Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1060: huge hidden danger

Xue Wusuan was in a good mood. He just finished taking care of all the 100,000 avatars under his command and sent them back to his own empty space to practice **** evil spirits. If you are in the realm, how sturdy your own strength will be. But then his good mood was destroyed by the three ghosts of Rong Ziju who walked in.

"Where's the jade slip? Let me see it."

Rong Ziju's heart trembled violently, he put a jade slip in both hands, and then quickly retreated to the spot, standing on the right side of Wang Tianyun, even half a step behind on purpose. look. Not to mention Xun You, who entered the Hall of Hell for the first time, didn't even dare to take it too seriously. Feeling the more and more evil spirit on Yan Jun's body, all fools know that Yan Jun is very unhappy now.

Xue Wusuan was indeed unhappy, even gloomy. Both inside and out. Because the news brought by Rong Ziju and the others was far more bizarre than they thought, and for Xue Wusuan, it was almost directing to the gate of life.

There was not much content on the jade slip, so Xue Wusuan swept it away.

Fragments of the Soul Cultivation Plan?

Brows furrowed. Xue Wusuan found that the content of this jade slip was indeed very complicated. Although he only said a few words, he was almost talking about himself. Even if it wasn't, he couldn't get rid of it.

There is a reference to the no-dao system. This is the core content of the overall maintenance of the Wudao Underworld. Even the "sustainable development" strategy implemented by Xue Wusuan can only be built on the basis of the Wudao cultivation system. Even if he is attacking the planes now and can get the support of every plane, there is also the important factor that the Dao system does not hurt the foundation of the Dao of Heaven.

Moreover, Yu Jian also said that the purpose of this piece of content is to get a thug who can unify thousands of planes in order to help scrape the resources in the planes. The criteria for selecting a thug is a particularly potential revenant.

Xue Wusuan didn't know if he was considered "specially potential", but looking at the development of Wudao Underworld, he felt that he should be doing a good job. Does it also meet the selection criteria on this jade slip?

And the last point is also a key point that Xue Wusuan only knew: he was indeed cultivated, because he still has a system on his body! To say his fundamental, so far it is the system. Without the system, there would be no his present, no matter whether the system contains evil intentions or not, this is a fact.

"But what else is there? Finish it all at once." Xue Wusuan continued to ask when he noticed that the faces of the three ghosts of Rong Ziju were wrong. To be honest, he still hadn't figured out how to deal with these few evil people who knew about it.

Silence? I'm afraid it's inappropriate. Let them know? This doesn't seem like a good idea either.

Rong Ziju timidly presented another report, which was the summary he, Xun You and several experts in Tieweili came up with. He also hopes to use this material to let Yan Jun extinguish the fire. Although he didn't particularly understand what the contents of this jade slip related to Yan Jun, he could see that Yan Jun was indeed closely related to the jade slip.

After receiving the report handed over, Xue Wusuan was shocked again. This jade slip is not something that is particularly treasured, but there are many similar things. Was it collected as an "antique"? There is no complete version of the information itself, all are some scraps?

I have to say that Rong Ziju's efficiency is quite good. What he has collected and sorted out already looks very close to the real thing. And gave a logical guess: A group of extremely powerful monks appeared a long time ago, that is, the "last period of cultivation civilization" mentioned by the indigenous monks of that azimuth plane. However, because of some unknown reasons, he couldn't do it himself, so he planned to use the Wudao system to train a thug or a group of thugs to help him do it. But then this group of powerful monks disappeared. Was it destroyed by a more powerful existence? Or did he leave by himself for some other reason?

Rong Ziji and Xun You prefer the former possibility. Because if you leave by yourself, you can't leave without a complete thing. Only in a hurry or when attacked and coerced by an external force, there is only a residue left. The large number of residues also confirms the statement of "rush". Because in the eyes of Rong Ziju and Xun You, the so-called "plan" on the jade slip is definitely not a simple matter even among the powerful monks, it should be a secret, and it cannot be destroyed or discarded at will.

"I was coerced by an external force, so I left in a hurry, so these things are left behind?" Xue Wusuan thought to himself, he has no judgment of his own for the time being, and he needs more information. It is necessary to go to that plane in person to be safe. But before that, he had to deal with the evils in front of him and other related existences who knew the news of this matter.

"Can the person who knows about this matter report the confidentiality regulations?" Xue Wusuan's voice was gloomy, his eyes were fixed on Rong Ziju. If the Iron Guard leader does not give a positive answer now, Xue Wusuan estimates that he will really use his hands to deal with the relevant information. the person.

Rong Ziju hurriedly replied: "Yan Jun~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Tiewei has recorded all the dead souls who came into contact with this incident. And started a segmentation plan, except for the three of us, and then No other insiders understand all the causes and consequences, and what they know are only fragments."

Xue Wusuan nodded and continued: "If that's the case, then you can stop here. Besides, if this matter gets out, you don't need to exist anymore. Step back."

It seemed a bit sloppy to do so. But Xue Wusuan can only do so now. Fortunately, the entire Wudao Underworld was built into a monolithic piece by him, and there will be no major changes for the time being.

Rong Ziju's three ghosts should have retreated afterward. Leaving Xue Wusuan to ponder in the Yama Hall. There are too many aspects involved in the matter, and he can't do it carelessly.

Soul training plan? Relying on the system of no-dao cultivation? Picking potential dead souls to implement?

The biggest hidden danger here is nothing else, but the fundamental cornerstone of Xue Wusuan, as a ruthless Yama, who rules thousands of planes and orders the heroes to come to the world: Is Xue Wusuan a puppet?

This idea is natural. Xue Wusuan would also think in this regard if he put himself in his shoes. And once you start to doubt Xue Wusuan's identity, and guess whether there is a force behind Xue Wusuan, then the rule of Wudao Underworld and Xue Wusuan's dominance will inevitably lead to great doubts and hidden dangers. These are all potential problems that can lead to the disintegration of the unethical underworld.

Xue Wusuan sorted out the information in his mind first, and then left a stand-in to monitor the entire Wudao Underworld. The deity disappeared from the Yama Hall and appeared on the plane of the incident the next moment.

Xue Wusuan had to find out the truth about this matter.

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