Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1015: Kong Xuan's discovery

It has been several months since Kong Xuan left Shangyang Mountain. It is rare to have a time to calm down between practices. Always feel a kind of crisis lingering in the head.

He used to be reckless and carefree, and Kong Xuan often recalled the old days. But when he stepped into Quasi-Saint, everything changed. The road ahead is blocked, and there will be no future. This feeling almost drove him crazy.

Then, after a long period of precipitation, this frantic anger cooled down, and what remained was helplessness and the attachment to one's own heart.

I cultivate only to know that I am me, why bother to wag my tail and beg for pity for a realm?

Kong Xuan's mentality is very representative, and many quasi-sages in the world almost hold this mentality. Sad and helpless.

Now, because of Shen Gongbao's involvement, Kong Xuan has stepped into the quagmire of the Shang Dynasty's civil war, and it is impossible to get out. Now all he can think about is how to ensure that he can leave alive in this quagmire.

What Shen Gongbao revealed about the Conferred Gods List was of little significance to Kong Xuan, but it made him understand that the current situation was more complicated than he expected. The previous sword beam came from Yuanshi Tianzun. Kong Xuan knew that he had seen Yuanshi and felt the huge coercion that despised everything.

To tell the truth, being able to retreat from the hands of a real powerful person may be quite proud in the eyes of other cultivators, but in Kong Xuan's view, this is nothing to be proud of. Can't do it, just can't do it. Face to face, he didn't think he could really escape from Yuan Shi's men.

Maybe it's better to be faceless and skinless?

Kong Xuan shook his head mockingly.

He looked at the army slowly advancing around him. Black clothes and black armor, a total of 200,000 people. Like the Zhou Dynasty that was established then, this Chaoge is also known as an army of 800,000. It was almost the limit that Chaoge could control the number of soldiers. This time, whether it is the Zhou Dynasty or the Chaoge, it can be said that the boat is broken.

It seems that Chaoge still has an absolute advantage. In terms of military and pawns, it is purely a crushing gap, and in the comparison of middle-level monks, it is also half a catty with the Zhou Dynasty. In the end, as a high-level monk, Kong Xuan felt that it was enough for Chaoge to have himself in charge. Lu Ya would not be his opponent. And he doesn't care about other quasi-sages in this world.

In this way, the result seems to have been set. Isn't that the same with the valuable battle of the West? Judging from the strength in his hand, Chaoge's side wins 100% no matter what.

But the surface cannot hide the inner truth.

As Kong Xuan said to Shen Gongbao, this is not as simple as a Shang Dynasty civil war, but a game of chess. All beings are chess pieces, and there are too many bigwigs involved. And there are already signs of tearing his face.

Lu Ya killed Zhao Gongming, which was not a simple matter in Kong Xuan's view. Lu Ya had the guts to kill the disciple of the sect leader Tangtang? Kong Xuan does not believe it, there must be other hidden feelings. Moreover, the leader of the sect interception, Tongtian, had never made a move, but the leader of the sect of sects, Yuan Shi, had already rolled up his sleeves and went to fight in person, not to mention that there was still a sect leader standing next to sect sect, two-on-one.

If it is just a game between the three giants, Kong Xuan, who is a quasi-sage and does not belong to any one of the major teachers, will not be so entangled. He feels that his strength and vision can completely avoid the fatal situation, and also It is possible to take Shen Gongbao as a friend to escape the disaster together.

But the problem is that he now knows more than the three players in this game, and feels that the situation is more complicated. Because the three chess players probably didn't know that when they were about to play the final game, they had already been framed into another larger chessboard. And Kong Xuan, who played this game of chess, didn't know the identity of the opponent at all.

Kong Xuan had seen the magic weapon called "Judgment" in Shen Gongbao's hands. Although the principle was complicated, he could still understand it. But the content inside was completely incomprehensible to him. This was what surprised him the most.

Thinking of him, Kong Xuan is a dignified quasi-sage. The time to cultivate the Tao is not counted, and the understanding of the rules of heaven alone is the top existence in the world. Even if it can't compare to the three saints, there are only a handful of saints who can be compared with him. Therefore, the completely unfamiliar and incomprehensible situation of the rules and logic contained in this "verdict" made Kong Xuan feel a little cold.

The world is full of cultivators. It doesn't matter if it's a human, a monster, or a ghost. A saint and a rookie who has just stepped into the threshold of cultivation are essentially the same.

Now, the way of heaven is still there, so where did the rules in this "judgment" come from? Kong Xuan didn't know, but he was sure that these rules would never be comprehended by Heaven!

In this way, this magic weapon becomes even more bizarre, and the mysterious person surnamed Xue can't even think of the origin.

Taking out the black soul imprint from the space mezzanine, Kong Xuan's eyes became a little sharp. When he was in Shangyang Mountain that day, the man surnamed Xue once said that this imprint of the soul could help Kong Xuan, who was in despair, to clear the clouds and understand the vain world. Kong Xuan didn't believe it at the time, but now he's a little unsure.

Although Kong Xuan couldn't see the numerology of the Heavenly Dao as clearly as the three players above playing chess, it was not impossible for him to touch it at all. Especially when he himself fell into this quagmire, many things became more obvious.

His good friend Shen Gongbao, the numerology involved in his body can be described as scary. The dead Zhao Gongming, as well as more than half of the middle and high-level monks in the army camp today were recruited by Shen Gongbao, as well as Kong Xuan himself ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The three fairies of Sanxiandao. If you insist on saying that it is "wide-ranging", it is not very logical. There must be a possibility that it was deliberately arranged.

Even Kong Xuan doubted whether his feelings for Shen Gongbao's "close friend" were real, or was it deliberately arranged by the chess player? He couldn't tell.

It can be seen that Shen Gongbao's role in this chess game must be extremely important, which can be called an important part of the node. On the other hand, if he didn't have Kong Xuan here, he might have been defeated by Xiqi in the previous battle. After all, Lu Ya was very powerful.

Therefore, Kong Xuan felt that he was probably also an extremely important or staged piece on the chessboard.

The two chess pieces, the important pieces, were all touched by the mysterious man surnamed Xue, and they both hinted at some words such as "pulling through the fog". I didn't understand it at the time. Now, Kong Xuan feels that he understands. a lot.

"Eating this soul mark can jump out of this quagmire? Have such great ability?"

It felt unbelievable in my heart, I wanted to try it, but my instinctive self-prevention always stopped Kong Xuan at the last moment. And the current situation of Kong Xuan is far from the word "desperate".

"Let's go and see." He muttered in his heart and put away the soul imprint. He glanced outside the tent, and the killing seemed to be coming again...


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