Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1027: Yan Jun, let me give you a word

"Kong Xuan, see Yan Jun, Yan Jun Sheng'an!"

Ignorance leads to fearlessness and arrogance, and the more you know, the more cautious and humble you will be.

The moment he stepped into the Wudao system, Kong Xuan knew what kind of chess game he had entered, and also understood how great existence gave him his current identity.

The so-called disaster of thousands of planes, the nightmare of all living beings, is no way. As for the leader of Wudao, the only **** is the person in front of him with a smile and a black robe with gold tattoos, Xue Wusuan, Wudao Yan Luo.

The relationship between the soul imprint and Wudao Seed, whether Kong Xuan is willing or not, at this moment his life and death are in the hands of Xue Wusuan.

"how do you feel?"

"It feels good to go back to Jun Yan. It's much smoother than when I was cultivating. Many thanks to Jun Yan for your praise." Kong Xuan replied. This is not a scene, but a fact. As far as practice is concerned, the huge difference between magic practice and Taoism is still very obvious, especially in the case of this kind of "shared" experience.

"If you put these things away, it can help you recover your strength faster and heal your soul's injuries." Xue Wusuan took out a box of about twenty Heisha Desire Fruit and handed it to Kong Xuan.

Now the Heishayuguo has once again expanded the planting area, and it has a lot of surplus because the research institute has improved the planting technology for the third time and the maturity time has been greatly shortened.

"Many thanks for the gift from Jun Yan!" Kong Xuan accepted the box, then got up and bowed to the side, listening to the instructions. He knew that Xue Wushen would never come here simply to look at you.

Sure enough, Xue Wusuan continued, "Do you know where Zizhiya is?"

Zizhi Cliff? Kong Xuan's heart trembled, but he didn't dare to delay, and quickly replied: "I know, tens of thousands of years ago, when my subordinates first arrived at Luo Tian's great immortal realm, they went to Zizhi Cliff to challenge Tongtian, and then they were defeated."

Xue Wusuan nodded, accepted his Heisha Yuguo and called him "subordinate", indicating that Kong Xuan was still very conscious. Then he continued to ask: "Since you have been to Zizhiya and played against Tongtian, then I have something for you to do now. Would you like to go?"

"My subordinate is willing to go."

"This matter is confidential and should not be told to outsiders. It should not be disclosed in the mouth, and beware of eyesight." While speaking, he took out a book and handed it to Kong Xuan, and then said: "Go to Zizhiya and give it to Tongtian, and then give it to Tongtian. Help me bring a word to him. Then you can continue to practice when you come back, and you don't need to worry about the rest."

"This subordinate understands that the subordinate will set off immediately."


After explaining the matter, Xue Wusuan also left Shangyang Mountain. He will now try to reduce the time he spends on the Conferred God Plane, and he will use the hundreds of Iron Guard spies lurking here to grasp the changes of various time nodes in this plane, and then enter the plane for these nodes. Make arrangements and leave quickly.

Hongjun's horror, Xue Wusuan, still had to be very careful. Everything needs a perfect layout process, not impulsive, not careless, and not urgent.

Kong Xuan said goodbye to Xue Wusuan and hurried to Zizhi Cliff. The booklet was placed in the space bag by him, and it was completely unscathed. He didn't dare to peek at what was written in the book, but he just kept in mind Xue Wusuan's explanation and tried his best to cover up his whereabouts.

It took ten days to travel from Shangyang Mountain to Zizhi Cliff Kongxuan. This is the fastest speed when his current cultivation base has been abolished by 90%. When he arrived at Zizhiya, Kong Xuan bluntly said that if there was an important matter, he had to meet Tongtian, so that the guarded disciples must pass it on.

Kong Xuan is now quite famous. The army who followed Wen Zhong before made a lot of credit, and also defeated the mighty savage Lu Ya. Therefore, the guard disciples who intercepted the teaching in Zizhiya will not embarrass Kong Xuan, and after a little trade-off, they ran to inform the Tongtian sect master.

Tongtian's divine sense has always covered Zizhi Cliff for thousands of miles, and he has long known about Kong Xuan's arrival. But he didn't say anything, and even felt very confused.

First, it seemed to Tongtian that the reason why Kong Xuan helped the Interceptor was because Kong Xuan and Shen Gongbao, a new disciple of Interceptor, had a rare friendship and were willing to go into the muddy waters. But now the advantages of intercepting the teaching are almost exhausted, and Kong Xuan has been abolished as a warning. Even if Kong Xuan is finished, why come to Zizhiya? What are you here for?

Second, to say that Kong Xuan wanted to come to Zizhiya to ask Tongtian to help him stabilize his injury? But Tongtian's spiritual sense clearly felt that although Kong Xuan's cultivation base had been removed by 90%, his injuries seemed to have healed, and he had also resisted the old account of time. And a very abrupt aura fluctuation from Kong Xuan's body made Tongtian feel some inexplicable heartache.

Tongtian had been thinking about it, so when Kong Xuan arrived at Zizhiya, Tongtian nodded and asked his disciple to lead Kong Xuan in. He was also very curious about what was going on with Kong Xuan coming to find him.

Entering the hall, Kong Xuan saw Tongtian again. Bowing and saluting: "Kong Xuan has seen Tongtian Cult Master, thank Cult Master for not killing him back then!"

To say that he was ignorant and fearless in the past, now Kong Xuan feels that he owes Tongtian a thank you. This is indeed a very personable and powerful person. Compared with the Taishang and Yuanshi, Kong Xuan feels that the title of "sage" is more suitable for Tongtian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The past is like clouds, your cultivation is not easy, and I How can I bear to let you die? Forging a good relationship, this is a good result for my interception and teaching. So no thanks. I'm just curious why you came here to find me? "

Kong Xuan didn't dare to talk nonsense, he directly took out the book Xue Wusuan handed to him from the space bag, held it in both hands and handed it to the seat of Tongtian.

"Master Tongtian, this is something Yan Jun asked me to hand over to you personally, please take a look." After Kong Xuan finished speaking, he returned to his previous position and stood still.

Tong Tian felt a strange sense of urgency in his heart for no reason, as if what Kong Xuan held in front of him heralded a great crisis.

After being silent for a long time, Tongtian frowned and picked up the book. Then he used his spiritual sense to probe it and found that it was just an ordinary book, nothing special about it. Immediately, he reached out and turned it over, his pupils contracted after reading only a few words on the first page, and he quickly closed the book.

"Do you know what's written here?" Tongtian asked Kong Xuan, his words were cold, and he actually had murderous intent.

"No. Yan Jun just wants to send something, and there is another sentence to bring to you, Master Tongtian. He didn't say let me read the book, so I don't know the contents of the book."

"What? Let's talk." Knowing that Kong Xuan was not lying, he did not read the contents of the book, and the killing intent in Tongtian's words also dissipated. But at the same time, I would like to know what other words Kong Xuan brought.

"Yan Jun asked me to tell you, Master Tongtian, that the time when the heaven and earth will change color is not far away, and I hope you choose carefully, and don't make mistakes and fall into a doomed situation and mistake others for yourself."

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