Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1016: fight again

This is just after passing through the Sishui Pass, that is, just walking out of Chaoge's dangerous pass guarding range, and the west side has already encountered the enemy.

It was the army of the Zhou Dynasty who attacked the merchants. This time, the army did not divide into three routes, but only took the middle route, which is called 800,000. In fact, there are 250,000 soldiers in total. In addition to the old soldiers left from the last war, there are nearly 120,000 new soldiers. . The training of the new soldiers is less than four months. He can understand some military drills, can use some weapons, and his morale is still in the future. If you really want to talk about combat effectiveness, there is nothing to say.

On the other hand, the Chaoge army, which also claims to be 800,000, is actually only 200,000. Although it is not as neat and elite as before, it is still all regular professional soldiers. The combat power continues to crush the enemy.

This time, Jiang Ziya's confidence was much stronger than the previous one. Lu Ya was still in the army, and the twelve Jinxians were all rescued because of the saint's attack last time. Now, after four months of repair, although it is unknown how mentally, but the state of cultivation has returned to its previous prosperous appearance.

Moreover, not only such a large number of middle and low-level cultivators also came to serve in the army, it can be said that the quality of Jiang Ziya's command on the overall cultivator level has far exceeded the previous war.

Looking back at the army of Chaoge on the other side. Even if Kong Xuan was struck by the saint, he would have been seriously injured even if he was lucky enough to survive. Coupled with the fact that the previous battle of the West was unsuccessful, the momentum must be frustrated. Jiang Ziya felt that it was not impossible for him to fight hard first, but to explore the real situation first. If there was a chance, he would directly wave his troops to the Sishui Pass, so that the princes of the world could see, the power of the Zhou Dynasty was not boasting. from.

When the two sides encountered each other, neither chose to start the war immediately, and they all had their own careful thoughts. Wen Zhong's party returned to Sishui Pass and set up camp ten miles away from the pass, which almost covered the long and narrow valley bottom in front of the pass.

And Jiang Ziya's subordinates did not dare to approach the advantageous terrain of Sishui Pass easily, so they set up their barracks thirty miles away from Taniguchi.

Hundreds of thousands of troops on both sides confronted each other for a day, and they began to test each other.

In such a situation where the army is facing each other from a distance, there is no means of surprise attacks, and there is no room for display. The fight is a meticulous game in a small area within an effective battlefield. It started with horse-hunting, then sporadic small-scale encounters with the enemy, and then interspersed and tentative attacks on the left and right flanks.

Little by little, whoever can stand firm in these temptations and have more energy to destroy the enemy can gain some advantages in the next big battle or frontal battle. Of course, the odds of these advantages are not too high, but a little accumulation of advantages is better than disadvantages, right?

In the face of Wen Zhong, who has been in battle for a long time and has sophisticated methods, although Jiang Ziya is considered a hero, he still looks a little immature.

During the mutual testing in the early stage, Jiang Ziya was half a beat slower than Wen Zhong in almost all details, and was always in a state of being suppressed. In addition, it was impossible to use high-level monks in the testing, so the slight disadvantage was that Accumulated under the impetus of many aspects.

More than 1,600 casualties. This is the loss after Jiang Ziya's first contact with the Shang army in the battle of the Shang Dynasty. On the Shang side, casualties were less than one-third of the Zhou Dynasty.

It's not that Jiang Ziya doesn't have self-knowledge, but Wen Zhong's location forced Jiang Ziya to choose to fight with him about details that are full of disadvantages.

And Jiang Ziya also understands that if this battle over details continues, the momentum of the middle and low-level soldiers in his hands will be severely hit. As a result, he had to think about it, take the lead in showing high-end combat power, and take the initiative to seek a decisive battle.

You must show your cards first to be held hostage by the enemy, but is there any other better choice in the current situation? This is the disadvantage brought about by the gap in grassroots strength.

Therefore, on the fifth day of the dispute over the details of the confrontation between the two sides, Jiang Ziya opened the gate of the village, led the entire army to set off, and stopped at a place less than five miles from the Ligukou, intending to use the army's sudden advance to block as much as possible. The deployment area of ​​the Shang army made the narrow valley that was originally beneficial to the Shang Dynasty turned into a hold by the Shang army.

The abacus was good, but Wen Zhong didn't care, he had expected it. Don't fight at all, stick to Taniguchi, if you want to fight, then fight in. Anyway, this time I won't start a head-to-head battle with you.

In this way, Jiang Ziya felt uncomfortable again. Attack in? There must be a lot of ambushes in the valley, all means are ready, these newly drawn soldiers must be heavy casualties, and the blow to the momentum is immeasurable.

Not going in? Go back and continue to spend slowly with Wen Zhong? But the key is that if he consumes it, he can't consume it.

"Ziya, don't worry. Let's go check it out first."

It was Guangchengzi who spoke. This one of the Twelve Golden Immortals who was captured alive last time no longer has the indomitable attitude that he had before, and is much more cautious. Facing the stalemate in the battle, I knew it was best to send a group of high-level cultivators to try and break the stalemate from the level of high-level cultivators. And once the high-level monks have achieved the victory, they can continue to oppress the Shang army and force them to go out of the valley for a decisive battle.

"Senior brother, you must be careful when you go here. It is still unknown whether Kong Xuan is still in the enemy's army, so if things don't work, you can return immediately." Jiang Ziya pondered for a moment, and he could only let Guang Chengzi and the others try it first. . But also warned to be careful.

So the Twelve Golden Immortals appeared on the battlefield again, still the twelve companions. Under the ferocious and vast mana fluctuations, it was indeed extremely terrifying~www.wuxiaspot.com~ brought to the Shang army in Taniguchi and Guzhong. Extremely shocking pressure. But oppressive power does not mean oppressive power, nor does it mean that there is deterrence.

The thoughts of the soldiers of the Shang Dynasty were very simple: you are the twelve golden immortals, more powerful than most monks in the army. But so what? Weren't we all captured alive before? They're all generals of the defeated army. Who's afraid of you?

The mentality is very good, but facing the twelve golden immortals, the three fairies from Sanxian Island are the first to go out.

These three fairies have bad tempers. And they didn't come here to help Wen Zhong win or something. They came to take revenge and kill!

Their righteous brother Zhao Gongming also has status. When you captured these twelve golden immortals alive, you sold your face to explain the two sects, right? Didn't you kill him right away? It's good for you, to attract a Lu Ya, and directly kill their righteous brother in a sneak attack. It's really sinister and shameless!

Since you are all torn apart, the three of them are not afraid anymore, they are just killing people, the master of the dignified Sanxian Island is no worse than anyone else!

"The Twelve Golden Immortals, bah! It's just a bunch of shameless, shameless, sneak attacks. Our elder brother spared your life on that day, which is considered a bargain for you. Today, you all stay alive!"

Guangchengzi and the other twelve golden immortals heard the sound first, and then saw three figures flashing out, and their hearts were not good. The people who came were actually the three fairies of Sanxian Island. Did they come to avenge Zhao Gongming?


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