Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1034: Turnaround now

? The next day, dawn.

The armies of both sides who had been silent for nearly ten days were all recharged. Not to mention that the soldiers in Lintong Pass were holding back their strength, which one in the Zhou Army was not the same?

This time, Jiang Ziya did not make any tentative plans. He directly divided the 200,000 soldiers in the center out of 50,000 and divided them into ten echelons, focusing on attacking the eastern section of the entire fortress. This section is a bit broken, and didn't appear as solid as the rest of the garrison in the previous tentative attack.

"Dong, dong, dong..."

The sound of the war drums sounded from the Zhou army array, and also roared from the fortress. The momentum was so loud that it was more aggressive than the previous tentative attack. It even made the ordinary soldiers and soldiers understand that today, I am afraid that the winner will be decided, otherwise there will be an endless situation.

All of a sudden, the hands holding the weapons tightened again, and the scarlet blood of murder appeared in their eyes.

It didn't take a moment for Zhou Jun's attacking array to reach the front of the fortress. After shouting a "kill" full of killing intent, the first echelon raised a large shield to cover the 5,000 soldiers of the second echelon. The first wave of siege battles began.

Wen Zhong was still standing on the watchtower of the fortress in uniform, watching the entire battle. What he did was just to let the soldiers guarding the city see him or his flag, and let the soldiers know that their coach was on the front line just like them.

"You want to capture Lintong Pass without relying on mana? Jiang Ziya is too self-righteous!" Wen Zhong frowned with contempt. He thought that Jiang Ziya went to Kunlun Mountain to rescue troops before, but why has he started to attack, but there is no magic method against the fortress wall? Could it be that Jiang Ziya is really so self-righteous? Or is he still hiding something else?

Wen Zhong frowned, looking at the attack and defense below, blood was nothing at this time, and death was just a decoration, everyone was gnashing their teeth and waiting for the other to fall first.

On a chariot under Zhou Jun's handsome banner, although Jiang Ziya looked calm, he was extremely anxious. He didn't dare to inquire about the saint, and he couldn't have the slightest suspicion. Therefore, even though the attack had started for half an hour, he still did not see the support of the saint. On this point, Jiang Ziya could only pretend. He was calm, but he didn't dare to show it at all. On the one hand, this will affect the morale of the army, and on the other hand, it seems to be disrespectful to the saint.

Just like Jiang Ziya, not only Wen Zhong, but also all the senior monks on both sides.

The defending cultivators who did not directly restrain the fortress wall and intercepted the cultivators who had the advantage of quantity and quality, and even attacked when the ordinary soldiers did not have the advantage, were tantamount to asking for their own discomfort.

One hour, two hours...

"Uncle, please withdraw first!"

A member of the Zhou Jun general knelt on one knee in front of Jiang Ziya's chariot covered in blood, his face full of sorrow. He really couldn't hold it in any longer, and he couldn't control it so much, so he spoke bluntly.

From dawn to dusk. It is no exaggeration to say that the pile of corpses is like a mountain. Hastily estimated that the number of soldiers of the Zhou army who had invested in the siege had reached 80,000, but only half of them were able to retreat. Many were disabled, and more than 20,000 died directly. This is not to mention the compromised monks of the two religions.

"Yeah, Uncle Shi, if we continue to consume it like this, our army will be at a great disadvantage!"

There were less than 300 cultivators in the Zhou army, and for most of the day, only 30 of them died, and almost everyone suffered serious or minor injuries.

I can't bear it anymore.

They don't think it's Jiang Ziya's support, or that his head is hot. There must be accurate information on resources in advance. But until now, it seems that the sky is going to get dark, but I haven't seen where the resources are. Even the savage Lu Ya, who could still be found at the beginning, is now gone.

Facing the words of his generals. Jiang Ziya's face finally showed a trace of waves.

withdraw? Jiang Ziya didn't think about it, he even thought about it at noon. The only thing that has allowed him to support him until now, besides the "support" that Yuan Shi said to him, there are also the words "one-shot".

Siege is like smashing walnuts. If you can't smash it, you can't be cowardly. You can only continue to smash it again and again. Otherwise, wouldn't the previous sacrifices be in vain? What if "support" comes suddenly?

But the momentary hesitation caused Zhou Jun to suffer such heavy losses. This made Jiang Ziya, who was full of confidence before the war, feel regretful for a while.

"Ming Jin Collection..."

In the end, the huge casualties forced Jiang Ziya to make a decision. Resentful and helpless, even with deep anxiety. But when he didn't say "Ming Jin, withdraw troops", the battle that had been fighting for most of the day suddenly changed.

"It's Zhang Guifang! The messengers must block Nezha and Yang Jian, and stop the other party's cavalry out of the city!" Jiang Ziya exclaimed in horror, and the messenger also hurriedly communicated the two monks of the Zhou army through the magic weapon.

Wen Zhong is Wen Zhong after all. Although he has always had the idea of ​​"delaying time", he stayed at Lintong Pass, hoping to give Shen Gongbao's "turnaround" some possibility of survival. But the battle-hardened he was still keen to seize the opportunity.

Cruel fight for most of the day. Wen Zhong has been observing and waiting, and has never left the city wall for half a step since the beginning.

Under these three huge unequal differences between ordinary soldiers, cultivators, and unequal attack and defense, the Zhou army's offensive seemed extremely weak~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This made Wen Zhong think it was a "trap" at first. But as time went by, Wen Zhong smelled a "turning point".

So, just when Wen Zhong found out that the generals of the Zhou army were no longer determined to take their lives to attack the fortress, and when the monks began to paddle the water as far as possible to avoid the part of the city wall and did not dare to approach, Wen Zhong took action.

There were 10,000 iron cavalry in the army. It was Wen Zhong's core war force guarding the Shang Dynasty. Among them, five thousand cavalry returned to Chaoge to suppress the situation with Shen Gongbao. The remaining 5,000 riders are in this Lintong Pass. But now this iron cavalry has become a vicious dagger with an inch short. With the interception disciple Zhang Guifang as the tip, he took the initiative to open the gate of the fortress, rushed out like a thunderbolt, and flew away the dumbfounded Zhou Jun around him. The front of the line is tied in the past.


Wen Zhong's face was serious, although he felt that something had changed in Zhou Jun, so that the high-level power during the siege broke. But he couldn't be 100% sure whether it was exactly what he expected. Therefore, after the five thousand iron cavalry did not follow the infantry, Zhang Guifang needed to go out to see and then decide. And this time must be accurately grasped, and no flaws can be tolerated.

In the time of a cup of tea, the 5,000 elite iron cavalry scrambled the entire battlefield, and the shouts of killing turned into unilateral roars. Even Nezha and Yang Jian who came to stop Zhang Guifang's subordinates could not disperse the panicked soldiers, let alone form a strong restraint.

"Let Yuan Hong lead another 5,000 knives and shields, cover up from the left flank, and then probe the bottom of Zhou's army!" Wen Zhong gave the order again, but he wanted to see if this "turning point" was really as Shen Gongbao said. , can make him reverse the victory or defeat!

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