Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1029: Life experience deduction

"Huanggumo still has your mortal heart, remember!"

These words have been lingering in Xue Wusuan's mind recently. Sometimes it even makes him a little distracted when thinking about the details of the strategy for attacking the plane.

As an alternative cultivator who may break through to the realm of Luo Tian Daxian at any time, this kind of thing is not a small problem. This is an unconscious reaction that occurs when the spiritual platform fluctuates and the mentality and cognition change.

"Desolate Ancient? Is it referring to a plane world or a group of living beings, or is it an independent existence?" Xue Wusuan smoked, frowned, raised his head, and looked through the roof of Yama Hall, falling on the vast and invisible On the netherworld, the emotions are a bit complicated.

After the efforts of tens of thousands of substitutes, he finally deciphered the blood letter on the swaddle he got. Not long after he went to Xintongtian.

Huge doubts and a change in cognition made Xue Wusuan give up for the first time in returning to the original world to spend leisure time with Zhou Huiru. Uneasy, stay and hope the world will be more chaotic. He had to sort out this message from the swaddling clothes.

There are traces of swaddling in the original world. Xue Wusuan smoothed out his appearance and adoption through the Heavenly Dao of the original world early on. If there were no major changes, the blood on the swaddling was left by his biological father or mother. Including the jade card that he almost pawned off.

These things are related to Xue Wusuan's life experience, and he cannot tolerate his obsession.

The second of the three ultimate cognitions of the three creatures is "where do I come from". And Xue Wusuan used to have this understanding as "I am an abandoned orphan who grew up in a welfare center." Now this understanding has been completely proved to be wrong, or it is not completely comprehensive.

That's parents are not ordinary people, and even he himself is not a true pure-blood earthling. And from the analysis of all the things he already knew, his parents brought him to earth, and the "abandonment" was carefully considered, and even the "old man Liao" who picked him up was not "accidentally picked up".

What is the last resort that makes parents choose to "abandon" their children?

The words on the swaddling clothes now seem to be giving Xue Wusan an answer.

"Huanggumo still has your mortal heart, don't forget!"

This sentence should be said to Xue Wusuan, and the words are full of information. It seems that the purpose of "abandoning" Xue Wusuan is to let him escape a killing. And even if Xue Wusuan was "abandoned" to the earth, the two were not at ease, and they left a reminder for Xue Wusuan to be extremely careful.

But these words are obviously not the words of the earth, let alone the words of any alien civilization in this plane, but from the outer plane. So how do these two couples make sure that their children will be able to understand these words when they grow up? Is it sloppy not taking into account? Or do you do it on purpose, knowing that your child will be able to understand it when he grows up?

If it is the latter possibility, does that mean that Xue Wusuan's biological parents had anticipated his present day early, and even knew directly that he would become a nightmare for a generation of thousands of planes, creating the present demon master. majesty?

If the biological parents had anticipated Xue Wusuan's current situation, then the contents of the message would be too large. You must know that Xue Wusuan became Wudao Yanluo not because of his own cultivation, but through the parasitic system of the system. Could it be that the existence of the system was known to Xue Wusuan's parents early on?

There are still many, many questions, which even point directly to the root of Xue Wusuan's existence, his identity as Wudao Yama, and even the origin of the system. All this seems to be attributed to Xue Wusuan's parents.

In addition, it is relatively straightforward to see where the word "desolate ancient" in that message points to, whether it is an individual or a force or the world.

Xue Wusuan asked the system. For the word desolate ancient, the system indicates that it does not exist in its included world planes. As for the situation of Xue Wusuan's parents, the system still asks three questions. Therefore, all doubts can only be found by Xue Wusuan himself.

In the middle of nowhere, Xue Wusuan felt that he seemed to have touched a key information node. He feels that as long as he can figure out the mystery of his own life, then his current situation will change greatly.

Long-term deductions and judgments, as well as various logical analyses. In the end, Xue Wusuan screened out a reason that he thought was the closest to the truth, or a part of his life experience.

"Because of some special means, they discovered early that their infant child was very likely to become the next generation of demon masters. In order to protect me, they decided to quietly bring me to the earth after birth. The planes where my vitality was exhausted were not protected by the existence of real monks. And I chose a kind-hearted person to raise me up.

For them, they don't care whether I become a demon master~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What they care about is that I can live. Or the only way I can survive is to become the next generation of demon masters. Because there is a "barren ancient" who also knows my existence and will kill me desperately"

In Xue Wusuan's mind, he supplemented himself with a logical deduction that was consistent with the information he had now. Of course, there are many possibilities, but this one is Xue Wusuan's most hopeful fact. He tried his best to beautify the behavior of his parents abandoning him, not to cover up his parents but to understand his own obsessions.

Huang Gu, wanted to kill him. What is the relationship between Huanggu and Xue Wusuan, who is desperately trying to gather strength to fight against the ruthless Hongjun in the thousands of planes?

Are the two of them one? Or is it that Hongjun is a member of the ancient times, and besides Hongjun, there are many strong people like Hongjun who are constantly running around to find and kill Wudao?

It is very possible.

Because it is said that there are thousands of planes, but Xue Wusuan knows that there are more than thousands of planes. He has not encountered or heard of enemies other than Hongjun, which does not mean that there are no enemies at all.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, Hongjun is Hongjun, and it has nothing to do with the ancient times. The two exist independently of each other, but they all have one thing in common, that is, they are both enemies of the underworld and the mortal enemy of Xue Wusuan!

Regardless of whether this is the case or not, at least in Xue Wusuan's own thoughts, he managed to straighten out the information he already knew. Then the next thing is to dig deeper and see if your guess is really close to the truth.

For example, first use the Conferred God Plane to explore the bottom, and see if his archenemy Hongjun can use means to calculate.

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