Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1062: A little bit of information

?Tian Dao spit out a term that shocked Xue Wusuan.

Desolate people? Wandering tribe? Can you still attack Heaven?

"Tell me about it carefully." Xue Wusuan was very interested. He even had an instinctive feeling that this desolate clan had built the cave mansion in Fenjiangling.

Immediately, Tiandao continued: "A long time ago, when life began to be born in this direction, the barren tribes came. There were not many of them, and there were less than three hundred in total. At that time, they were concentrated in the Fenjiang you said. Around the ridge. That cave house was their residence at that time.

Later, these deserted people who escaped were hunted down and found, so a war almost destroyed the plane that was just beginning to be full of vitality. I also lost a lot of numerology records because of the impact, and it took a long time to calculate the injury. hold back. "

Xue Wusuan interjected: "Wait, are you saying that the cave dwelling in Fenjiangling was built, and the barren people who came here as early as the beginning of the appearance of the creatures in this direction came here to flee? Later, they hunted down their enemies and resisted them. It took a big battle to damage you? Who is chasing them? What kind of existence is the barren tribe?"

"I can't tell the existence of the desolate people, and I don't know much about them. They just stayed here temporarily. All I know is what they said or experienced during this period, which is not much different from ordinary monks. The only difference is The only thing is that they not only absorb the vitality of heaven and earth, but also the inertial energy in the plane. They are very similar to you.

And those who chased and killed these temporarily barren tribes were actually barren tribesmen, who came to hunt down and kill rebels. Therefore, the situation of the barren clan who temporarily stayed in this direction in the previous step will be understood. "

The inert energy in Tiandao's mouth refers to the six-color energy, that is, the magic element.

Such a remark made Xue Wusuan's heart skip a beat again. The barren tribe can absorb the magic energy and the energy of heaven and earth at the same time like him? ! This seems to be very similar to his Yama body! At least it does in terms of absorbing energy. On the other hand, these desolate people are actually traitors of the ethnic group and are being hunted down? Their strength must be very terrifying, or just the aftermath of the war will be able to hit the heavens?

"That's all? Do you know the reason for the pursuit of the barren clan?"

Tian Dao seemed to be recalling, and he said after a long silence: "The specifics are not clear, but I vaguely remember that when they were in the war, the barren tribes were questioning the barren tribes who fled here, asking them where they hid people, just say Come out and save yourself from death. But this questioning went unanswered."

"What is the final result?" Xue Wusuan felt a little nervous for no reason.

"I don't know. When the barren clan who fled here saw the pursuit, they resisted and destroyed the cave and the items in the cave themselves, breaking through the plane barrier and escaping."

Xue Wusuan withdrew from the connection with Tiandao's will. Long silence. Xue Wusuan now understood that his previous hunch was not wrong. The matter caused by the jade slip was really not related to him, and it was far more simple than what Rong Ziju and the others had inquired about. Now there is an absolutely powerful ethnic group involved: the barren tribe. And the people of this family are actually the same as his Yama body, not only can absorb the energy of heaven and earth, but also the magic energy.

There seem to be a lot of clues now, but when they come together, Xue Wusuan has no way to integrate them to form a complete event context, and there are still many vacancies in the middle. This is hard.

Shaking his head and lighting a cigarette, Xue Wusuan moved to a deep mountain and forest in this direction while he was calculating. And not far in front of him is a very primitive tribe. It seems to be isolated from the outside world.

In Spiritual Mind, the population of this tribe is not large, with a total of no more than five hundred. But these five hundred residents are not simple, they are all monks, and even now they are all cultivators, and they have not changed into magic cultivation. Because the place where they lived was covered by a very clever formation, which concealed the blood ghosts and all the shadowy spies who were searching for monks everywhere.

But of course there is nothing to hide from Xue Wushen. Came here to find someone. A cultivator who entered the cave of the barren clan with Li Feng and got a lot of opportunities. This one has lived to this day, and at this time is also hiding in this small tribe.


Xue Wusuan walked slowly into the tribe. On the way, people here all cast vigilant and threatening eyes like an enemy, but did not dare to approach rashly, and instinctively felt a strong evil spirit and crisis from This outsider appeared.

Banlu is the person Xue Wusuan is looking for, and the natives here call Banlu "Shenlu", worship God Lu, God Lu protects this tribe and gives them the means of cultivation.

Xue Wusuan's divine sense vibrated like a wave. Not only did the surrounding tribesmen tremble with their souls, they all fell to the ground, but also directly broke dozens of defensive formations and fell directly on the ground. The Banlu, who was hidden deep underground in the tribe, was locked by his spiritual sense.

This is the majestic air of Wudao Yama. This aspect is already over at the level of Xue Wusuan, and the sporadic battles do not affect Xue Wusuan's grasp of the creatures here. The only thing missing is these cultivators who have a high level of cultivation but do not have a system like Wudao. Therefore, the Yin Soldier array will be surrounded and suppressed everywhere.

Not long after, a thin, middle-aged cultivator appeared in front of Xue Wusuan. It was Banlu.

"Your Excellency~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What's your purpose here, why..."

Before the words were finished, Xue Wusuan had no patience to break up with him, and he directly suppressed the pressure one after another. These pressures came from his deity and the coercion of his condensed avatars, and only mobilized tens of thousands of them. The coercion and blessing of the stand-in was only enough, and it had already pinned Banlu to the ground and couldn't move at all.

"Hand over all the things you got from the ruins of the cave in Fenjiangling, and then look for the nearest demon cultivator to take refuge in, and turn from the Tao to the devil. Can you understand?"

Banlu has no room for resistance at all, unless he is willing to be directly crushed into meat pie by the pressure of the sky at this moment, otherwise he has no choice.

"Yes, yes..." The difficult opening should be, and at the same time, he also understands that the mysterious person he is facing now should be the high-level of the magic cultivators who rule most of the planes today. This coercion alone is the strength that Banlu has only seen in his life. Besides, the other party came here directly, revealed his name in one sentence, and pointed out what he was going to take away, how could he be allowed to argue?

Afterwards, Banlu felt that the suppression on his body dissipated, and he rolled and crawled back to his cultivation place, brought out a mustard seed, and respectfully presented it to Xue Wusuan. It contained all the things he got from the ancient ruins in Fenjiangling. Even the two magic tools that he had always thought he depended on most did not dare to hide, they put them in the ring and handed them over. .

After Xue Wusuan took the ring, he checked it for a while, picked out a few things he needed, and threw the rest back to Banlu. He opened his mouth and said, "If you are still cultivating the Dao for three days, then you can only be wiped out. That's all, let's do it for yourself." After speaking, he disappeared from the small tribe.

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