Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1040: The calamity is coming

?Time is tight, this is true for Wen Zhong, and even more so for Xue Wusuan.

After obtaining Tiandao's rough estimate of his resistance and time, Xue Wusuan returned to Wudao Underworld, and officially started the process of plane attack.

There are also underworlds in the Conferred God Plane, and there are also strong people in the underworld here. But these are not important. In the face of the power in his hand, after driving away Hongjun, this aspect has no resistance to him for the time being.

Xue Wusuan could kill Taishang Laojun and Tathagata monks in the plane of Westward Journey to Conquer Demons and Conquer Demons, not to mention the plane of conferring gods, which has been suppressed by Hongjun for countless years? There is not a single Dao Realm, and it can only be regarded as almost defenseless in the face of the attack of the Wu Dao Underworld.

When the twelve yin gods took refuge in Xue Wusuan, they were in the perfect state of Luo Tian Daxian. Now they have been practicing in the Wudao system for so long, and they have no realm barriers. They have all broken through, and Qi Qi has become a powerful person. Now temporarily help guard the Westward Journey to subdue demons and subdue demons.

This time, Xue Wusuan did not mobilize the more powerful Xueqi, Jade Emperor and Amitabha to come to clean up the plane of conferred gods, but the twelve yin gods were all arrived.

In the face of the underworld organization of the Conferred God Plane without a single powerful person, the direct intrusion of twelve powerful people is no different from a group of prehistoric monsters entering a sheepfold.

In just one stick of incense, the twelve yin gods cleaned up the entire underworld on the Conferred God Plane, and then knelt down at the entrance of the underworld to welcome Xue Wusuan's arrival.

"System, start the fusion program."

"Di! The fusion program was successfully started, and the duration is seventy-two hours..."

The rules are still the same as what Xue Wusuan understood. During these seventy-two hours, there cannot be any individual with a non-lawless system in the underworld, otherwise the failure will be terminated immediately.

After the twelve yin gods took over the underworld, they did not go to other places, but spread out and surrounded the entrance of the underworld. Yan Jun's order was that no matter whoever dared to take a step, they would attack and destroy them.

And Xue Wusuan himself collected the spoils of war this time in the underworld of the God-Conferred Plane. At the same time, it is closely connected with the Tao of Heaven, and always grasps the duration of the current resistance of the Tao of Heaven.

"Hongjun's breakthrough strength has not fluctuated abnormally. He should not have been able to detect the changes in the attack when the plane was blocked by Heaven. This is good news." Xue Wusuan pouted and wrote it down secretly. This is the first time he and Hongjun have played against each other. A lot of information is very valuable. Collect it first. After returning, he needs more detailed analysis and summary.

As for the 120,000 Yin soldiers and the millions of blood ghosts, where are they now? Naturally, it was the dojo of the three saints.

Although the three sects fought each other with casualties, but looking at the total number of casualties, they were not even in the thousands, and we knew that this was actually more strategic than fighting. And the strength of the three religions to survive is still very solid.

Zizhiya, in the face of the sudden appearance of blood ghosts, the disciples of the Intercepting Teaching Headquarters were all like a formidable enemy. They clearly sensed a huge threat emanating from these monsters they had never seen before. And what makes them anxious and worried is the clear mutation that came from heaven and earth not long ago, as well as the sense of crisis from instinct, which makes them want to rush out desperately and go to the source of the crisis "underworld" to investigate and understand .

However, the disciples of Intercept are lucky, because their leader Tongtian is a leader who knows cause and effect, and also participated in this huge change. Therefore, even Tongtian has not seen what these monsters that dominate Zizhiya are, but he knows that this must be the power of the master of the devil. And the mutation between heaven and earth just now seemed to Tongtian that it must have been brought by the Lord of Demonic Disasters.

You have already boarded this magic ship, how can you just jump off halfway now? What's more, those monsters were murderous, but they didn't show any signs of impact or attack, they were just surrounded. It looks more like the Lord of Demonic Disaster gave a discount to the party who intercepted the sect, and it is also a restriction. If you dare to do it, it must be a massacre. Tongtian didn't think that Intercepting Sect would have any ability to resist under the demonic disaster, even if the monsters in front of him didn't seem that powerful.

"Don't act rashly, just raise your guard. This great change in the world won't involve the participation of the disciples. Just follow the law."

Tongtian's emissary was very timely, not only targeting Zizhiya, but also reaching the minds of all the disciples scattered across the plane at the same time. This also allowed Intercept to suffer the lowest loss in the face of this change.

On the other hand, the disciples of Renjiao and Chanjiao were far less fortunate.

Under the leadership of Wang Tianyun, the Yin Soldiers went straight to Kunlun Mountain, while the remaining blood ghosts went to Baguio Palace and the disciples of the two sects scattered all over the place.

This is the practice of Wudao Underworld. The battlefield distribution of ghost soldiers and vampires are often the blood ghosts who are responsible for clearing up scattered enemies, while the ghost soldiers are attacking the fortress. This is the difference brought about by the difference in quantity.

The monks in Kunlun Mountain did not get any news that their leader, Yuan Shi, had passed away. Seeing the appearance of the shadow soldiers array, coupled with the huge sense of crisis brought about by the changes in the sky and the earth, the first reaction they chose was to attack.

"The trident formation, destroy these garbage in one drum!" Wang Tianyun commanded with a knife. It's not that he looks down on these monks in Kunlun Mountains, but he has gone through dozens of planes of attack, whether it is knowledge, training in strategy and tactics, as well as the use of new equipment and the overall cultivation realm of the Yin soldiers are enough to support Wang Tianyun. Seeing these monks in Kunlun Mountain as nothing at all~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The highest cultivation level is also the first realm of Luotian Daxian, which is nothing to the current Yin soldiers array. The huge number of rulings equipped in the various Yin Soldier Corps no longer cares about these high-level monks.

With an order, the Yin Soldiers in the Yin Soldier Array began to change their formation, divided into four trident formations, strangling them together from four directions.

Have the monks in Kunlun Mountain ever faced such an organized army of monks? The mana means that used to be invincible in the past have become laughably weak under the joint offset defense of the army. It can't work on any Yin soldier at all. On the other hand, the methods of the Yin Soldiers are not something that the Kunlun Mountain monks can defend against.

The power of judgment was sent out, and the disciples of the Jinxian realm were attacked by this dance rule before they could react, disrupting the rule power in their body, and even the logic of mana far-flung, and they were stunned on the spot, being swayed by a handle. Yin Tie's strength slashed across his chest and cut off his soul. Not dead? The soul poison smeared on the blade can also make them disappear in an instant.

As for Immortal Luo Tian? The three brothers of the Wang family and the two gods from the underworld are enough to fight hard. In addition, the three brothers of the Wang family, Sikong Xuan and Zhong Wanqiu had long been very skilled in joint strikes, and they also had equipment to judge, so in less than half an hour, Luo Tian Daxian on Kunlun Mountain was all killed.

"The 1st and 3rd Corps leave behind to clean up the remaining enemies, and make sure to clean up. The 2nd and 4th Corps will follow me to Biyou Palace, and this time we will also go to work harder for the vampires!" Wang Tianyun said, his face slapped Impatiently, he led the general yin soldiers away quickly, leaving the 1st and 3rd legion's yin soldiers, regardless of the generals and soldiers, with envious expressions on their faces.

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