Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1076: Infiltrate

The occurrence of things is inevitable, and it is not something that the indigenous monks can change by their own will. Because their power is too weak. And they have not been divided into small tribes one by one, there is no contact with each other at all, and there is very little communication between neighbors.

Dispersed and limited forces can't form any force after all, let alone resistance.

That is, in the fifth month after Xue Wusuan came back to report the abnormal situation, hundreds of people had died in the tribe before and after. This loss fully made everyone in the tribe understand the seriousness of the situation.

"This is not normal! It is too abnormal! Giant beasts have a range and territory, and it is impossible to run around aimlessly!"

"Hmph, now they are not only running around, but they are also swarming, and they have surrounded our tribe in the middle!"

"Patriarch, I doubt, this, is this a sign of the beast tide?"

"..." As soon as the last sentence came out, all the senior leaders of the tribe were dumbfounded, and their faces were extremely ugly. It's not that no one thought of this, but that he was too scared to say it. At this time, it was pointed out, and I didn't know what to do.

"Patriarch, I'm afraid it might really be a beast swarm, so let's hurry up and make plans?"

Intend? How to plan? There is absolutely no chance of winning. With so many behemoths of rage, where can manpower be able to resist them?

"Divide the clan into three batches and prepare them first, and be ready to evacuate at any time." The patriarch did not hesitate, and directly came up with the "measure".

"Okay then, Patriarch, I'll prepare now. Do you have any other orders?"

"You don't need to go, you come to me at night, I will decide the batch."


That night, a list came out, and the batches in it were a bit cruel. The old, the weak, the sick and the disabled are the first to break through, followed by the elite seedlings who are the mainstay, and finally the warriors who are just old and have little potential.

The first batch is to explore luck. If you can get through it, you will be lucky; if you can't, you will die. The second batch will follow the first batch, and there will be a relatively empty window period, which will be much safer. The last batch, it is not a breakthrough, it is a break, and there is no doubt that it will die, and there will be no thoughts.

The order of the breakthrough was not announced, but three echelons were formed according to this batch. Anyone with a discerning eye will know what the purpose of these teams is after a little thought. But even if they knew, these natives would not say anything. Survival of the fittest, you can't try to leave some old, weak, sick and disabled clansmen, right?

Xue Wusuan, as the successor of the team leader, the most talented warrior "Yue" in the tribe, he was not included in the third echelon at the rear, but in the second echelon. For this reason, the patriarch also talked to Xue Wusuan, who was "indignant". But in the end, Xue Wusuan refused.

"My previous tribe was annihilated by giant beasts, and I have earned my living until now. Now that the beast swarm is imminent, I don't want to run away. I am a warrior, not a tramp!"

Of course, these are all rhetoric, Xue Wusuan's rhetoric. But it made the patriarch look serious for a while and didn't know how to deny the thoughts of a "warrior". After all, soldiers do not escape. Homeless is a shame. And "Yue" has been a homeless once.

Even the patriarch himself was thinking, what's the point of being a homeless man twice? Instead, he would rather die.

Therefore, although Xue Wusuan was compiled in the second echelon, he actually followed the third echelon.

Just waiting to die, how could it be possible to break through? If there is an emergency breakout, wouldn't Xue Wusuan's preparations for so many years be in vain?

That is, on the fifth day after the echelon was allocated, the disaster began.

As the first echelon to break through, the old and weak had no chance to stand out for five hundred miles, and they were trampled into flesh by the swarming giant beasts. The second echelon also had no chance to break out of the siege. The entire tribe was trapped in a very small area by the beasts who suddenly surrounded it, and its destruction was imminent.

The third echelon that Xue Wusuan followed knew from the very beginning that they would have no way to survive, and they each fought for their lives. However, the violent and massive beasts are not capable of competing with the strength of the indigenous cultivator, so they suffered heavy casualties in less than a day, and finally had to retreat to the Black Rock Mountain where the tribe was located. But it seems useless, those giant beasts have no intention of stopping.

Xue Wusuan's hunting team members are all dead, the patriarch is dead, and his son "Broken" is also dead. It seems that he still chanted the name of his sweetheart "Cang" before he died.

Finally the patriarch died. It was very tragic, and after killing dozens of giant beasts in a row, he died of exhaustion.

Xue Wusuan was naturally "dead", one step ahead of the patriarch. Along with the natives who died on the side, they turned into the state of the dead, waiting to be volatilized into the world's source power.

The soul is fabricated by the world's source power, Xue Wusuan naturally understands, and he is familiar with the transformation of each other.

Sure enough, in a short while, the many new-born souls around Xue Wusuan dispersed and became the source power of the world, and he also changed, and then he hid himself and merged into the source power of the world with the flow.

This is Xue Wusuan's first time to enter the "pond" of the world's power. It feels wonderful, as if he has entered a starting point for everything. The rules filled here are completely different from the way of heaven and the way of no way, and they all mean "creation". And now, Xue Wusuan is a force molecule waiting to be "created", which is amazing.

There is no concept of time here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xue Wusuan has no idea how long it has passed. But he believes that the time outside will not pass too much. Because a "tenant" tribe is destroyed, a new one needs to be established as soon as possible. Otherwise, will it reduce production?

A mysterious force struck, Xue Wusuan hurriedly followed and attached to this force. He knew this was going to fabricate a soul.

Sure enough, that power began to prepare to shape Xue Wusuan.

Here is the most crucial place. All Xue Wusuan's previous preparations came into play at this moment.

Before waiting for the force of the origin of the world to have an effect, Xue Wusuan had already started to "evolve" on his own, which really made this miraculous force a little stunned. Immediately, seeing that Xue Wusuan had completed his own evolution, he stopped paying attention to him.

Xue Wusuan sneered, and at the same time found that a lot of the world's source power had been extracted, and some of them were by his side. Then each soul was shaped and started to go in the same direction.

Xue Wusuan followed the traction with a smile and remained calm. Just now, he had discovered a secret in this aspect, how the extra one was achieved. After reading thousands of repetitions, it is impossible to learn not to see clearly.

The pulling force slowly extended, and soon, Xue Wusuan felt a sense of crossing the plane. I knew in my heart that this was the place to be.

(End of this chapter)

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