Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1073: trace now

Time passed quickly, and in a flash, the tribe's year-end sacrifice arrived.

On this day, the whole family rejoiced. Regardless of age, they all got up early, wore new clothes that they were usually reluctant to wear, beamed with excitement and were busy with each other, working together to prepare the various facilities and items needed for the big sacrifice.

The huge sacrificial altar on the top of the tribe's mountain has long been completed, and now the corpses of giant beasts that have been ordered are displayed behind the sacrificial altar, stacked like mountains. On the sacrificial platform, there are a pair of clean fangs, which were obtained from which giant beasts, and are the best sacrifices. Among them are the teeth of the white dragons that Xue Wusuan led the hunters to kill.

At the beginning of the big sacrifice, Xue Wusuan followed these indigenous people to carry out activities. At the end, after the key ceremony of the sacrifice, suddenly the entire sacrifice platform was covered by a golden light falling from the sky, and a dazzling figure came out from the golden beam.

Xue Wusuan learned to kneel on the ground like the others, but his eyes were still focused on the front. Is this the "empty" of the gods in this direction? Seeing that his attire is not much different from that of the natives here, the breath on his body is also contained but not released, but he still has the realm of a powerful person. Xue Wusuan could even feel that the other party should not have reached the Consummation of the Almighty, and there was no sign of reconciliation.

This is the first time I have come face to face with the barren people. It felt very strange, Xue Wusuan noticed from the first time this "empty" appeared that there seemed to be some kind of connection between the other party and himself. In the words of a cultivator, there is "predestined relationship". It's weird.

In addition, Xue Wusuan's other huge gain this time is that he has found where the "empty" is hiding. The source of the golden light is not actually a mezzanine in this plane, but outside the plane! In a fixed fragment in the void where the plane clings to!

"I'm going to find a place to hide! But to be able to re-consolidate a space in the void, this method will definitely not be able to be done by a powerful person who is not even in the realm of the Tao. It is estimated that it will be torn apart if it cannot stay in the void for a while.

Besides, where did this guy hide the underworld? "

These questions have not yet been clarified. But now there are some ideas. Come little by little, there are not many opportunities like this. Just don't screw it up.

When the gods came, the tribe was naturally excited to the extreme. From the patriarch to the common clansmen, they all trembled with excitement. Years of wish have finally come true. Then there is the gift of God, which is a golden light, which greatly improves the cultivation base and physique.

In fact, in Xue Wusuan's view, what kind of gift is this? It's completely punishment. The first of the big sacrifices is a glory, but in fact it is showing a message: our tribe is very powerful, the monks are very powerful, and have great potential!

Power and potential means this threat. Honestly, being a "tenant" helping to harvest the "banker" may be able to live a little longer. If you have to be the first in the big sacrifice, you will be the first bird with a gun. You are reminding the "Xu" that your tribe is already strong. , has threatened his management of "tenant tenants". So, it's time to get ready to start cleaning up. That is, the legendary "beast tide" is approaching.

As for the strengthening of cultivation and physique this time, it is just a matter of life. When the beast tide comes, I realize that these enhancements are nothing but a drop in the bucket.

Of course, the beast tide will not come immediately. Maybe ten years, maybe three or five years. Who knows? Anyway, it is now considered to be in the eyes of the "virtual", and the destruction is at hand.

The golden light dissipated, and the miracle dissipated. The great sacrifice is over. Except for Xue Wusuan, everyone in the jubilant tribe was inspired and excited from the heart. Seeing that Xue Wusuan didn't know what to say for a while. Such believers are actually lucky for "Gods", but sometimes the fanaticism of believers when faced with false gods is also the saddest.

The day goes on. Xue Wusuan has stayed in this tribe for more than a year. He now has a vague prestige of a deputy chief. But he didn't care at all, Mingli still "lives his life" as usual, and has secretly used the second half of the year to follow the breath on the altar and the coordinates of the golden light that appeared in the "virtual" sacrifice before. I touched the door of the shelter in the void.

But it's a bit of a hassle to get a peek inside. It's not that I'm worried about the "empty" inside, but I'm worried that there will be some hidden defenses in that shelter. After all, this sanctuary was definitely set up by a character whose cultivation base was far above the void, and Xue Wusuan was not completely sure.

All you can do now is wait and see.

Luck comes.

In the first year and a half of Xue Wusuan's integration into the tribe, an old soldier in the tribe reached the end of his life. Even the cultivation of the extreme realm cannot go beyond the limit of lifespan. This is impossible on other planes, but it is normal here. Unless you have the talent to keep the instinct moving forward, otherwise, once you stop it, you will be attacked by the limit of your lifespan and end the foundation of your existence. This is also the fundamental reason why the patriarch with a dignified immortal-level cultivation thought of training Xue Wusuan as his successor. Because even he doesn't know how long he can continue to practice. Maybe one day when I wake up, I will find that I have reached the end of my practice, and maybe I am dying.

Xue Wusuan waited for this moment for a long time. There have been many deaths of the natives he had targeted, but this was the first natural death. Because he found that the natives who died accidentally would be absorbed by the world's source power in a very short period of time and would not go to the underworld to report~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and natural death is not necessarily.

When the old soldier swallowed his breath, Xue Wusuan's spiritual sense firmly followed the old soldier's soul, and even split a piece of the surface of the life and soul attached to his soul, and homogenized it, hoping to become a road guide.

It's risky to do this, but Xue Wusuan has nothing to do for the time being. He can only pin his hopes on it, hoping to find a breakthrough point.

After a while, the old warrior's soul began to float. He seemed to sense something, and the expression of the soul was calm and pious.

"Did you feel the call of "God"? Are the legends in the tribe true?" Xue Wusuan thought to himself, remembering a legend in the tribe that you can see gods after natural death.

The soul floats higher and higher, which is completely opposite to the need for the soul to sink after the death of other planes.

"Huh? Another eternal fragment attached to the void!? How capable is this person? How extravagant?" Xue Wusuan found that the old soldier's soul had finally entered the underworld, and that underworld was also the same as the "empty" before. Sanctuary is not in this face either.

That is the underworld! Not a shelter! Can it also be packed into one-sided fragments and hidden in the void for permanence? ! This method is afraid that it is far above that Hongjun? !

(End of this chapter)

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