Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1084: conspiracy

"How are you doing recently?"

"Not very good. The power cannot be fully recovered, and the control of the plane is not complete. That magic weapon restrains me too much."

"Do you need help?"

"Help? You are the master of the devil, I'm afraid you won't help in vain. But you're interested in this aspect?"

"Naturally, I like it. But I am more interested in that desolate clan. If you are willing, can you tell me about "Void", everything you know."

Tiandao got out of trouble, and there was no more powerful character that Xue Wusuan expected to appear to clean up the situation. Instead, the barren clan "Xu" who guarded this aspect was relying on a magic weapon to deal with Tiandao or hard steel. . In this way, it is much safer for Xue Wusuan. At this time, he remembered the system's risk assessment of this aspect. Perhaps this assessment is not as shady and pitted as he imagined before. It is more likely that the system has long anticipated the current situation, or it actually knows the fundamentals of this aspect.

"Desolate clan, maybe I can really tell you something. But it's a little troublesome to express in words, I prefer to map it directly." As he said, a "tentacle" connected with consciousness came to Xue Wusuan's side.

Tiandao is now out of trouble, and the connection with Xue Wusuan has also been established. But some time ago, Tiandao really didn't have time to take care of Xue Wusuan. The attack from "Xu" was too violent, and it had to deal with it with all its strength. Now that the two sides have shown a stalemate, there is time to spare.

Naturally, Xue Wusuan would not refuse. He also likes the way of communication of Tiandao's mapping. It is more perfect than words and there is no deviation, and it saves a lot of time and avoids all misunderstandings.

With the connection of consciousness, Xue Wusuan instantly stepped into the "once" sent by Heaven. Inside is like a vast ocean, with a lot of information and details! This shows that in Tiandao's own consciousness, this passage is also kept as an important message.

The time when the barren tribe came here for the first time was actually not too long ago. At least in Tian Dao's eyes, these time lines are not long.

After the countless years when he gave birth to consciousness and took on the role of ruling a plane, Tiandao has witnessed the ups and downs of the plane he ruled over seven or eight civilizational periods. The leading creatures above also changed one after another. Until later the barrens appeared.

It was a jet-black brilliance, like a sharp sword piercing the barriers of the plane, and it came arrogantly and unmatched. And Tiandao also saw the barren people at that time. Without waiting for it to issue a warning, a completely different rule and power from its cognition spread out, not only breaking the original balance and inherent laws of the plane in an instant, but also directly eroding the interlayer of its existence, forcing it. had to appear in the plane.

At that time, Tiandao's first reaction was that the visitor was an enemy rather than a friend.

But when I really did it, I found that Tiandao, who had never met someone who could compete, was not the opponent's opponent at all, and was beaten to the point of being unable to fight back.

"The way of heaven here, I will imprison you according to the rules and set up a black stone tablet. After that, you will guard this aspect. But remember, the rules of the clan cannot be broken, and you can only rely on yourself in the future. You are really talented, then rely on here to cultivate to chaos. At that time, your things will never be able to escape. If you can't, it is better to stay here than to wander."

This sentence is very clear in Tiandao's memory. This was also the last and only thing it heard before it was imprisoned in the black stone tablet and lost consciousness, and the only thing it heard from the desolate strongman.

That's right, the desolate people who imprisoned Tiandao are not the "virtual" who are now fighting with Tiandao. There were two at the time. The strong man who thought that the black light lingered all over his body and could not see his face clearly. The other is "virtual". And listening to the words left by this desolate powerhouse, the meaning inside is very clear: this azimuth plane is specially made for "empty" as a "reliance". And this "virtual" obviously won't be in a good situation in the desolate clan, otherwise he wouldn't be mentioned as "it's better to stay here than to be displaced".

Perhaps this "Xu" is also an abandoned desolate clan? As unpopular as those "rebellious" people who were discovered by Xue Wusuan?

Besides, what is the realm of "chaos"? Above the combined path is the realm of "enlightenment", and this chaos must still be above enlightenment. Listening to the meaning of the desolate powerhouse, as long as the "empty" can achieve the "chaos" realm, then he can return to the desolate clan to get back what once belonged to him. Thinking about it this way, this chaotic realm is an extremely high level of cultivation even among the barren, and it must be extremely terrifying. I just don't know what the realm of this desolate master who treats Heavenly Dao like a little kid is like, is it the realm of "chaos" he said?

"In this way, the current situation of this "Xu" is actually very embarrassing. He can't get the support of the desolate people, and can only rely on himself to fight with you? Because once he loses his rule in this aspect, it is equivalent to losing the last Will there be no hope of reaching that chaotic realm again?" Xue Wusuan felt that he had found a joint.

Tiandao: "That's what it means. But it doesn't mean that he will fail. His magic weapon naturally restrains me~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and his cultivation will continue to improve, but I will not have the slightest bit. growth. Over time, the winner and loser are actually very clear.”

"So, you also need my help. We can have a good talk. You should already know me. I'm different from the previous demon masters. My rule over the plane will only benefit you and not harm you."

"Well. I know you. They all show kindness to you, but at the same time they say that you are dangerous."


"I do not have choice."

"Oh, then it's a pleasure to cooperate." Xue Wusuan replied with a smile.

The current situation on the Dragon Reversal plane is indeed as the Tao of Heaven said, the longer it drags on, the longer it will lose. There was no turning point at first, but Xue Wusuan came with the greetings and kindness of the magic cultivator, so it had a chance to turn over and even have a chance to regain consciousness.

"I need a desolate clansman called "Xu". As for this side and that plane, I want it too."

Xue Wusuan's request was beyond Tiandao's expectations. He knows what kind of existence the Demon Lord is. Although the Demon Lord of this generation seems to be very weak now, the Demon Lord is the Demon Lord, the Demon Calamity is the Demon Calamity, and the essence is aggression. Insatiable greed is the devil, and it is also the result of the practice of "self-intention" that they admire.

Of course, this is a concept, and it does not prevent Tiandao from clearly judging his own situation.

"Okay. But I want to get back all my strength and consciousness."

"make a deal."

The agreement is easy to reach consensus. Next comes the details. How to help Tiandao. Please Baidu "Throwing Books Network" to thank you for your support!

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