Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1081: Colonization begins

The habit of domestic institutions is indeed that once it is announced, it is already guaranteed. Therefore, the domestic Mars landing plan this time is a sure thing, and it will be completed in the near future.

But it will not be "immigration" but "construction". There is no turmoil in the country, it's just a big change in the employment of ordinary people. Therefore, the first phase of the plan to log in to Mars is still based on construction. The number was set at two hundred. The main purpose is to build a sufficient living environment in the predetermined area. The next three to five logins serve the same purpose.

As for large-scale immigration, the expectation of domestic institutions is to wait until there is a breakthrough in the technology of the spacecraft, and it will be able to achieve a risk-free round trip and be able to carry a scale of 10,000 people.

It has to be said that such a step-by-step plan is much more logical than the previous joint plan between the United States and the European Union. It also gives people more confidence.

However, although the plan has not yet been implemented, the screening work for the common people has already begun. This time, the main target group is the people who can pass the physical and mental quality test, and have a certain level of education and experience in the construction and agricultural industries. Of course, there are only fifty places for ordinary people, and the rest are all filled by professional astronauts.

But even though there were only fifty places, they still broke their heads.

The 50 ordinary people who were finally determined to be qualified in all aspects then started a closed training for half a year, trying to meet the requirements for boarding the ship before the plan was implemented.

Xue Wusuan stayed in the original world for half a year, and then left, he needed to enter the dragon reverse plane again. In addition, look for a tribe, take advantage of the opportunity of "the soul of an old soldier can return to the gods after death", find an old soldier of the tribe who died naturally, and then replace his soul, and enter the underworld of the dragon reverse plane again. This is of course much faster than before.

However, Zhou Huiru, who stayed in the original world, experienced the drastic changes in the world pattern brought about and changed by her man.

Domestic institutions did not officially promote the plan within a year or two as announced, but only half a year later, the first spacecraft to land on Mars took off. A total of three ships, one carrying people and two carrying cargo, need to sail in space for fifteen days.

This time seems very short, far shorter than the three-year voyage time of the Mars colony spacecraft jointly undertaken by the United States and Europe. From this alone, it can be seen that there is a huge gap-like technology generation difference between the two plans.

The whole operation went smoothly, from lift-off to escape from Earth's gravity to space travel, and finally to approaching Mars' orbit and landing at the intended location, everything was as perfect as expected.

The landing was successful, followed by the construction of the first phase of the survival base. The main labor force is not the five hundred pioneers, but the two hundred latest-model engineering robots that have been transported here along with the materials. In addition to commanding robots to deal with emergencies and conducting some necessary experiments, the most important purpose of the mission of living people is to leave real-time data of living people living on Mars. This is the most important.

The efficiency of the robot is very high, and on the first Earth day after logging in, a temporary survival cabin for the five hundred people on the spacecraft was built. Three days later, the experimental cabin for related tests was also completed, followed by the activity cabin, the planting cabin, the leisure cabin...

When planning, the consideration is not to simply come up and stay for a while and leave, but to live for a long time and collect various data on living. There are even some expected Martian extremes to contend with. These things are all risky, but they can provide researchers on Earth with the most valuable data in real time so that they can adjust the next login plan.

A year later, the changes on Mars can't be hidden. Radio telescopes in various countries have clearly captured the already large-scale man-made buildings above. The overall volume is already like a small village, and it is conservatively estimated that it can accommodate a minimum of 5,000 people for long-term living.

The news was reported by various countries. No matter what kind of remarks, there is only one purpose, and that is to hope that China can share technology and make a generous decision for the future of all mankind.

joke. Domestic institutions are not fools, and the results of hard work are used for the benefit of all mankind? Think beautifully. Therefore, there is no positive response to outside media reports and inquiries.

You give me resources or money, I help you send some people and materials to Mars, and then you pay some management fees.

And one-third of the second batch of land reclamation groups that arrived on Mars are active-duty special forces soldiers. And among the materials and equipment that arrived at the Fire Element, there were over a hundred armed combat robots. This news cannot be concealed, and countries have already sensed the dangers hidden in the policy of "limited assistance to immigrants" proposed by domestic institutions.

But why don't you go if you know it's dangerous? How can it be. Now there is only one road before all countries, and they have to go to the dark, otherwise they can only wait for the great collapse of the economy and the collapse of the political system.

After all, the current earth is no longer a place where countries could play tricks. The economy and sergeants were crushed in all directions, the people lost hope and creative motivation, bit by bit they were eroded by the East, and they stayed and waited to be annexed?

As for running to Mars, would it be better? Certainly not absolute. But at least there is a silver lining. For example, I have observed some information about the eastern voyage spacecraft and fed back to speed up my own development~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Also, is it a way to have a private plot of your own country before Mars is completely occupied? If you have more belongings, you can also have more bargaining chips in case of irreversible situations, right?

The change in the situation has reassured Guo Chengkai, the president of Longshan Company, and also made some people who are challenging things to die. But the pace of great change has never stopped, instead it has been getting faster and faster.

Log in to Mars and build a space colony suitable for human survival. What is needed is not the strength of one country, but the strength of all mankind. But the initiative of this force is still in the hands of domestic institutions. Whether it is Earth or Mars, only Huaxia can hold the right to speak.

Even the Longshan Company, the world's largest private economy, has begun to negotiate with domestic institutions. Their company's business can no longer stay on Earth, and should have a more visionary outlook on space. Apply to expand some of Longshan's business systems and products to Mars in the third plan to land on Mars.

However, the idea encountered considerable resistance. But no one gave up.

And the other side. The Dragon Tiger Academy, which had attracted much attention, began to become silent. Under the impact of a major event like Mars immigration, it seems that personal practice is too small again.

How can ordinary people understand this kind of thing in the cross-domain universe of the fleshly body?

(End of this chapter)

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