Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1077: Familiar Energy Fluctuations

Sure enough, as Xue Wusuan had guessed, he followed the new-born dead souls who were not yet conscious and floated out of the plane, but instead of entering the void, he entered a space fragment in the void. He is very familiar with the atmosphere here, which is the case in almost all the underworlds. The only difference is that the energy floating in the underworld that I entered this time has become different.

Looking around, it is very empty. Lack of the evil that should exist, it looks lifeless and seems to be silent.

And without the release of spiritual sense to probe, just eyesight can look around the end of the surrounding. Flat and small, Xue Wusuan estimated that the area would not exceed ten miles.

The most eye-catching is the huge six-way roulette in the middle. It is obviously different from the six-way roulette that Xue Wusuan has seen and collected in the past.

First of all, this six-way roulette is red, and it looks **** and tyrannical at first glance.

Secondly, there are no six-way areas on this six-way roulette, there are only two squares, one is chaotic, and the other has a wise response.

"In this case, isn't this six-way roulette not divided into six ways, and only two reincarnation choices of humans and beasts? No, it should be two choices of humans and non-humans." Xue Wusuan looked secretly while looking for some There is no natural way to escape the pull of the power of samsara.

It's all coming, and it's so silent. Naturally, he wouldn't go to the six-way roulette and go out and become some aboriginal. Ah, I want to explore this different underworld well.

But now it seems that it is a little troublesome to escape, Xue Wusuan is worried that his sudden departure from the traction of the power of reincarnation will be discovered by some hidden peeps here.

Fortunately, the reincarnation roulette needs to deal with a lot of souls. Even if it is very fast, it is Xue Wusuan's turn to deal with the crowd of souls in front of him. So Xue Wusuan still had time to think about ways.

During the observation, Xue Wusuan discovered a very interesting place.

"The energy in this local government is so complex. Heaven and earth vitality, magic essence, evil spirit, yin qi, and even the remnants of the world's source power. Maybe I can use this to get away from the pull of the power of reincarnation." Xue Wusuan secretly said. . Since he could decompose his soul before "death" to allow himself to sneak in in the form of the source power of the world, then it is natural that he can do the same now. But it takes an opportunity.

For example, an unqualified soul was destroyed by the six-path roulette? Somewhat dangerous, but give it a try.

Xue Wusuan began to adjust his soul after thinking about it. He didn't make too many changes, but made adjustments in the three souls and seven souls he was most familiar with. This is where he can guarantee that he will not be seen. After all, there will always be "defective" items in so many living souls. These things often happen in other planes, and the probability is a problem. And looking around, these living souls are also of different quality.

Then there is the wait.

Finally, it was Xue Wu's turn. His current soul was extremely useless, and it could be said that he could not meet the standard of reincarnation at all. This situation is rare, at least Xue Wusuan has seen a waste living soul after watching it for so long, and the fate of that waste living soul is that it is directly decomposed and discarded. This may be the reason why there are residues of the original power of the world.

An emotion of disgust suddenly appeared on Xue Wusuan's body, and then he was thrown away from the six-way roulette, and his soul began to be disintegrated. During this period, Xue Wusuan secretly sighed that he was lucky. He had enough knowledge of the soul. Otherwise, his Yama body would not be able to withstand this rude decomposition method. If it was really decomposed into the most primitive world source power, then he would also Even if it is completely over.

The decomposition ended quickly, and Xue Wusuan became "the remnant of the world's source power" and still did not leave in this underworld, and he can now move freely and is no longer affected by the power of reincarnation.

This place is not big, Xue Wusuan first walked around slowly, and only focused on the places of interest. For example, the tallest building in front of us except the six roulette wheels: a stone tablet.

In other underworlds, there are sometimes things like stone tablets, which are erected by latecomers. The above records are the history of the respective underworld or the biographies of some important people or some iron laws of the underworld. But Xue Wusuan didn't have a word on the stone tablet in front of him at this time. There are many intricate patterns.

The power fluctuation is the main special feature of this stele. Xue Wusuan didn't dare to probe into the divine sense to observe, but even so, he could find some clues.

"The energy fluctuations are very regular, and they coincide with the energy fluctuations of the six-path roulette in this local government. The strangest thing is that I am actually familiar with this kind of regular energy fluctuations?" Xue Wusuan was very puzzled.

Where have you seen it? Xue Wusuan couldn't remember for a while. Familiar but never noticed.

After a long time, Xue Wusuan left the stele and cautiously approached the strange six-way roulette. He wanted to take a close look at this strange six-way roulette he had never seen before. And only by approaching some Xue Wusuan would he dare to use his spiritual sense to probe on the surface, and he also did not dare to go in.

"The basic rule of the six-way roulette is still there, which is to let the dead be reborn. But the final point of the rule has been completely changed, even destroyed. It has become another way of reincarnation. It is absolutely impossible to do this. An ordinary almighty person. To change the rules of reincarnation, what kind of cognition and mana does it take?" Xue Wusuan felt a little shudder when he thought about it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ These are all things that Xue Wusuan did after he approached. found on the surface. He believes that there are more mysteries hidden in this red six-way roulette.

A lot of news has been obtained, but it is not the time to start the plane attack. Xue Wusuan now needs time and environment to calmly straighten out the information in his hand and form a new attack strategy. Of course, attacking is not the main purpose, the purpose is those desolate people.

"We must find out whether there is a connection between "Desolate Clan" and "Desolate Ancient"." This was the most important and urgent thing Xue Wusuan wanted to know.

It's hard to come in, but easy to get out. Relying on the ability of the system, Xue Wusuan easily disappeared into the underworld in this direction without leaving any traces. Disappearing a little bit of the world's source power residue in the underworld did not cause any disturbance at all.

After leaving the Dragon Reverse plane, Xue Wusuan returned to the original world without stopping. He promised Zhou Huiru that he would return within half a year, and he did not want to lose his trust.

Nearly ten years have passed in the Dragon Reverse plane, but in the original world, less than two months have passed in a hurry. The time gap is very sudden, and most people simply cannot accept it. Sometimes even Xue Wusuan needs a good calculation. Otherwise, if someone accidentally stays in another plane for a long time, what if the original world has passed for decades? This is something Xue Wusuan absolutely does not want to happen.

(End of this chapter)

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