Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1074: camouflage

Find out where the ruler of this plane is hiding, and also discover where the underworld is in this plane. But it was far more difficult to attack than Xue Wusuan expected. At the same time, there is a new understanding of systematic risk assessment.

That so-called hazard assessment now seems like a joke. It doesn't make any sense at all.

Indeed, just a powerful person who has not reached the realm of the Dao is not a threat to Xue Wusuan, and the Yin soldier array in the Wudao Underworld can easily put him to death. The problem is that even if he has the ability to kill the mighty one now, the plane attack is not to kill the strongest person in the plane, but to occupy the underworld.

The powerful man named "Xu", Xue Wusuan can still take advantage of the other party's appearance, but how can the underworld get in? Kill in? Don't worry about being intervened by the person who set up the space consolidation debris? Or go head-to-head and take risks with the strength of the unscrupulous underworld?

Do not. Xue Wusuan directly denied the approach of confrontation. This is not in the interests of the unscrupulous underground government, let alone his interests. Come here to tell the truth, Xue Wusuan is not really planning to attack the plane, he wants to contact, contact the barren clan, and at the same time find out what connection these mysterious clans have with him and the "system".

Continue to hold your mind and treat all this as an experience. Even Xue Wusuan deliberately changed his identity from Wudao Yama to a real indigenous hunter.

"Yue, many girls in the tribe are interested in you. Why can't you let go of the past? You know that reproduction is the top priority of the tribe. You have such outstanding talent and leadership, don't you want to pass them on?" The patriarch asked Xue Wusuan with a joking smile while drinking. This topic shouldn't have been asked by him, but he couldn't put aside the question about the descendant of the successor he was very satisfied with, not to mention that he was recently annoyed by the voices around him asking for persuasion.

Xue Wusuan replied in a proper manner: "Patriarch, I have no interest at all in this matter now. Many young men in the clan are very good and have great potential. I forget it, maybe my heart is in the previous disaster. died in."

"My heart is dead? Well, it's a pity. But things can't be avoided. The tribe is obliged to contribute to the reproduction of the tribe. You should think about it again."

"Good patriarch. But I don't think I will change my mind." Xue Wusuan's idea is simple, and the huge difference in aesthetics makes it impossible for him to do it even if he goes to the scene. Now just say no. I don't believe that because this little thing affects his position in the tribe.

Another party tonight. Not for celebration, but for remembrance. Because another old warrior from the tribe has returned to the embrace of the gods. And this day happened to be the third year that Xue Wusuan arrived in this direction.

He doesn't need to care about the passage of time. Because the time here is too special, it is suppressed in a small plane, and the flow rate is amazingly fast. After the strict blockade of the plane, time and the outside world almost lose the speed difference, which seems meaningless. For the living beings, it may be a tragedy that they do not know, but it is good news for Xue Wusuan, and it is an excellent convenience for the ruler of this aspect. Breeding, who doesn't like the time to progress faster?

"Patriarch, you know I don't like this sad atmosphere. I'm taking my leave."

"Go ahead. You're a warrior, and you really don't like a dull moment. I'll help you explain it to others who ask you."

The patriarch watched Xue Wusuan leave. He sighed slightly in his heart. This "month" is indeed a very suitable successor. Talent, luck, brains and even leadership skills are also excellent, with a strong and calm personality, with almost no shortcomings. The only thing that can be considered insufficient is the issue of his children. Maybe it will get better in a few years? But recently, he felt that he still put a message out to dissuade the girls who were to be married from thinking about "Yue". Can't we all get married and hang on a tree?

Days have to go on.

Xue Wuaba returned to his house and sat on the bed on his knees. His current practice. This behavior is rare in the entire tribe. Only a few indigenous people will specially arrange time to practice, most of the time they live like ordinary people in other planes, just eat, sleep and work.

Because there is one more soul, and this soul just happens to imprint the instinct of practice in the instinct of these indigenous people. They do not practice, but they practice all the time. The heaven and earth vitality from the outside world and the magic energy mixed in the heaven and earth vitality all poured into their bodies under their instincts, and there was no end.

But there is a reason, that is, the instinct is evenly effected by the Fa, such as eating and sleeping. If you are sleepy, you have to sleep, and sleep at the usual time, even including the duration. If you want to violate it, you need to interfere. The same is true of eating. It is not good to be too fat or too thin, but your instinct includes the amount of food and the time you eat. If you want to change, you have to intervene.

These natives are also, the growth rate of cultivation is related to talent, and the limit is also limited talent. But to break it, you have to intervene. Therefore, some natives in the tribe who are ambitious or have their own sense of responsibility and ideas will arrange additional special practice time. For example, the patriarch has a daily practice period.

Xue Wusuan stayed here for three years. For the past three years, he has been researching all the time. Study every aboriginal around ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the soul of the aboriginal who imprisoned him in his "pocket".

He needs a perfect plan, and the key part of the plan is to become a perfect "indigenous", whether it is appearance, habits, way of life, but also the soul.

As a Yama, Xue Wusuan's research on the Three Souls and Seven Souls and his familiarity with him believes that he is not behind others. But the extra energy in this direction took him a lot of time. And now, he finally got it. At this time, Xue Wusuan used the Yama body and his deep knowledge of the soul to create another soul and "installed" it on his body.

This is an experiment, not perfect. Therefore, he needs to deliberately arrange time for himself to practice, and reversely engraves this deliberate practice into the extra body and becomes an instinct. It seems to be progressing well so far.

"I hope to be able to catch up with the disaster of this tribe." Xue Wusuan thought to himself. In the past six months, he has been hunting around, and he has discovered the abnormality of the surrounding giant beasts. Although it is slight, it cannot escape his eyes. The consequences of being the first in the Great Sacrifice are coming.

This was what Xue Wusuan had expected, and it was also the time he was waiting for. The purpose of camouflage is to wait until the disaster strikes, and the implementation can ensure that there is no mistake.

He needs to personally enter the underworld in this aspect, and everything will turn around.

(End of this chapter)

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