Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1075: crisis is coming

"Yue, let's go. You must do me a favor this time!"

Xue Wusuan smiled without looking back: "Of course. Hunted a white-ridged beast, and then completely dug out the crystal horn on its head, and gave it to you as a gift to "Cang", right?"

"Yes! You promised me. And you also said that you had no idea about Cang, otherwise I wouldn't ask you for help."

The native who spoke to Xue Wusuan was called "Sui", the son of the patriarch. The cultivation base is good, it is considered outstanding, and he was also a candidate for the next patriarch before, but after Xue Wusian came, there was no such thing as a candidate. However, the atmosphere here is so, the concept of the strong obtained is very pure, and no one thinks there is anything wrong.

The broken sweetheart is what Xue Wusuan called "Cang", one of the many indigenous women who wanted to marry Xue Wusuan, and one of whom was ignored by Xue Wusuan. Sui wanted to win Cang's heart, so he asked Xue Wusuan to take him out hunting. He wanted to hunt down an extremely rare white-ridged beast and give Cang the crystal horn on the forehead of the white-ridged beast as a gift. This is the most precious gift of indigenous love.

This busy Xue Wusuan needs help, so this time he went out hunting, he took "Smash" with him, and searched for traces of white-ridged beasts all the way.

But just less than a thousand miles away from the tribe, Xue Wusuan and his party found some abnormal signs.

The warriors in the hunting team are all good players in the tribe, they are experienced and bold and careful, especially after these natives have learned some tricks from Xue Wusuan, they have developed and become extremely keen.

"Yue, I feel something is wrong."


"There are too few little beasts around. They are usually the most things, and you can see them wherever you go. But this time I didn't find many."

Small beasts refer to beasts that are no more than one meter in size. This beast is huge in number and variety, and it is the main component of the creatures in this direction. They disperse seeds for vegetation, are also food for large beasts, and are also an important link in maintaining ecological balance.

The indigenous people generally do not hunt small beasts. They target those higher up in the mammalian food chain. But even if the small beast was not the target, but after walking nearly a thousand miles, he found that the evaluation rate of the small beast was too low, which immediately attracted the attention of the hunting team.

"You are very sharp. This is indeed abnormal, but we still need some clues to find out the reason. Our mission also needs to continue. In addition, you also saw that this time, "Broken" came out, so we still need to hunt Killing a white-ridged beast is a lot of things. The abnormality of the small beast can only be checked incidentally. After returning, I will report it to the patriarch."

"Well, I'll listen to you, Yue."

Except for the reduction of small beasts, the rest seems to be normal. The hunting party is also much more vigilant than ever. The prey has also hunted and killed a lot, but they have never encountered a white-ridged beast. So the most anxious thing is "broken". Before he came out, he boasted to his sweetheart "Cang" that he wanted to give her a crystal horn as a gift. A dishonest person can't get a wife.

"Don't worry, it's broken. The white-backed beast travels alone and it's weird, and many people have never seen one alive in their entire lives. It's only been out for a few days? There's still a lot of time, so don't worry." Xue Wusuan comforted the eager broken. At the same time, Spiritual Mind actually locked a white-ridged beast wandering nearby early, and he kept bringing people closer to it. This needs to be done with care and slowness, otherwise the Whiteridge can easily feel the danger and run away.

However, in the back of this seemingly strange but seemingly stable hunting out, Xue Wusuan still found more information than others: the bell of death has sounded.

Not all those little beasts disappeared, there were others, but Xue Wusuan found that they were all small beasts that were very aggressive and disrupted the layout of the food chain. For example, the small beasts with super reproductive ability and omnivorous food have not decreased at all. Besides, the surrounding giant beasts don't seem to have changed, but the fluctuation of the soul is much more unstable than before.

Soul fluctuations generally appear unstable when emotions fluctuate violently and when life forms rise and fall. The former "emotions" mostly refer to beings with high intelligence, while the latter "life forms" mainly refer to the rise and fall of the spiritual realm. The same is true for many of the low-intelligence creatures who stepped into the demon cultivator by relying on the extra soul.

Another possibility is that some external reason directly acts on the souls of these creatures, either persecuting or colluding.

Xue Wusuan judged that the fluctuation of these living souls should be caused by external factors. Then there must be a great mana manipulating behind the scenes. So he had to think of the "disaster" he had judged before.

The disaster is a beast tide. Millions of violent beasts rushed over together. There are also a large number of immortal first-level monsters. Their attack power and impact are definitely not something that a mere tribe can resist for a moment.

Therefore, the first place in the big sacrifice, the evil consequences have already begun.

Clean up, clean out all the "tenant owners" who have the potential to turn into serfs and sing.

This is an ending that has been decided without any accident, and it was also brought about by the tribe, or it was actually facilitated by Xue Wusuan. After all, without his help, this tribe would not have been able to get the first place in the big sacrifice, and it would not have been favored by this disaster.

On the ninth day, the patriarch's son "Smash" finally got what he wanted. A young white-ridged beast was caught and hunted. The half-foot-high crystal horn was dug out, and after cleaning it, it looked like a precious and beautiful work of art.

"Thank you Yue, and everyone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I will definitely invite everyone to drink when I go back this time!"

"Hahaha, this is what you said, we will definitely drink all the wine you have hidden!"

"Yes, yes, drink it all up!"

The task of hunting is completed, and the help of "Broken" is also completed. A group of ten returned to the tribe. For the first time, Xue Wusuan told the patriarch of the anomalies he found along the way. There is nothing to hide. For these natives, it makes no difference whether they know it or not.

Of course, even if the patriarch paid more attention to Xue Wusuan, he would not immediately realize the seriousness of the situation. Because logically, there is no danger around their tribe. And the probability of the beast tide is extremely small, and there is no leftover event as a reference. Therefore, the patriarch ordered all hunting teams to narrow the scope of activities, focusing on finding the reason for the sudden decrease in the number of small beasts.

On the other hand, Xue Wusuan is speeding up his research, and he still lacks a little bit to reach the perfect state. The opposite will be deliberately instinctive, which is a bit difficult, but he is confident that it will be completed before disaster strikes the tribe.

Just two months. More than a dozen tribal people who went out to hunt died, which was several times the normal rate. And the reason for the disappearance of the large number of small beasts has not been found. A dark cloud has already weighed on the hearts of the clan chief and other high-level tribes, and there is a great sign of a crisis.

(End of this chapter)

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