Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1025: luck

Tongtian shrank, Sanxiao followed in the footsteps of their eldest brother Zhao Gongming. Quasi-Saint Kong Xuan disappeared. The entire Chaoge army was filled with an atmosphere that seemed to be depressed and depressed.

Wen Zhong is not afraid of serious battles. He has been in the army for so many years, what changes have he never seen in battle?

But the current situation facing the Shang Dynasty is not a matter of war at all. Now the postures of the armies on both sides are actually all pretense. In the past, it was possible to balance or pull out the overall advantage through the advantages of the battle formation, but now it is not realistic.

The three saints fought fiercely, but in the end they were mixed up by a phantom that fell from the sky. It is not clear who the phantom is from Wen Zhong, but it is obvious that the three saints call "Teacher" in unison.

When Tongtian left, the explanation to all the disciples who intercepted the teaching was obvious. Let them do their best, and if it doesn't work, don't force it. In other words, Tongtian stated that there would be no more direct help, and the rest depended on the disciples.

It's not wrong to rely on the disciples, and it's not wrong to intercept the teaching. But the current situation is that the Intercept Cult is relying on the disciples, while the Human Interpretation and Two Cults are relying on the saints!

Look at the fact that a sword beam forced Kong Xuan to retreat, and the battle to conquer the west ended without a hitch. Now San Xiao, who had already won a steady victory, was inexplicably placed on the Conferred God List by the teacher of the sage. The remaining Kong Xuan did not know the reason why he disappeared. This series of facts has proved that the sages of the two sects will not care about the slightest bit. Once the disciples of the two sects can't fight, the sages will directly take action and bully you to intercept the sects. What's wrong?

Wen Zhong also understood the difficulty of Tongtian. After all, the attitude of the previous sage teacher was obvious. Tongtian is also impossible. However, the civil war in the Shang Dynasty and the battle for the fate of the Taoist Church left Wen Zhong without even the slightest hope.

With Kong Xuan's departure, the only high-end power left in Wen Zhong's hands was gone. Facing the army of the Zhou Dynasty with Lu Ya in charge, the outcome was already clear.

It's also not reconciled.

Among the disciples of Intercept, including Wen Zhong, no one would care about the regime of the Shang Dynasty, and no one would care about the King Shou, who was sitting in the Chaoge Imperial City and still playing every night. What they care about is the luck brought by this huge empire, as well as the foundation of the sectarian Taoism that these huge fortunes can bless.

The world is difficult, and all living beings have their own destiny. This is the ultimate principle of heaven. What do you do when it's your turn to be in bad luck? Grit your teeth and fight to the death? It's not worth it. So luck is the key. Because of the blessing of luck, there will always be a turning point and help in times of misfortune when one's own bad luck comes, so as not to die.

This is the basis for the sect to maintain and unite the monks. Once the foundation of the sect's daoism begins to be vain or damaged, the greatest thoughts and expectations of the disciples within the sect will become uncertain. This is a major event that is closely related to every disciple regardless of the level of cultivation.

So have to fight! Have to fight!

Standing on the watchtower of Sishui Pass, Wen Zhong watched from afar. The long canyon is now filled with tents. This is not the camp location that the siege party should choose in a normal war. Because the steep mountain walls on both sides limit the space, once it is attacked by fire, there will be a tragic situation of burning the company. But now the Zhou Dynasty has done just that, and is not worried about the defender setting fire at all.

The great advantage at the monk level has now reached the Zhou Dynasty, so why would you be worried about mundane means such as fire attacks? Under Lu Ya's spiritual sense, who can make trouble again? Even in the eyes of the sergeants of the Zhou Dynasty, the majestic Sishui Pass in front was just a piece of paper garbage, and the monks could collapse it with a few earthquakes.

The reason why they did not choose to continue to attack when they camped in the valley was Jiang Ziya's consideration. What he needs to consider now is not only to win the civil war of the Shang Dynasty, but also to reduce the consumption of the soldiers of the Zhou Dynasty as much as possible, and at the same time try to put pressure on the soldiers of Chaoge. It also takes time to publicize the battle report that he defeated Wen Zhong in front of the Sishui Pass and forced him to retreat to the pass, so as to gain more support from the princes.

Under the overall advantage, Jiang Ziya feels that he is fully capable and qualified to play some things outside the battlefield. This is also some calculation that he feels that he can defeat the Shang Dynasty more quickly and lay the foundation for the Zhou Dynasty at the same time.

Sishui Pass, Xiongguan is still the same, but morale has been unstoppably low to the bottom.

"Junior Brother, what do you think about this battle?" Wen Zhong asked Shen Gongbao's opinion about the battle formation for the first time. Because in his mind he already felt that the situation had reached a dead end.

But Shen Gongbao is not omnipotent, and Kong Xuan's departure took him by surprise. But he felt that Kong Xuan would not be the timid and fearful person, and there must be other reasons for leaving. But at the moment, he can no longer find a friend who can enter Kong Xuan and generally suppress a formidable cultivator like Zhonglu Ya, the army of the Zhou Dynasty.

"Senior brother, I'm sorry to say bluntly, in this battle, there is actually no choice. The height of the power is unbalanced, and it is useless to rely on the strength of the soldiers. It is better to fight and retreat, it will take some time, maybe There can be a turnaround.”

"A turning point?" Wen Zhong fiercely looked back at Eshen Gongbao beside him. He was also disheartened just now, and his mood was a little broken, so he subconsciously asked Shen Gongbao. But I didn't want Shen Gongbao to suddenly appear the word "turning point". You must know that even his Tongtian Shizun has no way to solve this situation now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Where did Shen Gongbao see the turning point?

Shen Gongbao shook his head, not knowing how to explain it or not.

There were many doubts about Kong Xuan's departure. He instinctively thought of the words Kong Xuan once told him about a chess game outside the chess game. He felt that it must have something to do with that game. And he knew that even if the Tongtian sect leader was forced to be held hostage, the person who arranged the out-of-office situation would definitely not just watch the situation where the sect was going to be cut off. This is the source of his confidence in the word "turning around", although it is not strong.

Wen Zhongjian, Shen Gongbao didn't know the explanation, and his heart skipped a beat. Does this mean that Shen Gongbao was not babbling, but did see some turning point? Just can't talk and listen to him?

"Junior brother, I won't ask any more questions. According to your words, can you be sure to wait until the turning point comes?"

"Senior brother, I'm just guessing that there will be a turning point. Although there should be, but I don't know when. So, you are the coach, so you should plan ahead."

Wen Zhong knew this in his heart. His eyes also instantly glowed with new fighting spirit from the gray defeat just now. He believed in Shen Gongbao, and also believed that he would not lose in such a vague and aggrieved manner. He wants to drag on some more time for the whole interception, and change the slight turning point that Shen Gongbao said.

Of course, even if it still can't change the situation in the end, Wen Zhong doesn't blame anyone. It's just that he's on the list of gods, how can it be bad?


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