Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1080: problem solved

No one cares, and no one wants to be sacrificed or sacrificed. Although the chaotic situation did not affect Xue Wusuan's good mood, it made countless people sleepless and sleepless.

It's not unreasonable that Xue Wusuan's mood improved. With an epiphany, he solved a big problem that had troubled him for a long time, and reorganized his strategy for the reverse plane of the dragon.

On the stone tablet in the underworld of the Dragon Reversal Plane, the energy fluctuation was confirmed by Xue Wusuan, that it came from the heaven. For this reason, he personally called out the Heavenly Dao of the original world for verification, and got a positive answer.

The Dao of Heaven comes from the creation of the Great Dao. Even though the Dao of Heaven in each direction has subtle differences, the essence is the same, and as the Dao of Heaven, to a certain extent, it has been perfect since it appeared, no matter how long it is. With the passage of time, the Tao of Heaven will not change its perfect way of being. This is a rank difference decided from the beginning. Therefore, the essence of each heaven is the same. Nature also has the same energy system and fluctuation performance.

Forgetting this is completely forgotten by instinct, leaving Xue Wusuan completely clueless. In the end, if it wasn't for the right time, Xue Wusuan didn't know how long he would be stuck on this problem.

Now his problem has been solved, and he has also figured out another problem: where did the Heavenly Dao of the Dragon Reversal Plane go.

The energy fluctuations of the Dao of Heaven cannot be simulated. Even if they are very similar, it is absolutely impossible for the existence of the Dao of Heaven to be indistinguishable from true and false. So, now things are clear, the stone tablet standing in the underworld of the Dragon Ni plane is not some mysterious means, but the way of heaven.

Understanding this, combined with the feedback from the system after scanning the entire plane, the conclusion is that the missing Heavenly Dao of the Dragon Reverse plane is hidden in the square stone tablet, or imprisoned in it!

In the past, even if Xue Wusuan became the ruler of hundreds of planes and the controller of life and death, he didn't think there was much in this world that could threaten the existence of the Tao of Heaven. There are thousands of planes, and there are very few in the realm of the Dao, not to mention the monks above the realm of the Dao? Now it seems that he still thinks simple.

time. For monks, that is a concept that does not need to be cared about. He Xue Wusuan can not care, and other monks can. One hundred thousand years, in the eyes of a monk at the immortal level, may be equivalent to ten years for a mortal. In the eyes of a powerful person, it may be just a consumption of retreat, and in the eyes of Na Hongjun, it is at most the same as a stick of incense. time makes no difference. What about in front of this existence who can imprison the Dao of Heaven? One breath time?

Time has no meaning, and how many powerhouses rise and fall in this slow and disorderly river and finally fall silent in the dark. What are the mere ruthless underworld and his Xue Wusuan?

The road has to go step by step. Not arrogant or pretentious. Having a goal in mind is better than having nothing to do, right? Xue Wusuan is now admonishing himself.

So he didn't panic at all. Although this existence that can imprison the Dao of Heaven is not something he can deal with now, he does not believe that he will not face it one day. At that time, who is the ant and who is dead and who is alive will not be known. These confidences also come from "no concept of time". He Xue Wusuan has the confidence to let himself grow infinitely.

Xue Wusuan had a deep understanding of the problem, and he naturally knew more about the changes in the original world. These turmoils in the situation were simply anticipated, so what's the surprise?

Guo Chengkai is the president of Longshan Company and is responsible for the operation of the company. The ability in business is indeed good, but his vision is still limited to the level of mortals. Even though Guo Chengkai's grandfather is now considered a monk, he still cannot change the vision of this grandson.

How did Longshan Company rise and sweep the world? Why do those countries in the United States and Europe make a farce of "Mars immigration"? In the face of the turmoil in various countries, why has it not affected China at all? Why did the planetary railgun that became the umbrella appear? Why are the dignitaries of various countries held hostage by various things and unable to take effective measures before the appearance of railguns? Is Huaxia's secret work really leak-proof?

Everything is a net, a net without loopholes.

The Mars immigration programs in the United States and Europe were originally premature babies forced by the collapse of public confidence in their own economic recessions. In addition, Xue Wusuan took out the technology of a spaceship cabin as a fuse, and it was difficult not to implement it.

It is impossible to make a long-distance spaceship in such a short time with a spaceflight survival cabin technology alone, and even if a new technological node can be derived, there is not enough time to understand it. Look at Huaxia, which has already obtained the complete railgun technology. Up to now, even if it has obtained the higher-level space navigation technology provided by Xue Wusuan later, it has not produced a qualified spacecraft to know the difficulties involved. How complicated.

But although the current situation is chaotic, it has not left Xue Wusuan's control.

War cannot happen. The United States and Europe are now filled with the power of the "Dark Mage Association", and there are people from the Dark Mage Association from ordinary people to its high-level officials. These people hold the right microphones to represent all strata. As long as Xue Wusuan does not allow great changes, the audience of these microphones will never be messed up. Now it's just expressing their inner panic.

This situation won't last long. At present, the domestic technical difficulties have been almost overcome. Once all is resolved, humans will begin their first long-distance voyages in space. And as soon as this news is announced, the upheaval that affects almost half of the planet's population will turn in another way.

Xue Wusuan and his wife arrived in Paris less than a week ago, and there are still many places to go. Xue Wusuan's idea has been confirmed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has received a lot of technical support from Xue Wusuan and has worked in Longshan Company and Orbit. With the dual assistance of the cannon, the domestic organization that is the leader of the world economic system has been completed. After repeated research and experiments, they have basically figured out most of the key issues that need to be solved for the long-distance voyage of the large population in space. In other words, this matter has basically been inseparable.

How many smart people in domestic institutions make suggestions? With such a good card in hand, it is natural to know when to play what and how to take advantage of the current international situation to seek more benefits and convenience for the country. So, an official news titled "The era of Mars immigration may be realized in two to three years".

Let's not talk about how the domestic people who saw the news reacted, anyway, the foreign countries were fried. I thought that the earth would leave the abominable eastern man-made disaster, let's go to Mars to play. As a result, his Mars immigration plan was a scum, and Dongfang followed suit. And according to the practice of the mysterious country in the east, it is definitely a sure thing to be able to announce with great fanfare, and to be fully prepared.

So what are we playing? If you can't do it on Earth, you can't run away. If people go to Mars first, then even if they can go up on their own, wouldn't they have to rely on others? There must be a way!

It's impossible to win. Be gentle then? Make a good relationship with the other party first, and wait until you get to Mars to get a piece of the pie?

(End of this chapter)

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