Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1033: come back for help

? Kunlun Mountains, Yuqingjing.

This place is the independent dojo of the three saints in the world, Yuanshi Tianzun, and it is also where he practiced on weekdays.

Since that day in front of Sishui Pass, he teamed up with Taishang to meet the sect leader Tongtian, and his arm was cut off by a sword beam from the Zhuxian Sword Formation. After returning to Kunlun Mountain, Yuanshi has retreated in Yuqingjing to heal his wounds, and he has no time to pay attention to the troubles of the outside world. .

Unlike ordinary high-level monks, once a limb is broken or destroyed, it can condense and give birth to a new life in a short period of time. It is too difficult to recast the limbs of saints. The reason for this is the difference brought about by the huge difference in the flesh.

The flesh of the saint has begun to break away from the category of ordinary "flesh and blood", and has entered a stage of incorporating rules into flesh and blood. That is to say, once the saint's body suffers a repairable injury, the recasting of the body requires more regular reconnection and fusion. This kind of thing cannot be done in one or two days. After all, the arm before the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty was formed after countless hours of tempering.

So it was a serious injury. Because unless the recast body is restored to the level of integration of the previous rules, it is impossible for Yuanshi to restore its strength.

But on this day, when the flesh and blood of the limbs were just condensed and the rules began to be integrated, Yuan Shi had to come out of the retreat.

Being disturbed is naturally not a happy thing. But Yuan Shi did not dare to take things lightly. So even if I was very upset, I went out.

"Jiang Ziya pays respects to Master, it is helpless to disturb Master's healing, I hope Master will forgive me." Jiang Ziya waited outside Yuqing for a whole day and finally saw Yuan Shi. Quickly bow down.

"Get up. What are you looking for?"

"If you return to Shizun, Savage Luya can't be trusted. He deliberately released water when attacking the last barrier of the Shang Dynasty, which caused our army not only suffered heavy losses, but also brought huge hidden dangers when attacking the fortress. I also ask Shizun for instructions."

Yuan Shi frowned, and said solemnly, "Release the water? Intercept the teaching?" Yuan Shi seemed a little puzzled.

"Yes, Master. He can obviously suppress the monks who intercepted the sect, but he just found an excuse to violate the yin and the yin. In the end, the battle ended in a stalemate, and thousands of soldiers and several disciples in my sect were consumed in vain..."

Jiang Ziya did not dare to hide and directly told all the things that actually happened, and gave his own specific suggestions.

After listening to Jiang Ziya's words, Yuan Shi asked, "Do you mean to get more support?"

"Yes, Master, it is best to have direct support from the sect or the people's sect. Otherwise, the disciples are worried that any changes will affect the war that is about to end."

When Jiang Ziya spoke, his tone was firm. What he meant was actually to imply that Yuan Shi would make another shot himself, or that Yuan Shi would persuade Taishang to make a shot, which would be foolproof. Of course, these words can only be implied, but not directly spoken. After all, these are two saints and Jiang Ziya's elder, and he is not qualified to "instruct".

"I understand what you mean. You thought it through very carefully. The war on the merchants is very important, and there is no room for any mistakes, so since you think Lu Ya is untrustworthy, then I will give you other support. Now you go back Right. I'll give you an answer within three days."

"Thank you, Master, for your understanding! Disciple retire!" Jiang Ziya got up and left Yuqingjing.

Yuan Shi did not re-enter the retreat state after Jiang Ziya left. He needs to analyze the current situation again, and find a way to convince his senior brother too.

Do it yourself? It's not impossible, but Yuan Shi was a little worried, but he couldn't tell what he was worried about. Maybe it's because he is worried that Tongtian will follow him to make another shot after he shoots?

No need to go to Baguio Palace. Yuan Shi had his own way to contact the Taishang in Baguio Palace.

As soon as the mana means came out, a connection channel was set up. Yuan Shi also quickly communicated the information brought by Jiang Ziya and about the "follow-up support force" to Taishang.

In fact, the two sects are not without quasi-sage monks like Lu Ya, there are people's teachings, and there are also interpretive teachings. But these powers Yuanshi and Taishang do not want to use. The reason is also very simple, that is, the battle of the Shang Dynasty is too muddy, stepping in and wanting to come out depends on luck, if there is a change, it will be the end of the gods list. Yuanshi and Taishang needed to suppress and cut off the teaching by means of the Fengshen Bang, instead of pushing their main disciples into this muddy pond.

"You haven't recovered from your serious injury, and I have also suffered some injuries. Why don't I work together to use the power of mana to help Junior Nephew Jiang open up the situation?" Taishang's answer was relatively two, and he also showed his attitude: I can do it if I want to. , I was also injured. If we want to make a move, we will be together. No matter whether there will be another change or not, we have to advance and retreat together.

So, in the end, the news from Yuanshi Qianli to Jiang Ziya was: Don't worry, go to attack Lintong Pass, don't worry if Lu Ya is unreliable, you don't need to worry if you have me and your uncle to help you out.

And when Jiang Ziya received Yuanshi's echo, he had just returned to the camp of the Zhou Army at Lintong Pass on his mount "Four Dislikes".

After returning, the first thing to do is to ask Wen Zhong, who was opposite him, if he had played any tricks in the past few days. Then I asked Lu Ya, who was in the camp, if there was something wrong with him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fortunately, Jiang Ziya's biggest worry was that after he left, Lu Yazhan or Wen Zhong had another trick. Now I asked the generals and nothing happened, everything was very quiet, both the Zhou family themselves and the soldiers of the Shang Dynasty who were facing Tongguan Pass were quite quiet.

Jiang Ziya thought it was Wen Zhong who was afraid, but he only knew how to stick to it. But he didn't understand that Wen Zhongba couldn't help delaying the time when the two armies were so stalemate, so even if Wen Zhong expected Jiang Ziya to leave the Zhou army camp, he didn't take the slightest move to rob the camp.

"Uncle Shi, can I gain anything from this trip?"

Jiang Ziya smiled and said, "Naturally. Today, it is reported that the entire army is full of food and sleep. Tomorrow dawn will launch a siege, and this time we will take Lintong Pass in one fell swoop!"

"Uncle Shi! But a quasi-sage from the teaching came to help?"

"You don't need to ask so many questions, you can prepare separately." Jiang Ziya waved his hand after finishing speaking and then retreated from the army general. He is looking forward to tomorrow's decisive battle.

From Jiang Ziya's point of view, with the full support of the two saints, Lintong Pass can be said to be broken. And Wen Zhong, who was guarding in Guanzhong, was absolutely unable to fly this time. The current resistance of the entire Shang Dynasty is guided by Wen Zhongma. Once Wen Zhong died, the resistance of the Shang Dynasty would also disappear.

Jiang Ziya never underestimated Wen Zhong. He had a detailed plan for Wen Zhong early on. As long as Lintong Pass was broken, he would be 100% confident that Wen Zhong would be killed in the chaos of the army. head.

And Jiang Ziya's return did not hide Wen Zhong, who had been paying attention to Zhou Jun's camp. He understands that Jiang Ziya's return will definitely be rewarded. The battle-free sign hanging in front of the Zhou Army's main camp is afraid that it will be taken down tomorrow.

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