Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1049: gossip

When Xue Wusuan was forcibly made into a Taoist Yama by the system, he only knew that there were cultivators in this world, and he collectively called these cultivators "cultivators". Then, as his own monks got higher and higher, he explored Wudao Yama and the unique cultivation system in Wudao Underworld: Cultivation of Demons.

And the system of cultivating demons is also called the system of no-dao by Xue Wusuan. The cultivator is the cultivator of the devil, and the way of the devil is the way of the devil. Demon and Dao are the two cultivation paths that Xue Wusuan has known so far.

Now Haotian's seemingly unconscious sentence made Xue Wusuan think deeply: There can be demons and Taoism in this world, why can't there be another way of cultivation? I don't know if it's changed or not. And that Desolate Ancient, and that Qi Teng, could it be the unknown third path?

Xue Wusuan was thinking, and Haotian didn't dare to disturb him and waited quietly. After an hour, Haotian saw Xue Wusuan break away from his thoughts. But he didn't see any "unsolved" expression on Xue Wusuan's face. Xue Wusuan didn't think of anything about Qi Teng and Huanggu.

"Yan Jun don't have to worry too much. After all, there are cycles in the world. What should come will come, sooner or later."

Xue Wusuan smiled, lit a cigarette, and said, "Yes, there are some things that even Heaven can't explain, what's the use of me being anxious? But Haotian, you take my nephew with you. What do you mean? Do you think he is qualified and ready to accept apprentices?"

Xue Wusuan kept remembering about Zhou Tao's affairs. He hadn't mentioned it before. Now that he let go of his mind and didn't bother with the previous topic, he naturally brought it up.

"Jun Yan is joking. Zhou Tao is indeed talented, and his tacit understanding with the devil is almost perfect. If he really accepts an apprentice, this child is indeed a talented and beautiful jade that can be met but not sought after. However, Haotian also has self-knowledge, which Yan Jun did not have before. If Zhou Tao is allowed to join any teacher in the academy, Haotian will know Yan Jun's intention.

It's just that this child has now shown a very strong ability to comprehend, and the speed of learning and the speed of cultivation are completely unmatched by ordinary geniuses. The teachers in the academy taught him that he was already feeling weak, and they knew little about many things and could not give the child the most correct guidance, so I kept him by my side to prevent the child from taking any detours. "

Haotian made it clear and expressed his attitude. He didn't have the idea of ​​accepting Zhou Tao as his apprentice. He was just mentioning this child, and it was laying the foundation.

"Well, Zhou Tao's talent is better than you think. It's not bad for him to follow you now. But remember, apart from the question of methods and methods, you should not interfere in matters concerning xinxing and comprehension, and let him do it himself. comprehend."


"Well, alright, I won't disturb your cleaning, I'll just stroll around."

Xue Wusuan came out of Haotian's house and did not leave the academy. Randomly wandered around. Under the shroud of spiritual sense, there is no difference between this place and other places. Everything is in Xue Wusuan's control. If you find something interesting, go check it out.

Zhou Huiru is now being led around the academy by Zhou Tao. And Zhou Tao is also a clever boy. Knowing that his aunt is not ordinary, no one in the entire academy dares to offend him, so he leads Zhou Huiru to some "forbidden places" in the academy where students are usually not allowed to go, such as the upper floors of the library building. This kid also took the opportunity to sneak a glimpse of a lot of high-level methods and methods, and he couldn't be more happy. In the end, Zhou Huiru felt bored, and at the same time, she saw that Zhou Tao's little trick was worried that it would break the rules of the academy and terminated Zhou Tao's behavior.

In addition, there are a group of six or seven-year-old children listening to the lectures on the side of the formation. It is necessary to understand that once you enter this formation, you may die and disappear. You must get rid of all your cowardice and fear in order to survive in it. .

Of course, these words are exaggerated, but to warn these children, the **** three deaths are true.

In a flash, Xue Wusuan arrived at the old man Jianchen's house. Jian Chen knew that Xue Wusuan was here, because Zhou Huiru, this woman was instigated by Zhou Tao to run around, and a teacher had already run here to sue him. At this time, seeing Xue Wusuan with a cigarette in his mouth, Jian Chen was very respectful. If it weren't for the unwillingness to kneel in this direction, he would probably have knelt down to greet him.

With the increase in cultivation, Jian Chen's awe for Xue Wusuan has increased unabated. He even sometimes speculates on what kind of cultivation Xue Wushen is.

"Old man Jian, how are you doing recently?" Xue Wusuan ran to Jian Chen's seat while saying hello.

"Mr. Meng Xue cares, everything is fine."

After the Nascent Soul realm, Jian Chen saw a wider world, and placed a statue of Xue Wusuan in his mansion bedroom. He visited worship every day, enjoying the feedback of the power of belief, and at the same time, he continued to comprehend the Wudao system. One by one, he has the confidence to keep going forward.

And the person who brought this road in front of him became more and more immeasurable like an abyss.

"That's good. But as the dean of the Dragon Tiger Academy, sometimes you should also shoulder some social responsibilities." Xue Wusuan suddenly said, making Jian Chen a little silly.

social responsibility? This word came out of Xue Wusuan's mouth, which made Jian Chen feel extremely absurd. What social responsibility would a person so evil care about? Isn't it all about calculations and costs? Could it be that there is something else that can't be calculated?

"My subordinates don't know, but I hope Mr. Xue's guidance." Jian Chen answered honestly.

"Aren't many people in the country professional now? Technology is so advanced, and the intervention of robots has made many people forget the great potential of being a human being. If the word power is only locked on foreign objects, it is not a good sign. So, As the dean of Dragon Tiger Academy, you should stand up and correct it."

Jian Chen understood a little~www.wuxiaspot.com~, but he didn't know if his guess was right, so he quickly asked, "Mr. Xue means to help those ordinary people? But most of them don't have the talent for cultivation. And even if there is, it has already passed the age suitable for cultivation, and the mind is no longer suitable for this path, even if the cultivation continues, it is difficult to become a great weapon, you see..."

Xue Wusuan waved his hand and interrupted: "What kind of great thing is it? The children in the academy are the seedlings of the great one. You are optimistic about them. As for the ordinary people outside, you take them on the road of cultivation and let them do it. They know that the power of monks can far surpass that of machines, so do you expect them to catch up with the children in the academy?"

Jian Chen understood now. He is not a kind person, and there are many twists and turns in his mind. Then he smiled and said: "I understand what you mean. I will select a few exercises and methods from the library with low starting requirements but not high realm peaks, and then hand them over to the responsible institutions in China for them to pass on. …”

"Stop! For what domestic agency? If you want to give it, don't give it to them first. You can spread it outside first, and after the domestic agency finds your door, you can give one or two slightly better ones. But I warn you, The practice of these dharmas can’t be learned by foreigners casually, you have to think about the means of coercion. Do you understand?”

"Don't worry, Mr. Xue, I know. Just add a threshold for blood test. It's not difficult. I will start this matter immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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