Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1024: Kosensei Ma

Things are so desperate. When you think things are going the way you feel, you are always being changed by stronger interventions in the direction you least expect.

Tongtian lowered his head, and his consciousness was completely absorbed by the spiritual platform. At this moment, all the emotions in his body were restrained, and he seemed extremely calm about the injustice he encountered. Even in the face of Hongjun's referee without arguing, he just bowed and taught.

Of course, in the face of Tongtian being reprimanded, Sanxiao was directly pinched to death by Hongjun and sent to the Conferred God List. Taishang and Yuanshi would like to hear it. Even Yuan Shi, who was seriously injured, felt that his injury was worth it, and it was very satisfying to have the teacher personally come forward and punish him!

Now Tongtian has become a tortoise, and he will definitely not dare to intervene in the vortex of the Shang Dynasty civil war in the future. Then the battle for the conferred gods and the sniping at the foundation of the sect and the foundation of luck will also be able to go a step further. realization. Both Taishang and Yuanshi believed that with the power of the teacher, the situation of the strength and weakness of the three religions could be completely reversed.

You just wait to be trampled under your feet and suffer! Yuan Shi was very happy when he looked at Tong Tian's stubborn appearance. After counting and waiting, how should this pair of interceptions teach a few more moves.

Hongjun didn't stay for a long time, even if it was just a phantom, he left as soon as possible after completing the balance and restraint of the plane's strength. Just why is not known.

And just after Hongjun left, Tongtian continued to gather his emotions, expressionless, and told the disciples who were present: Do your best, but don't force it. Then disappeared.

Taishang and Yuanshi looked at each other and smiled. Their guesses have been fully realized, and the teacher really didn't want to see them kill each other, so he took action. In their opinion, the reason why Hong Jun was punished was that Tong Tian started the fight against each other.

Now Tongtian is leaving, disheveled. Without Sanxiao, the army of the Zhou Dynasty could be said to have gone to a great enemy.

Yuan Shi was in a hurry to return to Kunlun Mountain to heal his wounds, and left first, but Taishang decided to take another shot before leaving. He needed to ensure that the Zhou Dynasty's war against merchants would not change points again. So the figure flashed and disappeared. When everyone thought that he also returned to his dojo like Yuan Shi, in fact Yuan Shi did not go back, but appeared again in a tent of the Chaoge army.

"Are you Kong Xuan?"

The sudden appearance of Taishang really struck the deepest fear in Kong Xuan's heart. He had really challenged the saint before, and he had indeed escaped with his life. But today I saw the battle between the saints, and I realized that the Tongtian he faced at that time was just playing with him, and he didn't even use 1% of his strength, but he achieved his prestige for tens of thousands of years and let him Kong Xuan became "the first monk under the saint".

Now facing Taishang, Kong Xuan knew that the other party would not be as friendly to him as Tongtian back then. It's ill-intentioned to come here looking for him. Purpose? It is nothing more than to stabilize the powerful advantages of the Zhou Dynasty, so that Lu Ya can overwhelm the monks in the entire Chaoge army.

"Yes, I am Kong Xuan. I wonder if the sage's sudden visit has any advice?"

Taishang shook his head, as if disappointed with Kong Xuan's reaction, and immediately said: "You have gone against the sky several times, obstructing the righteousness, and you have already run against the Tao. And hurting the righteous, this is a big sin. Do you understand?"

Kong Xuan smiled, looked at Taishang without shyness, and didn't answer, but his eyes clearly expressed a meaning: "Who do you think you are? Do you go against the sky when you say it's against the sky? It's a joke, shameless to this point, The name of a saint is also worthy of you?"

Tai Shang continued: "I should have punished you for the gods, but it is not easy for you to cultivate, and there should be a chance of survival, so now I will abolish your 90% cultivation as a punishment."

Kong Xuan naturally won't sit still, what about the saint? Hugh would kill him if he wanted to pull his neck!

But the five-color divine light that Kong Xuan was so proud of had just emerged, and before it could take shape, it was suppressed by an inexplicable force. Then he found that the mana in his body was rapidly dissipating, and what was even more terrifying was that the cognitions of various Taos that he had worked so hard to comprehend over the years were also being erased, completely erased!

How could the means of the saint be something that Kong Xuan could truly resist? His previous thoughts were utterly ridiculous.

It seems to be a moment, and it seems to be as long as countless years. When Kong Xuan fell to the ground helplessly, his heart was sad and extremely painful, and he had forgotten the physical pain caused by losing 90% of his power. He knew he was done. Even if Taishang really didn't take his life and leave, he would be finished.

Power brings not only the power of ability, but also the ability to resist time. Now that only 10% of the power is left, the resistance to time has been reduced to a minimum. Faced with the old debt of "time" for countless years, Kong Xuan felt that he was powerless to resist. For as long as a thousand years, or as little as a hundred years, his physical body will continue to shrink, and finally decay, and even if he wants to continue to live, he can only restore the shape of a beast and fall into a deep sleep of his own accord.

What does it mean to lose all in one move? That's it.

Do you regret it later? Kong Xuan could not speak. Maybe a little regret, but more of a sense of despair and unwillingness. Disappointment of being the weak.

The sage suppressed the message of the Dao of Heaven so that he could not be sanctified, and then because he was worried about his obstruction, he downplayed it and charged him with a ridiculous charge of going against the sky, and finally gave him a suspended death sentence. This feeling of being manipulated like an ant is really pathetic and pitiful.

Kneeling on the ground, Kong Xuan seemed to have lost all hope at this time. Countless years of persistence and perseverance were destroyed at this moment, and belief completely collapsed.

Don't think that monks are stronger than mortals~www.wuxiaspot.com~ just because their hearts are more hidden. Once broken, it is like a mortal.

I don't know how long it took, Kong Xuan suddenly flashed in his mind a smiling face full of evil spirits, as well as a thoughtless sentence with a glimmer of life.

"When you are desperate, it can help you clear all the fog and gain a new life."

How strange this sentence sounded at the time, but now it hits the inner node where Kong Xuan needs and wants to be rescued the most.

He quickly sat up again, reluctantly opened the space bag, and after removing some covering formations and means, a black soul mark was picked up by Kong Xuan.

Eat it and fight it. Is there anything worse than the present? What if you want to be the enemy of heaven and earth in the future?

There was no hesitation as before, but with a wry smile and burning expectation, Kong Xuan looked up and swallowed this soul mark as the mysterious man surnamed Xue said.

Just as the monks of other planes once did after swallowing the seeds of Wudao, a brand new door is slowly opening in the depths of Kong Xuan's soul. It is selfless sharing, and it is Kong Xuan's only vitality.

"Devil? If I can't become a fairy, then I will become a devil? Good, good, good! Then I, Kong Xuan, will become a demon!"


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