Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1072: offerings

Having lived in this tribe for half a year, Xue Wusuan seemed to be indistinguishable from the surrounding natives. And because of his extraordinary "talent" and the deliberate cultivation of the patriarch, he is now very popular in the tribe, and even many women in the tribe took the initiative to suggest to him that they want to get his seeds.

Xue Wusuan is not a true native, and he has no interest in these native women with huge bodies and different appearances from his aesthetics, so he is a special existence in the tribe. It was rumored that he had a good friend, but he had already died under the previous beast rage, so "Yue" was disheartened.

On this day, the patriarch convened a meeting, as before, but Xue Wusuan was allowed to sit on the sidelines for the first time, right next to the altar in the patriarch's back room. Xue Wusuan was in charge of vigilance. All the participants were the twelve people with the highest cultivation level in the clan.

"There's still a month left for the annual sacrifice. Today, I want to arrange a task first..."

Xue Wusuan did not speak from the beginning to the end, listening and thinking. This so-called big sacrifice is actually the same festival as the Chinese New Year, but this festival requires the largest pilgrimage to the "gods", and there will be rewards.

The reward is that, among all the tribes in this aspect, which tribe has offered the most sacrifices in the big sacrifice, then the gods will descend on which tribe and leave divine favors and blessings. However, the tribe that Xue Wusuan is currently in has never won the first place. This is also the most urgent hope of all the people in the tribe, including the patriarch.

"Yue, you start hunting some rare beasts from tomorrow, be careful not to hurt their teeth and Yuandan, can you do it?" The patriarch asked Xue Wusuan seriously.

"It can be done." The words are concise and concise, Xue Wusuan has always had this attitude, but instead made the people in the tribe trust him very much, thinking that he is a man who doesn't talk much, but works hard.

The patriarch was obviously very satisfied with Xue Wusuan's performance. He nodded and asked Xue Wusuan to prepare a bone-made magic weapon for him. This thing is good, and it is suitable for hunting.

The next day Xue Wusuan can be said to be very busy. He took his eight natives to search for cherished giant beasts within a thousand miles around the tribe. These giant beasts were not raised in captivity. Many of them were more powerful and possessed. Long Yuan is also more of a quality. Of course, it is also much less accessible and dangerous. For example, the white dragon that was torn down by Xue Wusuan before.

According to the previous rules, the tribe would not go hunting more than three thousand miles away, because it was too dangerous and unfamiliar. But Xue Wusuan didn't think he could get anything good within this range. He needs the ultimate high-quality products to let the tribe he belongs to get the first place in this year's big sacrifice, and he uses the medicine to see what the **** is going on with this "virtual" coming.

"Yue, we can't go any further, it's very dangerous to go any further!" An indigenous reminded with some worry.

"Dangerous? For the tribe to win this year's big sacrifice, to welcome the gods to our tribe, I don't think this danger will make me shrink back! If you are afraid, you can go back, I will hunt a white dragon That is a sacrifice worthy of my god!" Xue Wusuan was very enthusiastic. Keep walking while talking. He was not worried that the natives behind him would not follow. When it comes to the depth of belief, no one dares to back down or continue to persuade.

Sure enough, the group was also aroused to fight, and followed Xue Wusuan out of the safe area with a resolute look.

"Don't worry, I won't go to die. Look, what is this?" Xue Wusuan opened the cork of a small pottery bottle, and immediately a fragrance came out.

"This is ecstasy! Yue, you, where did you get this thing is dangerous! Hurry up and stuff it!"

Xue Wusuan smiled and plugged the bottle, and continued: "Don't worry, nothing will happen. Not only have I purified these ecstasy incense, but I have also added a lot of nailhead grass to it, which is more dangerous than the previous one, but Because the nail head grass neutralizes the fragrance of the ecstasy, it will not be poisoned just by smelling it, and it must be eaten."

After Xue Wusuan's introduction, the rest of the natives were also enlightened, and said in surprise: "So we don't need to worry that this ecstasy will hurt us, and it can be used to poison the white dragon?! Yue, are you? How did you do it?!"

"Didn't the patriarch ask me to clean the altar before? There are a lot of books on it. I was allowed to read some of them, so I learned a lot from the tree and worried. This kind of ecstasy was created by me combining the things on the tree."

"But the question is where do we go to find the white dragon? This is not the land we are familiar with."

"Who are we? The best hunters here! It's just a white dragon, I'm afraid we can't find it? Let's go, there will always be a way!" Xue Wusuan was not worried at all. His spiritual sense had already locked on a white dragon, and it was a little smaller than the one he killed before. It is just right for the release range of this "Ecstasy Incense".

Three days later, under the guidance of Xue Wusuan, this group of indigenous people finally found the place where the white dragon lives. Using bait and poisoning, he successfully killed the white dragon, but he also killed an aboriginal. But no one blamed Xue Wusuan for rushing forward, and they all looked at Xue Wusuan with admiration.

White dragon! Even a white dragon that just came of age is extremely rare. In the past, it would be a disaster to encounter a white dragon. Unless the whole family came, there would be no return. This time, there were only nine of them, and they took it down with only one loss, and Bai Long's body was intact, not even a small wound!

This is nothing short of a miracle!

"Okay~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is something for our tribe to win the first place in this year's big sacrifice!" The surviving indigenous people were very excited.

"Not necessarily. We can kill one, and other tribes can, even if they don't have the ecstasy in my hand. So, we still need to kill a few more, or a few giant beasts similar to this white dragon, That's the insurance. What do you think?"

"You're right! Yue, we should kill a few more heads!"

"Yes! We all listen to you!"

After half a month. Xue Wusuan led the remaining six natives and returned to the tribe. This time, I lost two people on a trip, which was a big loss for Xue Wusuan's previous achievements. The unidentified tribesmen knew that they saw eight complete and huge beast corpses and eight washbasin-sized Long Yuan before opening their mouths to understand what Xue Wusuan led his hunting party to do.

"Yue, how did you do it?!" The patriarch was also very surprised. He couldn't think of how Xue Wusui brought his clansmen to hunt and kill so many high-level giant beasts perfectly. Even he himself can hardly do it.

Xue Wusuan didn't hide it, he took out the remaining "Ecstasy incense" and told everything.

"You are really a genius! With this, our tribe will definitely win the first place in the big sacrifice this year!"

(End of this chapter)

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