Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1064: Obsession is also good

? The entire Wudao Underworld is in a haze, no matter who it is, they can feel the terrifying evil spirit from the Yama Hall. Those who knew it, such as Rong Ziju, were added to the tail, for fear of something going wrong, becoming a punching bag for Yan Jun to vent his anger. And the uninformed, such as the Wang family's three sticks, are also frightened, and there is no need to even go out the door.

The only ones who are barely normal are the two adults in charge of hell. The horse face took the bull's head, and he went to the Wudao Underworld inside and out. Not only did the bull head speak smoothly, but he also understood what kind of existence the Wudao Underworld was, and what kind of position and responsibilities he had. .

"Brother Ma, why do I always feel panicked recently?" Niu Tou naturally felt the oppressive atmosphere from Yama Hall, but he didn't know why and thought it was his allergic reaction.

"Where do you come from so many words! The fart is so terrifying. Yan Jun is angry, and I don't know which **** who doesn't know whether to live or die has provoked Yan Jun. Don't worry, let's be good at the job, don't ask what you shouldn't ask, don't think if you shouldn't think. Do you understand?"

"Understood! Isn't it just boring work? I understand this!" He turned his head and replied in a loud voice.

"That's right! Just keep your head down and work, and the others don't care."

How simple is this? The souls of the beasts don’t have so many twists and turns, but they think the most clearly. In turn, Rong Ziju, a self-proclaimed smart person, can’t think of it. They are still afraid, worried, and thinking about what to do. In order not to become Yan Jun's punching bag. Isn't this funny?

No matter what kind of plans they had, Xue Wusuan in Yama Hall actually didn't have the experience to take care of them. He just observes closely with his ascension spiritual sense, unless there is any change beyond the bottom line, he will not stop what he is doing.

Careful selection of more than 100,000 planes requires not only repeated analysis of the plane's information in the system records, but also one's own judgment. And most importantly, a certain amount of luck is required.

Analysis of one plane and one plane, and then feel that there may be planes with traces of the desolate clan, Xue Wusuan will enter first, and after some exploration, if there is no expected information, then exit and continue to the next plane. exploration. The experience that needs to be spent here can be imagined, and it will definitely not be completed overnight. Fortunately, Xue Wusuan and Wudao Difu do not have the concept of time.

I don't know how long it took, but when Xue Wusuan felt a strong yearning from the original world, he broke away from this long journey of exploration.

It is impossible not to be irritable, and there is always the discomfort of being interrupted. But this is life, and it is what Xue Wusuan hopes he can have. He never thought that he should do what he wanted to do when he became a ruthless Yama. He prefers human life rather than gods.

The woman I found, the wife I recognized, I miss myself, what else can I say? Put things in your hands first. Actually, it's time to slow down. Xue Wusuan said secretly.

Immediately, the suffocating suffocation in the Wudao Underworld disappeared, leaving a stand-in to continue to monitor every grass and tree in the underworld, and Xue Wusuan's deity returned after a year in the original world.

Zhou Huiru really misses her man. I haven't seen each other for a year, and I haven't had a phone call or anything. The only thing I think about is the few gifts the man gave me. In this day, Zhou Huiru's simple mind can bear it, and she can't fall in love, and change her mind to escape. This kind of life that often doesn't see people is afraid that there will be big problems.

After Xue Wusuan came back, he went directly to Zhou Huiru's office. He could feel the way his woman was living her life now. Only the busy work can make Zhou Huiru temporarily forget to think about Xue Wusuan.

"I'm back."

These four simple words made Zhou Huiru, who was immersed in her desk and focused on her work, stunned for a moment, then trembled, and suddenly raised her head, her eyes were full of tears, her mouth was flat, and she looked uncontrollably aggrieved, wow He threw himself into Xue Wusuan's arms and burst into tears.

Grief is certain. It's much better to cry.

Xue Wusuan's irritable mood because of being interrupted by the things in his hand also receded like a tide at this moment. He put his arms around Zhou Huiru's shoulder, patted her gently, and comforted her in a low voice.

In the end, it's still my man who is incompetent. It's been a year since he left the house, and there's no news at all. Anyone else is afraid. And this is not the life of a normal person.

"I'm back, I won't be leaving for a while."

Xue Wusuan inexplicably found that his mind was strangely calm at this time. It seems that the previous violent fluctuations in the mind caused by cognition and self-crisis have suddenly become invisible.

"It seems that I am indeed suitable for the life of a "human". The complementarity of emotions is actually useful in stabilizing the mind in obsessions. Oh, who said that deep-rooted obsessions are not a good thing?"

The inexplicable change in mood made Xue Wusuan relax both physically and mentally. The most obvious one is Zhou Huiru in his arms. The woman clearly felt that the breath of her man was much gentler, and the kind of love and pity she felt in her heart made Zhou Huiru close her eyes for a while, wishing that time would stay at this moment forever.

Xue Wusuan's arrival could not be concealed from Zhou Huiru's personal assistants. It is very interesting to help Zhou Huiru to push off all the affairs, and also specially reported to Guo Tianjian, and also let the most influential CEO in the world know something so as not to disturb the joy of the couple's long-lost reunion~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the entire headquarters of Longshan Company, everyone is curiously waiting to see the demeanor of this Vice President Zhou. Hit the stimulant in general. Even though he knows that he is not as bright and charming as a fairy like the current Vice President Zhou, aren't all men fond of the new and dislike the old? Work hard, what if you are lucky enough to be a junior? That is the third of the world's first super rich! Never worry again!

If it was a different person, maybe facing these beautiful women whose temperament, body, and appearance are one-of-a-kind, they might not dare to say that they can control it 100%, but now Xue Wusuan dares to say such a tough word. : I am not interested.

Xue Wusuan's mentality and hobbies at this time have a lot to do with his current xinxing cultivation, and it is also related to his knowledge. The rulers of hundreds of planes hold the fate of countless creatures in their hands. Haven't you seen such a beautiful woman? All he sees is dust and ants. Craving for a dust or an ant? This is impossible.

Zhou Huiru is different. Although this woman is not particularly outstanding, she is very lucky. She entered Xue Wusuan's heart early and became an important obsession in Xue Wusuan's practice. Naturally big difference.

"I want to eat sweet and sour pork ribs and spicy fish!" Zhou Huiru stopped crying, holding Xue Wusuan's arm tightly, and the two walked out of the company building without anyone else. In order to "vent" the grievances in her heart, Zhou Huiru put forward her own demands.

"Okay. Let's go to the vegetable market. I haven't cooked for a long time."


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