Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1048: ancient message

Dragon Tiger Academy has accepted the third batch of students for admission. The first batch of students have now officially entered the practice, and the one with the lowest cultivation base has also reached the early stage of forming a pill. In addition to these children's extraordinary talents, there are many external factors to have such rapid diligence. For example, the magic repair is fast all the way, and there is a formation arranged by Xue Wusuan to temper the natural things of the heart.

This time, Zhou Huiru also followed. After greeting Haotian with a smile, she took Zhou Tao and started to talk small talk. She didn't care about Zhou Tao's blushing appearance, she was very concerned about her good nephew for more than a year. How much progress has been made.

"You take your aunt around, I don't need you here." Xue Wusuan commanded Zhou Tao, and then followed Haotian into the house.

Zhou Tao should not dare to disobey, although he really wanted to go in and listen to what his uncle and Professor Haotian had to say.

In the house, there is a table under a peach tree in the courtyard, an incense burner is lit, and two futons are placed next to the table, which is quite elegant.

Xue Wusuan doesn't care about this. He is not an elegant person, but he doesn't mind Haotian playing Fengya. After all, he is also a former super strong, so there is no need to worry about some habitual things.

"This tea seems unusual, where did it come from?" Xue Wusuan sat down and watched Haotian burn the tea. The fragrance entered his nose. The rich tea fragrance inside also had a strange charm. Very nice energy swing. In Xue Wusuan's memory, there is no such tea in the Central Plains world.

"Back to Yanjun, I grew this tea myself, named Mo Chen. It has the effect of cultivating Yuan, strengthening the root and benefiting Qi. Well, it can also add some magic Yuan. This is the first batch of tea, and I believe it will be more perfect in the future. Yes." Haotian replied. While boiling water and brewing tea, he moved like a cloud, and he was very familiar with it.

"Mo Chen? Hey, this name is interesting. How about trying it." Xue Wushen stopped talking and watched Haotian's actions quietly. After a while, a good pair of tea was ready.

Taking a sip, Xue Wusuan nodded. He is not very good at evaluating the taste of this tea, and he has never paid attention to it before and does not want to bother about it. But after the tea was taken, a lot of magic energy was taken into the body, and these magic energy were very docile, and the mana that could directly enter the body without any refining was used.

"Yes, very good tea. Ordinary demon cultivators can drink a cup of this kind of tea every day, and their cultivation base is estimated to be more than 10% faster. I wonder if they can produce energy?"

As long as it is useful, Xue Wusuan never has too much, and he directly cares about the issue of output. He is not very interested in individual rare treasures now, because rare treasures mean that the number is scarce, and it is not very useful to him now with a big family.

Haotian was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Jun Yan, I don't know, this Mo Chen was obtained by my cultivation base to manifest the tea tree, and the slightest difference is only in my heart." Then he shook his head and said: "This tea is difficult to mass-produce, at least I haven't studied it."

Xue Wusuan didn't care, everything came out, and if he wanted to mass-produce it, he just had to do enough research. Haotian doesn't have the time and energy, but he has dozens of planes and hundreds of millions of monks, and he will always find talents in this area. As long as this Mo Chen tea can be mass-produced, the magic cultivators of all planes will have good news.

After drinking three cups of tea, Haotian began to talk about business.

"I have asked Yan Jun to come here to report this time." Haotian said, and cupped his hands, then said, "Yan Jun, do you remember the thing you asked me before? The memory has also been sorted out again, but I have gained something."

Xue Wusuan was even shocked when he heard the words, and asked in surprise, "Oh? What did you get?"

Xue Wusuan had told Haotian some words in the sentence on the swaddling clothes he translated before, hoping to get some information from Haotian's long life course, but he didn't expect it to be fruitful.

"I have heard people mention the word "desolate ancient" mentioned by Yan Jun." Haotian did not sell off his words and directly continued: "I was still the **** of this aspect at that time, and then I heard that a demon disaster was about to come, so I solidified it. A powerful monk, the monk's surname is Qi and his name is Qi Teng. He mentioned the word "desolate and ancient" in a chat. It's been too long, and I didn't pay attention at all at the time, so it was only when I was sorting out my memory some time ago. I remember. I hope Yan Jun will not be blamed."

Qi Teng?

Xue Wusuan secretly thought that this name is not unfamiliar to him. Although he has never met the real person, he had this name on the jade plaque that his parents left him. Of course, the jade card is a practice method, but there are also a few words in addition to this practice method to explain that the person who wrote this practice method is called Qi Teng.

Could it be that this Qi Teng was the same person who had been in contact with Haotian at the beginning?

This is possible because there is already a connection between the two Qiten. According to Tiandao's numerology calculations, Xue Wusuan's mother was Xue Wusuan's father whom he knew during the battle of the devil in this direction, and Haotian Zhishi Qi Teng was at that time. In the end, the author of the exercise method on the jade tablet left to him by Xue Wusuan's parents is also Qi Teng. Perhaps Xue Wusuan's parents also know at least this Qi Teng.

Of course, this face also has a joint, that is, there will be no "same name and surname" characters in the above connections. Naturally, this possibility is very small.

"What did the man say?"

Haotian recalled: "According to Na Qi Teng, Huanggu is the oldest and the most powerful plane in the Myriad Realms. He also said that he once obtained some merits related to Huanggu. I studied the fragments of the law, and recommended me some tips, which are very good. Later, when the war started, this Qi Teng didn't know whether he was dead or alive, anyway, I never saw him again. "

"Is there anything else I'm missing?" Xue Wusuan asked again.

"No, I have carefully combed through it before you came here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This time there is absolutely no omission." Haotian shook his head and replied.

"So, what tricks did Qi Teng teach you? Can you give me a look?" Xue Wusuan said after thinking about it.

"It's natural."

After he finished speaking, Haotian took out a soul imprint and handed it to Xue Wusuan, which seemed to be ready for a long time.

Xue Wusuan was not polite, he took it over and refined it directly, and then he understood the tricks that Professor Qi Teng gave Haotian to Haotian.

"This..." Xue Wusuan was really different. I thought it would be some method about the use of means, but it turned out to be a fundamental subversive strategy. This is completely different from the ordinary cultivator's views and routines in the use of mana methods, but it is very strange that he does not jump out of the field of monasticism, giving people a very abrupt and magical feeling.

"Yan Jun also found out? At that time, I was also very strange, and I suspected that there were hidden dangers in these tricks, so I never practiced." After speaking, Haotian paused again and continued: "Speaking of this person It was really weird. At that time, his cultivation had reached the point where he could fit the Tao, but he did not fit into the Tao. He studied these things, but thinking about the ancient times, it must be very magical. Just some of the fragments that Qi Teng got can be rewarded. It seems that Ready to take a different path."

Xue Wusuan was noncommittal, frowned and said, "A different way? Besides "Dao" and "Demon", is there a third way in this world?"

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