Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1028: incite defection

? Kong Xuan brought the things and handed over the words. Even if the matter was completed, he did not dare to stay here any longer, so he bowed to say goodbye and left.

After Kong Xuan left, Tongtian's spiritual sense followed Kong Xuan until Kong Xuan returned to Shangyang Mountain. There is no shortage of patience for this. He wants to see if the "Jun Yan" who drives Kong Xuan will appear, but now it seems that it should not be for the time being.

Tongtian just sat on the futon like this, silent for a long time, and finally calmly typed a magic formula to seal the entire hall where he usually practiced and lived.

Generally speaking, Tongtian does this because he wants to retreat and cultivate in order not to be disturbed. The disciples in Zizhiya are also used to it, so they don't find it strange. They were just speculating whether Kong Xuan came here to ask the sect master to help him stabilize his injury.

The outside speculation was ignored, he just calmly connected his spiritual sense with the information of the heavenly way, it seemed that he had really started to cultivate, but this time, it was not.

No matter who, as long as the spiritual sense is connected with the Tao of Heaven, they will be in a mysterious state, similar to being separated from the self in reality and detached from the vastness of the Tao of Heaven. This is the normal appearance when the Almighty fully understands the rules of heaven, but now it is used by Tongtian as the most perfect cover to cover himself. Because once in this state, any external peeping power will not peep into his inner thoughts and events in his brain.

It is impossible for Tongtian to be so cautious. Because he always held it in his hands, the first line of the booklet brought by Kong Xuan had the word "Magic Cultivation" written on it.

Unlike a monk like Kong Xuan who doesn't know much about the outside world, Tongtian is one of the top three indigenous monks in this plane. In addition, he also has a teacher from a powerful and terrifying outside plane. There are many external things. He had heard everything, and kept everything firmly in his heart. And that includes "magic repair".

I have heard that the biggest disaster in the outside world is the "magic disaster", and the root of the magic disaster is the "magic master", and its own power, including the upper and lower commanders, is a magic cultivator. It is said that this is the most fatal disaster of thousands of planes, and it is also the nightmare of all living beings. In order to survive and reproduce, Tongtian's teacher Hongjun bluntly said that he opened the Conferred God Plane to integrate the power of more planes and jointly resist the coming of the devil.

The demonic disaster is constantly going back and forth, and so far it has not been completely eliminated. Tongtian understands that even though his teacher is very powerful now, he has yet to find a way to eradicate the root cause of the demonic disaster. Therefore, demonic disasters will occur repeatedly, and the thousands of planes that are resisting are always tormented in this fierce confrontation.

A long time ago, when Tongtian first heard about the devil disaster, he was extremely worried. He even thought about how he should respond once his side was targeted by the demonic disaster. But the time is too long, so long that he almost buried the word "devil".

After all, the evil disaster is illusory, and now the hardships on the road of cultivation are in front of you, and Tongtian doesn't have much energy to think about an ethereal thing all the time. Besides, isn't there a "teacher" staring at him? What are you afraid of?

But there are no absolutes, just after Tongtian was brutally cleaned up by his teacher, he actually received a letter from the demon disaster!

The first time he saw the word "Magic Cultivation" in this booklet, what Tongtian thought was to force himself to stop reading other content, and to understand that it would be quite dangerous for him to continue reading. At the same time, I also understand why Kong Xuan, who sent the letter, has an aura that makes him feel heartbroken. I think this demon cultivator has become a demon cultivator, right?

The sense of crisis, Tongtian is very keen. Especially in the current situation, he couldn't tolerate being careless.

Tongtian has always understood that he still has the position of Yuanshi and Taishang in this plane, and at best he is an "agent". The ultimate dominance is not on the three of them at all but their teacher Hong Jun. This time, he was reprimanded by Hongjun, and arrogantly sent his three powerful disciples to the list of conferred gods. Counting Zhao Gongming, the interception has lost four quasi-sages. This has actually shaken the foundation of Intercept.

this is not fair!

But what can be done? Tongtian understood why his teacher did this even after he was forced to suppress his anger at that time. Nothing more than two words "balance".

At this moment, Tongtian figured out that his own strength is the root cause of the crisis for Intercepting Sect. If he is weaker than his two brothers, he will be taken care of, and the one who is suppressed will be replaced by his brothers.

And if he has a connection with the demon disaster now, if Hongjun knows about this kind of thing, the whole world will shudder as a result.

Others may not know it, but Tongtian is too aware of his "teacher"'s attitude towards demon cultivators. Not to mention that he is only a nominal disciple of Hongjun, even if he is a true disciple, Hongjun will never be merciful~www.wuxiaspot.com~ On the other hand, Tongtian is far from the kind when he first met Hongjun. The psychology of awe and worship is gone. After countless years of oppression and unfair treatment, his affection for "master and apprentice" has disappeared in his heart.

After entering the state of comprehending the Dao of Heaven, Tongtian opened the book in his hand. He wanted to know why the demonic disaster found him, and it seemed to be hidden. This point is quite different from the usual methods of the "destroying and barbaric" demonic disaster that Hongjun told him.

There was not much content in the book, and with the intellect of heaven, he quickly flipped through his fingers, and all the information in it was imprinted in his mind. Then a flame emerged from Tongtian's palm and instantly burned the book, leaving no ashes and burning it into nothingness.

But Tongtian didn't immediately get out of the state of comprehending the Tao of Heaven. He now needs to chew through the message word by word in his mind.

Unexpectedly, this message brought by Kong Xuan would actually be written by the dignified Lord of Demonic Disasters. This gave Tongtian an inexplicable dignified feeling. In addition to analyzing the current situation on the plane and his pitiful situation in the information, the more important thing is that the Lord of Demon Calamity hopes that he can abandon the darkness and cast the light to join the great camp of demon cultivators. Overthrow the oppression that Hongjun used as a marionette.

At the end of the message, the Lord of Demonic Disaster stated that if Tongtian is willing to accept the new situation of the plane, he can promise to let Tongtian serve as the direct ruler of this plane after completing the attack on the plane, and promise to let Tongtian be the direct ruler of this plane. The road to cultivation is even higher.

The message was like that, but it didn't leave any contact information. There is only one signature at the inscription: Wudao Yanluo, Xue Wushen.

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