Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1071: moon

Becoming an aborigines named "Moon", Xue Wusuan found another tribe nearby, calculated the time, and almost restored the footsteps of a person whose family was ruined and stumbled across thousands of miles by luck.

"I am Yue, my tribe failed to harvest, I escaped alone." Xue Wusuan said. The natives who received him did not have much doubt, and even teased him a few times.

"Let's go, come with me, I'll take you to see the patriarch, you know the rules, you can't stay if you can't pass the patriarch's test." The guarding native pouted and said as he led Xue Wusuan in. tribe. The eyes cast on Xue Wusuan along the way are either curiosity or ridicule, a person who has lost his tribe and a homeless person, shouldn't this be contemptuous?

Xue Wusuan knew this and didn't say anything, and seemed very decadent and depressed. Coupled with the "wounds" on his body and the chaotic atmosphere, he looked like a refugee. It did not arouse the suspicion of any natives along the way.

It is said that the patriarch is also the leader. Generally speaking, the person with the highest cultivation level in the tribe is the leader. Xue Wusuan has seen dozens of tribes without exception.

Passing through the low house of the tribe, I saw a different stone house not long after, which was much taller, and there was a statue of a **** that was as tall as a person. The statue was very abstract, but it exuded a divine aura. Needless to say, this thing is the **** that these indigenous people worship, that is, the "empty" of the barren people.

"Patriarch, a refugee has come here and wants to depend on our tribe. I brought him here, please decide."

The patriarch does not look old, just in his early forties. The red eyes unique to the indigenous people are very prominent on this body, and it seems that they are going to choose someone to eat when they look at each other, which is very imposing.

Xue Wusuan pretended to be obedient, avoiding the gaze on the other side. This is the etiquette and habit of the indigenous people, and Xue Wusuan naturally knows it. If the patriarch is looking at you, you dare to look at you, and you won't let it go, this is a kind of provocation, requiring a duel, and it is regarded as a provocation against the patriarch's full strength. This is also the reason why the patriarch stared at him as soon as Xue Wushen came. It's a test to see if this "fleeing" is so obedient and thorny, who likes it?

"What's your name? Which tribe?"

"My name is "Yue", from the Haoyang tribe in the north."

"Haoyang tribe. Well, what happened?"

"The harvest failed, the herd went berserk, and then they chased the scent to the tribe, and all died except me."

"They were all killed by the herd?"

Xue Wusuan shook his head and said, "No, most of them were killed by the herd, but some died on the way here." This is reasonable.

Sure enough, the leader nodded. Get up and walk towards the back room. Xue Wusuan followed up knowingly, and the native who led Xue Wusuan in first followed happily, but the leader did not stop him.

Entering the back room, I found that it was actually quite large, more like an indoor altar. There is a circle of futons beside the altar, and I don't know if this is the place where these indigenous people have a meeting.

"Stand in. You should know the rules."

"Yes." Xue Wusuan replied with his head lowered, while walking to the center of the altar in the middle, he seemed very nervous. He knew it very well from the memory of the dead soul before. This is the main procedure and the mechanism of screening.

As a wanderer who has lost his tribe, it is a negative identity imprint in itself, an existence that is naturally eliminated. But isn't there also something recyclable in the garbage? And now what Xue Wusuan has to face is that this altar will screen whether he is recyclable or not.

"Don't move. Keep your mind. If you mess up the ceremony, I'll have to send you away. Understand?"

"Yes, I understand." Xue Wusuan's voice was still "uneasy" and replied.

After a while, the leader's spell began to operate, and mysterious fluctuations penetrated into the altar, and then the altar was activated, which in turn affected Xue Wusuan.

Since it is screening, there must be preferred conditions, and the main thing is talent. Don't look at these natives relying on an extra spirit to practice, but still depends on the talent. At this time, Xue Wusuan really had a very strong "talent". Moreover, his current soul also has one more soul, which was "borrowed" from the previous soul. And with some enhancements that he is familiar with, it can be said that he is now a "gifted" native.

Sure enough, after only three breaths, the power that the altar exerted on Xue Wusuan quickly faded away. Then Xue Wusuan saw the shocked and ecstatic appearance of the leader, and the aboriginal guard who followed to watch the excitement was also incredulous.

"You're fine! Your name is Yue, right?"


"I announce that from today, you are a member of my Baishuang tribe! Go, go out with me, I will inform the whole clan of this news!"

"Thank you for the patriarch!" Xue Wusuan knelt down on one knee according to the rules and called the patriarch's aboriginal "loyalty".

And the patriarch was really excited, he felt that he would never forget the ceremony on the altar just now. It's amazing. The patriarch has never seen a golden light in such a ceremony since he practiced, which means that this "Moon" is extremely talented, two colors higher than him~www.wuxiaspot. com~ This means that as long as this "moon" doesn't die, it will definitely grow into a monk with a higher cultivation level than his patriarch. And seeing that this "moon" actually survived the trampling of the beasts, this luck is also incredible. Such a talented and lucky person is really a treasure for the tribe.

Of course, these things have to be done slowly. The patriarch wanted to see if he could train "Yue" as his successor. Wouldn't the existence of the entire tribe be more stable? When facing the beast tide, there are naturally more possibilities.

The giant beasts raised in captivity are the "bankers" of "God", and these indigenous people are the tenants in the banker's land. How can the landlord's family turn the tenants over? Therefore, regularly harvesting the "banker" will of course also clean up the "tenant". There is also a beast tide. Therefore, these indigenous people will choose the strongest person to be their patriarch no matter what.

Acknowledged and reused: responsible for cleaning the altar, and leading a team of eight on a hunt. Cleaning the altar is to acknowledge and establish status, while leading the team is to establish prestige and gain popularity. The patriarch took great pains to train Xue Wusuan. He didn't know that the super genius in his eyes was hiding evil intentions.

Xue Wusuan is also very calm, he seems to have really become a "month" waiting quietly for an opportunity. At the same time, he has gained a lot in this tribe, and the most important thing is that he cracked the magic power method on the altar in the center of the tribe.

(End of this chapter)

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