Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1063: confusing

? Returning to the Wudao Underworld again, Xue Wusuan closed the door again, and no one was seen. Now he desperately wants to sort out all the messages he's getting.

Xue Wusuan was in a bad mood about the desolate clan that he got from Tiandao before. Combining these pieces of information in his hand, he felt that all this had a great connection with him.

First of all, several key messages on the jade slip: "No Dao System", "Controlling Thousands of Planes", "Dead Soul Fighter", these three points are basically equivalent to saying that he has no luck. And thinking deeper, is the system on his body a screening tool for selecting thugs? If you think about it, it doesn't seem impossible.

Secondly, the origin of the jade slip should be the so-called barren clan. To be precise, it should be left by the people who fled to that direction to avoid disaster. Because of the pursuit, it was too late to take away or even destroy it completely, so so many incomplete objects were left as clues.

Does that mean that the content on this jade slip is most likely written by this group of defectors from the barren clan? And the implementation is also this group of defectors?

There is another detail. Xue Wusuan noticed that Tiandao was recalling that the rebellious killers of the barren tribe had said that they wanted the rebel group of barren tribes to hand over "people". Is there another hidden relationship? Hand over to whom? Is it the "mastermind of the soul training plan" or the "specific individual implementing the soul training plan"?

Covered by the fog, Xue Wusuan had a hard time judging the most likely event context from it, lacking key information.

"The words left by my biological parents mentioned "Desolate Ancient", and they were sure that Desolate Ancient wanted to kill me, and it was "killing the heart without dying". Is there a direct connection between this Desolate Ancient and the Desolate Clan? If so, even Desolate Ancient is If it is the clan of the barren clan or another name, then there is most likely no room for the slightest turn between the barren clan and me. Once they meet, they will never die? Why? What kind of hatred is there? It’s me Was it the fault of my biological parents, or did my existence make the Desolate Clan feel a crisis or threat?"

Xue Wusuan lit another cigarette and sat on the chair, his eyes out of focus.

After an unknown amount of time, the expression on Xue Wusuan's face changed slightly, as if he had figured out something. He secretly said in his heart: "Assuming that I am the "dead soul with a special soul" who was found in the jade slip and was found by the barren tribe to help them collect resources from thousands of planes, then according to common sense, I should be on the side of the barren tribe. Yes, it will be true whether I want it or not.

However, my biological parents said, "I still have the will to die in the wild antiquity," which clearly points out that the hostility between me and the ancient antiquity is irreversible.

There is a contradiction before and after. Once the "barren ancients" mentioned by the parents are "barren people", things seem to go against the logic and make no sense at all.

But if, as I guessed, the planning and implementation of the "fooling training plan" were all done by the traitors of the barren clan, then it would make sense. Because if I was chosen by the traitors of the deserted clan, then I would naturally be in the camp of those traitors, and naturally opposed to the native clan of the desolate clan, and the native clan of the desolate clan would definitely want to get rid of me.

Hey. But now this is also speculation, can't be sure! "

There is a lot of key information missing. At the very least, Xue Wusuan has to figure out whether there is an inevitable and direct connection between "Desolate Ancient" and "Desolate Clan". This is very crucial, and it directly involves Xue Wusuan's life experience and the meaning of his existence to this day.

To be honest, Xue Wusuan was not only in a bad mood, but his mind was also extremely fluctuating. The waves were surging like a tsunami, impacting his already relatively stable fundamental cognition.

who I am? where am i from? Where am I going?

These three cognitions Xue Wusuan has been constantly improving since the beginning, and many methods and extensions have evolved from the most fundamental cognitions of these three cultivators. But now, "Who am I" alone has made Xue Wusuan too tired to deal with it, and now even "Where do I come from" has made huge waves. The two sides add up and influence each other, and together they turn Xue Wusuan's entire inner world upside down.

This is not a good signal, especially in this period not long after Xue Wusuan had just broken through to Luo Tian Daxian, the torture of Xue Wusuan's xinxing was particularly violent. There are hidden dangers in the future practice.

This is a problem that magic cultivators must face. Taking the original mind as the basis of practice, the obsession in the original mind does not eliminate it, but instead uses the obsession to transform the desire to promote the motivation to move forward. The advantages and disadvantages of this can be seen at a glance. The speed is fast, but it also lacks the stability in the face of twists and turns.

"My heart is like my body. There are seven emotions and six desires, what's the way to rise and fall?"

Xue Wusuan himself took this mental crisis very lightly. This path was chosen by himself, and the deep-rooted obsession was also brought about by himself. All this seems to be killing, but everything follows Xue Wusuan's initial "original heart" practice stubbornness.

In a word~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I choose the road myself, and I have to walk all the way even on my knees. Besides, Xue Wusuan never thought that he would be hit by this disturbance. In his opinion, these are just some ridiculous waves, and he must be the one who finally resisted and kept the clouds open to see the moon.

If you have a strong heart, you will be strong!

"System, I need to check the information on all the planes in your records."


Xue Wusuan rarely communicates with the system now. Even this time, he didn't ask the system a word. Because he knew that if he asked, he was asking for nothing. At the beginning, he told him that the system level was low, and he had no right to view many permissions, but now the system is full of level 5. If you don't know, you still don't know. The question is that the permissions are not enough. Obviously perfunctory, Xue Wusuan has lost trust in the system. Furthermore, he was going to check it out bit by bit himself, and he didn't want to be affected by the system.

Xue Wusuan has not fully browsed the plane worlds registered in the system until now. There are too many, and the number exceeds one hundred thousand. But now Xue Wushou has it, and he looks very carefully. He needs to look to see if there have been signs of the desolate people in this huge number of planes, or if there is any information about the desolate ancients.

The system information Li will not directly tell you what this plane has, just a general introduction to the plane, which requires Xue Wusuan to investigate and analyze carefully, and he needs to test one by one.

There is a lot of gambling luck, but this is the only way for the time being. Xue Wusuan didn't believe it. One hundred thousand planes, it's impossible to avoid all those deserted people who escaped for their lives, right? As long as you stay there will be clues. Even Xue Wusuan was looking forward to the face-to-face moment with those desolate people.

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