Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1059: Report

?A jade slip, the information recorded in it is actually not much. The text is also a translation annotation added by Wang Tianyun, which makes it easy for Rong Ziju to understand. It is precisely because of this that Rong Ziju felt that he did not know how to deal with it.

"Okay, since Lord Rong has taken over this matter, I won't keep you. I think coming to Tiewei is too busy, so if you don't waste your time, I'll send you out right away?" Wang Tianyun drove him away. He didn't want Rong Ziji to go back on it and directly knock the matter to death.

Rong Ziju: "..." I'm quite ashamed of Wang Tianyun's shameless behavior. However, he really didn't have much control over the other party, and this matter was indeed in his hands. And Rong Ziju asked himself, it seems that he is the only one who is most suitable to deal with this matter in the whole unethical underworld.

After leaving the Yin Barracks and returning to the Iron Guard Base Camp, Rong Ziju's mood became more and more irritable. The matter of "Blood Refinement" is still tangled, and now there is another "Soul Cultivation Plan Fragment". Two things, neither is easy. Especially the latter one, which obviously has a great relationship with Yan Jun.

Because the jade slip mentioned this passage: Thousands of planes exist independently and are mysteriously linked to each other. If they are unified, they can integrate plane resources for my use. Another soul is a natural thing and has the most potential. Can you choose a unique soul to cultivate and let it rule thousands of planes on your behalf? After careful study, it will eventually be achieved, and the development of a no-dao system can be used as a driving force to implement the plan. But the right soul is hard to find...

The following message was interrupted, and it may have been very clear to see the problem. If the things inside really involve Yan Jun, it will be a very tricky thing and may even be silenced.

To report or not to report? To check or not to check?

Rong Ziju was in a dilemma. Immediately, he went to the Yanluo Palace again, hoping that Mo Yun would be able to accommodate him and let him in, but Xue Wusuan was taking the time to deal with his huge number of stand-ins at this time, and he was so absorbed that he didn't pay attention to Rong Ziju outside. He also never expected that Rong Ziju would get such a message jade slip.

There was no other way, and Rong Ziju didn't dare to delay. After turning back, he began to dispatch troops, bringing back all the top secret agents and combat units who were scattered in various planes to perform tasks. He personally led the team and rushed into the plane where the jade slip was found.

As Wang Tianyun said before, it is in the attacking stage, and it has not completed the complete control. There are sporadic battles all over the plane. However, according to the information of the Iron Guard, the main combat power here has been annihilated or assimilated, so although the plane control has not been completed here, there is actually no obstacle, and it only takes some time.

Rong Ziju's thinking is very clear. First of all, there will always be monks who remain in the power of the almighty who has collected the jade slips or who have taken refuge in the underworld, and there will also be high-level monks. Check it out first to see if you have any clues. Then, we will screen the existing powerhouses in the entire plane, and look for the name "Soul Cultivation Plan Fragment" to see if we can gain anything.

At the same time, before Rong Ziju left the Wudao Underworld, he had forcibly plundered all the spoils of the deceased Almighty, and all the spoils of the forces he once belonged to, which had been plundered by the Yin Soldiers from this plane. This is also an important screening point, which needs to be carefully and repeatedly screened for possible clues.

Of course, what the Iron Guard took over meant that the Yin Soldiers also needed to participate in the cooperation. If Wang Tianyun wanted to stay out of the matter, he had to ask Rong Ziju if he would agree. After all, this matter is too big, and Rong Ziju can't be regarded as ignorant. If there is something wrong, Tie Wei and his Rong Ziju alone will not be able to carry it on their heads, and they will have to pull another one onto the boat.

I just don't know if Wang Tianyun would regret it when he received the letter of assistance from Rong Ziju.

Of course, Rong Ziju will not reveal too much information about this mission to his subordinates. He wants everything under control. In this way, when Yan Jun leaves the customs, if he is to blame, he can also minimize his fault.

In this secret investigation, it was unexpected that it was not so difficult, and useful information soon arrived in Rong Ziju's hands.

For example, an almighty who thought that he had taken refuge in a ruthless underworld and had already entered the ruthless system provided a jade slip with similar content, and said that there are many such jade slips here. The origin has been long and long, and even the almighty does not know how these jade slips appeared in the first place, let alone who wrote them.

The reason for collecting and collecting is mainly due to the relationship of "age". It is generally believed in the plane that this kind of jade slips are old and should be left over from the last cultivation civilization in the ancient times. Here is a glimpse of some traces and messages about the last era of spiritual practice. It's kind of an "antique".

There were also monks who studied the above content, but in the end, there were naturally no ones available, so it was considered that this thing was not helpful for cultivation, and they put it into the warehouse and ignored it.

When Rong Ziju saw that the situation was like this, it was unexpected. He quickly asked the Yin soldiers to cooperate, took away all the items related to the jade slip, and strictly ordered these indigenous monks~www.wuxiaspot.com~ who dares to dare. To mention this is to die.

So the spy continued to investigate the information, but Rong Ziju had to return to the Wudao Underworld with a huge amount of information and items. The "hard to find clues" he was worried about did not appear. Instead, there were too many clues and it was difficult to analyze them carefully for a while. He had to come back and sort them out slowly to form an effective report and submit it. Moreover, this action must be fast, and before Yan Jun leaves the customs, at least there must be a complete general situation, otherwise Rong Ziju is worried that the consequences will be unpredictable.

For this reason, Rong Ziju had to go to Wang Tianyun in person, and asked Baihu Yamen to secondment a few military advisors who were good at sorting out information and could be trusted to help sort out the information. It is best to be the mastermind of the military station, Xun You. After all, Xun You has read the contents of the jade slip before, and he is not suspected of expanding the scope of knowledge because of his superb ability.

Wang Tianyun was reluctant to face Rong Ziju's request. He simply wanted to get involved too deeply in this matter, but he couldn't help it. The idea of ​​getting out was too simple, and Xun You told him beforehand. However, it was impossible to get away with this matter. He still didn't believe it, thinking that he would be able to stay out of it by handing it over to Rong Ziju. Now it seems that Xun You is right.

Generally nervous sorting and screening, these dead souls re-experienced the word "urgency" for the first time, but in the end they still dared to come up with a top-secret report material before Xue Wusuan sorted out the stand-in.

Rong Ziju didn't dare to go to Xue Wusuan alone, so he could only forcefully call Wang Tianyun, and Wang Tianyun was also afraid, so he dragged Xun You along.

So a group of three ghosts came to Yama Temple again. This time Mo Yun did not stop them.

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