empire in Xiqi, with the country name "Zhou". The territory covers all the territories of the three Bohou Kingdoms.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Ji Fa then issued another oath to denounce King Shou's brutal rule, and called on all the princes in the world to raise the flag of rebellion and overthrow the corrupt regime of the Shang Dynasty!

The establishment of the Zhou Dynasty seems a bit hasty, but it is a necessary node in the period. Jiang Ziya's grasp of this overall situation can be called sharp, and it has indeed served the purpose of uniting people's hearts and not losing to Chaoge in righteousness.

And looking at Chaoge's attitude, the influence of the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty is even more strange. Unusually, he did not directly send troops to attack again. Instead, there was only a denunciation of "rebellion" and then there was no sound.

Could it be that Chaoge no longer has the will to fight?

how can that be. The dignified Shang Dynasty, thousands of years of accumulation, how could it lose its potential because of a war. The reason why there is no tough answer as always is because of the extremely negative influence inside the Shang Dynasty.

King Shou became more and more violent and cruel, and his intelligence seemed to continue to decline, reaching the level of "mental retardation". When Wen Zhong led the army to expedite the west, King Shou was dissatisfied because Cheng Bigan often muttered in his ear, but as a result, under the instigation of Daji, he told Bigan that his brain was aching. The disease can be cured by medicine, and ordinary medicinal materials are not enough, it can only be cured by boiling soup with Qiqiao Linglong Xin.

Seven orifices and exquisite heart, this thing is also something that Daji came up with, and he also named it by name and surname, saying that only Cheng Bigan has this thing in the world, and Bigan dedicated his heart to cure King Shou's "head disease".

As for Bi Gan, in fact, he was unwilling to give out his heart to make soup for King Shou, and he was not a fool. How could he not understand that this was King Shou who was going around the bush and wanted to execute him?

Frustrated, Bigan gave up his resistance, feeling that the Shang Dynasty, for which he had dedicated his life, was dead. What's the harm in him going one step ahead?

So Bigan was forced to death by King Shou. When Wen Zhong came back, the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty became a different look. Completely absent-minded, just like King Shou, he doesn't care about business at all.

As soon as the internal chaos begins, there is no way to simply eliminate it. Not even Wen Zhong. He can't just start killing, can he?

After receiving the news that Xiqi raised the banner of the Zhou Dynasty, Ji Fa proclaimed himself emperor, King Shou was naturally so angry that he almost exploded his lungs, and threatened that Wen Zhong would send troops again to destroy everyone in the **** Zhou Dynasty~www.wuxiaspot. com~ I want to kill a dog and not stay.

But Wen Zhong didn't dare to act rashly. Although his master, Tongtian, expressed his attitude that he would strongly support him, Wen Zhong knew that he would be so sloppy before he could no longer enter. It is necessary to prepare more seriously, and the second Faxi must be completely won in one battle. Therefore, whether it is the recruitment and training of ordinary soldiers, as well as reinforcements and expansions at the monk level, Wen Zhong needs to reconsider.

Time flies by in this day's respective preparations.

Four months later.

The party who started to prepare was not the Chaoge party, but the Zhou Dynasty party that was not favored by the world.

For a time, the world was shaking again.

This time, the Zhou Dynasty raised the army of the whole country, known as the crowd of 800,000, and aimed directly at Chaoge.

But the discerning person knew that the Zhou Dynasty had to send the arrow on the string. Chaoge, which is incomparably well-established, can continue to wait and prepare calmly. The resource acquisition on both sides is very unequal. The longer you wait, the more disadvantageous it will be to the Zhou Dynasty, so just after four months of trying to straighten out the interior, the Zhou Dynasty's commander-in-chief Jiang Ziya had to start the "cutting business".

As for the song. King Shou was already so angry that he was like an irrational beast, roaring and questioning, he must send troops immediately, he must destroy the rebels of the Zhou Dynasty, and he swore that he would kill everyone under the Zhou Dynasty, even the dog was not ready to let go. Pass......


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