Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1078: reason

"It doesn't matter, hurry up, I'm all ready!"

"Got it! What's the hurry? The plane will run away again." Xue Wusuan sat leisurely on the reclining chair on the balcony, smoking a cigarette, squinting in the sun. The weather is fine today, and it's a lazy day.

Been back for two weeks. And it's only been less than two months since Xue Wusian left last time. So Zhou Huiru is very happy. Every time she is in a good mood, she likes to travel and play everywhere, and this time is no exception. But this time Zhou Huiru didn't want to fly around with Xue Wusuan's spell anymore, she wanted to go to some resorts that ordinary people go to. In the words of Xue Wusuan: nothing to do.

So Xue Wusuan felt that it was time-consuming and didn't really want to go, but he couldn't beat Zhou Huiru. But even if he agreed, he didn't want to be in a hurry. His own plane, don't wait for him to dare to run first? It is a matter of enjoying the sunshine of some small county towns more.

He hummed softly. Zhou Huiru also had nothing to do with her own man. They could only pouted and ran to the balcony for a while, but after being cleaned up by Xue Wusuan with a smile, it was almost noon when the couple went out.

There was no airport in the small county before, and it was not qualified to build at all. It's different now. The small county town of the past is now more than ten times larger than when Xue Wusuan became Yama. All the credit for this must be attributed to Xue Wusuan's arrangement of the Longshan Company headquarters here for convenience.

As the largest company in the world, Longshan's business is no less busy than that of a small country's government affairs, and it may even require higher precision and efficiency than government affairs. Therefore, dozens of self-purchased large passenger planes at an airport have become necessary equipment for the company.

As a senior executive of the company and the wife of the big boss behind the scenes, Zhou Huiru was assigned a special plane and was waiting at the airport at this time. No one dared to have the slightest complaint for waiting from morning to noon. This time, Mr. Xue Wusuan, the vice president of the cruise week, will also be there. This is a great honor for the crew members. Who wouldn't want to see this legendary first man in person?

A black unicorn car drove into the airport, and the waiting crew also understood that it was Mr. Xue and his wife.

"Mr. Xue, the plane can take off at any time. On behalf of the crew, I am honored to serve you." The flight attendant greeted Xue Wusuan who was boarding the plane with a smile on his face.

"Well, let's take off."

"Yes, Mr. Xue."

The plane is fully equipped, and Zhou Huiru can even do a full-body spa here.

And Xue Wushen didn't ask for anything, just sat on the chair, leaning against the back of the chair, looking at the clouds outside the machine window for a long time without saying a word.

It has been some time since I returned to the original world. Xue Wusuan came back this time to fulfill his promise to Zhou Huiru, and at the same time to find a place to calm down and straighten out the many messages he got on the Dragon Reverse plane.

Everything else is easy to say, only the stone tablet that Fang saw in the underworld of the Dragon Ni plane, Xue Wusuan still can't understand it.

"What exactly are the energy fluctuations on the stone tablet that make me feel familiar? I feel that it is very important for me to understand this. But why can't I remember it?" Xue Wusuan was a little depressed. He is now in the realm of Luo Tian Daxian, and his life and soul have long been understood by him, and all the memories are in the life and soul. But now Xue Wusuan has rummaged through all his memory fragments, not even the memory of his being a human being in his lifetime, but nothing has been gained.

"I can't be wrong! I must be missing something."

Xue Wusuan didn't speak, didn't move, and his expression was serious, so that the flight attendants who wanted to show their faces didn't dare to approach. I thought to myself: People say that Mr. Xue's aura is very strong, and when he is serious, ordinary people don't even dare to approach. I didn't believe it before, but I didn't expect it to be true. So scary!

Xue Wusuan took the tea and took a sip, but still didn't speak. The twists and turns in my heart still could not be sorted out. until the plane reaches its destination.

"Nothing, shall we go to the accommodation or eat first?"

"Are you hungry? Go eat first if you are hungry."

This is Paris and there is no shortage of good food. It was not the first time for Xue Wusuan to come here, but he did not come as often as Zhou Huiru. After all, this place is still a shopping paradise for women.

French food has a great reputation and a lot of tricks. It is not known as a world food, and it claims to be no weaker than Chinese food. Xue Wushen scoffed at this. French food may be good, but more Chinese food is far worse. People who think that French food is similar to Chinese food are either really foreigners, or they have never eaten real top Chinese food.

Thinking of this, Xue Wusuan pouted and smiled. While listening to Zhou Huiru's small talk, he subconsciously followed the previous thoughts and wondered how many top Chinese dishes he had eaten. But this thought made Xue Wusuan stunned. He didn't even remember.

The automatic ignoring instinct of memory. It has nothing to do with consciousness. It is an instinct of life. Things that are consciously useless will always be forgotten from memory at the first time, completely forgotten. If you want to go back, it will take a lot of effort, and it may even be impossible to find it. Because those memories were originally "forgotten" by Xue Wusuan himself.

"The reason why I am familiar with the energy fluctuations on the stone tablet must be that I have seen it before. Could it be that I have instinctively forgotten it at that time if I don't get up now? It is not impossible!"

After eating, Xue Wusuan accompanied Zhou Huiru to go shopping, and then went to see the night view of Paris. Finally returned to the residence, a villa near the city. Living closer, it is convenient for Zhou Huiru to go to more places.

When it was late at night~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xue Wusuan was still circling the previous guesses in his mind.

"Energy fluctuations can only be sensed and impressed after I became Wudao Yama. So the decades I have lived can be ignored. Then the first plane I entered was the eight planes of Tianlong.... .." Xue Wusuan once again began to look back on his experience after he became Wudao Yama. This is how many times he has tried to backtrack.

This time, with finding the nodes that I might have forgotten, I finally got something.

"After that, the first high plane I ruled was the plane of the White Snake... When I attacked, my strength was not strong enough to compete with the blood, Jade Emperor, and Amitabha at that time, so I used The "Tinder Cube" from the Transformers plane threatens the heaven of that plane...

Ok? and many more! Heaven? ! "

An existence that was so powerful in Xue Wusuan's eyes at the time, invisible and intangible but shrouded every corner of the plane, the Dao of Heaven!

Because it is too strong, it cannot be noticed and cared about. Then Tiandao became an accomplice, and one by one, it has changed from the "biggest threat" to the "least threat". The relationship between the two changes extremely quickly, with almost no intermediate links.

"Could it be that the energy fluctuations on the stele that I am familiar with come from the Tao of Heaven?"

(End of this chapter)

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