Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1082: Heaven's cry for help

Xue Wusuan didn't pay much attention to the changes in the original world, everything there was already under his control. It doesn't take much thought. And the matter of the dragon inverse plane in front of him is the big stone in his heart, which must be removed.

This time, Xue Wusuan has already figured out how the extra soul of the living souls here came into being, so there is no need to go to the indigenous tribe to suffer as before. He directly found an aboriginal warrior who was lucky enough to live to death, and then collected his soul and replaced it with his own.

The current Xue Wusuan can also use the instinctive method to meditate and strengthen his strength just like the creatures on the reverse plane of the dragon. This is also a gain for him, at least it can greatly shorten his needs in the realm of Luotian Daxian. time to stay.

Unlike last time, this time Xue Wusuan was not drawn into the energy pool of the world's source power, but directly passed through the plane barrier and entered the underworld hidden in the void.

Just like last time, Xue Wusuan used the means by which he could change the form of the soul at will to turn himself into a mutilated soul, which was abandoned and decomposed into the original power of the world. After that, he once again came to the stone tablet that he had figured out.

When he was in the original world before, Xue Wusuan communicated with Tiandao of the original world many times. After leaving the original world, he went to several higher planes, asked the same thing, and got the same answer: if you want to save Tiandao, the first thing to do is to wake it up.

How to wake up, the Heavenly Dao of the original world gave the simplest method, that is, let Xue Wusuan also simulate the energy fluctuation of the Heavenly Dao.

Heaven exists alone, and although there are connections between them, there are very few. This is the rule of heaven. If the two Heavenly Dao are too close, it will be a disaster, and they will affect each other and cause the collapse of the Heavenly Dao rules and the collapse of the plane. Therefore, stay away from the same kind, this is an iron law written by Dao into the instinct of heaven, and it will be strictly enforced at any time, even without a conscious response.

And now what Xue Wusuan has observed is that the Heavenly Dao of the Dragon Reverse Plane must be trapped in the stone tablet, and he needs the help of Heavenly Dao, so he must be rescued. As for how to decipher the means of trapping Heaven on the stele, Xue Wusuan felt that this was not something he needed to consider for the time being. It's too dangerous, he doesn't think he has the strength to deal with this kind of thing. That's something that only needs to be calculated after the Tao of Heaven has awakened.

Xue Wusuan has mastered the energy fluctuations of Tiandao very well under the personal guidance of the original world Tiandao. At this time, there was no need to prepare at all, and he directly used his soul energy to release a special wave and invaded the stone tablet.

This trace of fluctuation is very slight, so slight that if it hadn't been released by himself, even if Xue Wusuan was fully focused, he would not have noticed it. This is something that has been repeatedly guaranteed by the Heavenly Dao of the original world. It is said that no matter how subtle similar fluctuations are, it can cause an instinctive reaction of any Heavenly Dao.

This is a wave of energy, not any practical means of mana, nor is it a touch between actual objects. Therefore, even if there is a means of defense on the stele, it cannot be inspired.

Xue Wusuan stopped after a moment of fluctuation, and then waited. After a while, a different frequency of fluctuations appeared on the stone tablet, and it seemed that something was struggling.

Heaven must have sensed it!

But what is waiting is not the separation of Heavenly Dao or the creation of a connection with him, but a mysterious and powerful force suddenly appearing on the stone tablet, like a slap in the face, ruthlessly awakening the "struggle" of the Heavenly Dao that had just appeared. The fan is gone.

Is this raising Tiandao as a tortoise grandson? !

Xue Wusuan was a little stunned. Although the power in this stone tablet disappeared in a flash, the impact it brought to him was not small, and it felt completely unmatched. No wonder he can imprison Tiandao and slap his ears like Tiandao is ignorant.

"Do you want to try again? No! The risk is too great. First, I can't guarantee that I will try Tiandao again, but I will really wake up. Second, it may be detected by the imprisoning force on the stone tablet."

Things became a little tricky, and Xue Wusuan's previous thoughts were completely shattered. He didn't expect the imprisonment on this stele to be so fast and powerful. Still underestimating the opponent.

But just when Xue Wusuan felt a little clueless, a faint thought entered his mind. This idea is very weak, it seems to be a broken thing floating in this space. But the message that this idea conveyed to Xue Wusuan made him extremely excited.

"My kind, I don't know how you got here, but please be careful! There is a mysterious and powerful force here that maliciously restrains our consciousness and imprisons us. And I am imprisoned.

If you are not imprisoned like I am, please save me. This is the only help I can count on. Of course, it is impossible to break through the confinement of this stone tablet from the outside, and I can only do it myself. But I need something to keep me awake, so please bring me..."

The message is not long and not much content. The key message is clear. It only shows up once and then disappears.

"Shards of Heaven's Will? I don't have this." Xue Wusuan was a bit big. It's not that he doesn't have the Heavenly Dao Fragment, but he just doesn't want to take it out. The six cosmic raw stones he got in the Avengers plane were actually the fragments of heaven. And now these Heavenly Dao fragments have been turned into a magical six-path killing plate by him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He also hopes to use the six major killing plates as his own way back, but he doesn't want to just take away a piece of it.

"It seems that we can only find another way to find Tiandai to repair the film. And before Tiandao awakens, it is best not to do anything that may stimulate the mysterious power of this plane." Xue Wusuan said to the one in the stone tablet. The power has lingering fears, and no longer dares to act rashly.

If you want Heavenly Dao fragments, you have to go to Heavenly Dao in other planes to ask for it. It's the same as asking someone for a piece of meat on someone's body. If you don't get scolded, you are lucky.

"You have to find a relatively familiar plane of Heaven to speak. I don't know how much it will cost."

This back and forth made Xue Wusuan a little irritable, and also felt quite troublesome.

The plane that Xue Wusuan came to is the plane of the Conferred God List. Because the Heavenly Dao of this plane has the most contact with him. He thinks it is also the most suitable one to speak.

"Demon Lord, are you saying that you need to take a piece of me in order to save an imprisoned Heavenly Dao?"

This is the fastest time Xue Wusuan feels that Tiandao speaks the fastest. Does this mean that Tiandao's mood has changed? Angry or surprised? Or maybe both?

"Yes, I'm willing to pay some price for it. How?"

(End of this chapter)

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