Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1039: The end of the chess game

Tongtian survived. Just one ten thousandth of a second before the streamer hit him, he avoided the key point. But the gap in speed still exists, even if he has reacted quickly enough, he still lost all the body below the chest and abdomen. The remaining half of his body was suspended in mid-air, his face pale.

"The plane channel is gone?!"

It is lucky not to die. Because Tongtian knew who sent out that stream of light just now, it was very rare for him to survive. But now, looking at the aftermath of the explosion that was gradually smoothed out by the rules of Heaven, the only thing that disappeared was the golden plane passage above this extremely high altitude.

"Hongjun, can't come again?" Tongtian murmured. But no one answered him. Then, the threat of injury made him have to shake his head, and he turned back to Zizhiya with a rather unpleasant feeling in his heart. What he did today was done, and he didn't want to see the next situation. Waiting for the result to come. At least, he personally ended the grievances between himself and Yuanshi and Taishang.

On the other hand, in the interlayer of planes that Tongtian doesn't know about, Tiandao and Xue Wusuan, the initiators, are waiting for the most crucial message to confirm.

"How? Can you block it?" Xue Wusuan was smoking a cigarette, and he seemed a little impatient to go back and forth. This kind of emotion was rarely seen in him. But this time, if his abacus can land, it will undoubtedly be a huge victory for him. So Xue Wusuan couldn't wait.

"It has been confirmed that the space is closed. However, there is still a force outside the plane that is trying to break through again. The strength is very strong. It should be that Hongjun. He is very powerful. He is blocked from the plane. So, if you have any means, you have to hurry."

Xue Wusuan frowned, as he thought, Hongjun didn't deal with it that much. This time, I was able to find the space to display the strategy, all because the chess piece Tongtian played an unexpected and huge role, and I knew early that Hongjun would not be able to take care of things in this direction for such a short time. In one fell swoop, Yuan Shi and Tai Shang blew up the plane channel.

At the same time, Xue Wusuan was also glad that he did not follow Tongtian to attack the plane or go to help himself. Hongjun almost came back at the last moment. That streamer had just penetrated the collapsed plane passage and almost smashed Tongtian to death. And if Xue Wusuan showed up at that time, it is very likely that Hongjun would have directly noticed the existence of "devil". This is not a good thing.

"You are giving an accurate number, how long can you block Hongjun?"

"As short as three days, as long as five days. It also depends on whether Na Hongjun has a sharper attack method. If there is, I'm not sure how long it can block him." Tiandao's echo is always so shriveled of no emotion. But the meaning of the words made Xue Wusuan finally make up his mind.


It takes seventy-two hours to start a plane attack, which is exactly three days, which is the shortest time for Heavenly Dao in its current state. Although there are variables here, Xue Wusuan felt that the risk was worth taking.

"I'll leave here now. Remember, we are grasshoppers on a rope, and no one should think about running. I will give up my strength, and you will have to fight." Xue Wusuan stayed The next sentence, without waiting for Tiandao to answer, the figure disappeared from the gap in this plane. He couldn't delay any longer, he had to go back quickly and start the plane attack program immediately.

In the mortal world, the impact and reaction brought about by the great changes in the plane are huge. Whether it is a monk or a mortal, everyone knows that the world has undergone great changes not long ago. Although they couldn't say it clearly, they actually sensed this change.

First of all, the aftermath of the collapse of the rules that followed the explosion directly reflected natural disasters: earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, torrential rains. But fortunately, it didn't last long, so even if the death and injury of the living beings were heavy, it would not be the level of annihilation.

And the monks, who are cultivators, have a better understanding of this great transformation. From the very beginning, the horror like the collapse of the world, and then quickly dissipated, and then there was a feeling of "life" suddenly returning to the world. This feeling is very obvious. Ordinary people will feel that the air is suddenly much fresher, and the monks will understand that this is the result of the sudden surge in the vitality of heaven and earth.

A powerful person, a cultivator, has occupied too many resources in the world, so the level of the conferred **** plane is high enough, otherwise, how can it withstand three saints plus an outside robber Hongjun?

Now that the three saints have gone to the second, and the robber Hongjun has also been driven out, the vitality of heaven and earth in the plane will naturally return to the public. If this time is longer, the creatures in the world can get more benefits.

The surprising changes brought about by the great changes in the world can make many people overwhelmed or uneasy. But the war between the Shang and Zhou dynasties was just an episode that neither of them knew very well. After a brief silence, killing was the only theme for both of them.

Jiang Ziya only knew that the support he had been looking forward to had never arrived. He could only lead the army to defeat under the Lintong Pass, and retreated three times in a row in one day. After retreating for 80 miles, he could barely block the counterattack from the Shang army~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the speed of the deterioration of the battle did not increase. not stopped.

On the other hand, Wen Zhong was amazed with joy and joy. Although he pinned his hopes on the "turnaround" Shen Gongbao said, he also knew that there was little hope. But he didn't expect that he was really waiting for it, and it came so violently and just right.

During the battle at Lintong Pass, Wen Zhong tried several times to test the Zhou army, and finally determined that the support of the Zhou army had been interrupted, so he ordered to regroup. within. Then they urgently discussed the following strategies, and prepared to concentrate their forces to take advantage of this "turning point" to completely annihilate the Zhou army in one go.

Then in just two days. Zhou Jun can be described as a bereaved dog, being chased without morale. After three consecutive sniping, they were suppressed, and the loss of soldiers had reached 50,000, most of which were scattered or captured. It seems that the pursuit of the Shang army is not to kill but to quickly dismantle the Zhou army's organized strength.

When he returned to the Sishui Pass again, Jiang Ziya still remembered Zhou Junfei's brilliant achievements in winning the Sishui Pass before, but in the blink of an eye, he himself would become the background for others to show their merits.

And just when Jiang Ziya was about to learn Wen Zhong to defend the Sishui Pass, and then sent someone to Kunlun Mountain again to ask for help, everything was already irreversible, and it was not even what Jiang Ziya thought it would be.

When the cultivators who were filled with the sky came to the Sishui Pass under Tongtian's behest, they didn't care at all and attacked directly. The only 100 cultivators from the two sects were slaughtered in less than half an hour. Then a few magic powers could plough the ground, and the ordinary soldiers of the Zhou Army became scum and were swept into the ground...

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