Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1085: plan

A battle that is closely related to all the creatures in the plane, but they are not able to participate in, has been played for more than half a year and there is no winner. Heavenly Dao is just abiding by its own rules, and has not taken back its own jurisdiction, nor has it even taken back all its power.

On the other hand, although the desolate clansman "Xu" can rely on a magic weapon to fight with the Tao of Heaven, but his cultivation is much worse, and now he can only maintain the current balance. However, after a long time, only "virtual" will win in the end.

On this day, just after the evening, the sun was slowly falling with a smear of fire, and the stars were about to hang up, but this world showed no signs of being repaired following the night. The chaos of the heavens and the earth vibrated violently, and the rules continued to paradoxically change repeatedly.

Rules are the foundation of the plane's operation. For example, it is warm in spring, hot in summer, hot in autumn and cool in winter. But once there is a conflict between the rules, it is very troublesome. The warm spring may become "kill", and the cool autumn may also become extremely hot...

It can be said to be catastrophic consequences for the creatures of the plane. But in order to stop it, one party must fail completely. No one cares about whether the life of the plane is dead or alive.

This time it was another fight. The goal is the root of the life of the plane: the origin of the world.

The origin of the world is something that exists at the same time as the birth of Heaven, and it is also the basis for Heaven to plan numerology, arrange living beings, and maintain the plane. Even the world origin of the hundreds of planes ruled by the Wudao Underworld has never fallen into the hands of Xue Wusuan. Dare to seize the origin of the world, that is, forcing Heavenly Dao to fight with you.

Therefore, the origin of the world is something that Heaven must take back. For this reason, it has been fighting recklessly with the "Void" of the desolate people who came out of the void shelter outside the plane for several months. This fight is all about the rules. People who don't understand can only be in a state of panic and don't know what's going on all day long, while people like Xue Wusuan who can see clearly can see the blood.

The use of rules and methods is the most important method and skill of a cultivator after stepping into the Golden Immortal. In front of the rules, the so-called magic tricks and mana bombardment of An Xie in the past were the mud walls that were soaked in water and collapsed. And the collision between rules and means is the most cruel. The fight is "I know more than you, and I know more than you." That's all.

The comprehension and cognition of the cultivator's rules all come from the heavenly way of their respective planes. The rules of the barren clan are a special case outside the heaven, at least this is the first time Xue Wusuan has seen it.

A Heavenly Dao, a Desolate Clan almighty who can fight with Heavenly Dao with a magic weapon, these two released enough weight. For Xue Wusuan, the life-and-death confrontation in such a big scene needs to be watched carefully, for fear of missing the slightest bit of the big scene.

It was the first time I saw Tiandao's fighting stance, and it was also the first time I came into contact with a system of rules other than Tiandao and magic. This is the general discovery of the New World, and it is undoubtedly a huge surprise and an excellent opportunity to increase knowledge and cognition for Xue Wusuan, who can understand every change and node in it.

Of course, this scene is not really that simple. Tiandao wants to fight with the "empty" of the barren tribe, but the main purpose is to let the demon master Xue Wusuan, who has become an ally, take a close look at the various methods of the barren tribe. Moreover, this deadly fight is not just like this. It has been played no less than ten times in more than half a year. Every time, Xue Wusuan hides and acts as a spectator under the cover of Tiandao and his own cover.

"Can you see the shortcomings of his magic weapon now?"

This is what God asked. The magic weapon refers to the magic weapon used by the opposite barren tribe "Void" to fight against it. But Tiandao himself had no chance of discovering that magic weapon. Because of innate restraint. Just like a mouse and a cat, you can't let the mouse find out where a cat's weakness is, it's very rare that it can escape from the cat's mouth.

In the same way, in order to discover the clues of the magic weapon, Tiandao needs a bystander to help him see the special features of the magic weapon and find a way to overcome the enemy.

"There are some discoveries. The magic weapon is not actually aimed at you, but the power of the rules you use." Xue Wusuan's implication is that the other party is not aimed at your heavenly way, but at your heavenly way. rules used. Is the rule of heaven comprehended by itself? No, it was given to it by the avenue. And it is also what countless cultivators worship and practice.

It can be said that getting the magic weapon in the hands of the "Xu" of the desolate people can naturally restrain the cultivators in all planes, and restrain them to a great extent.

"You mean there's no way to turn it around?"

"Yes, before I got the magic weapon, I couldn't think of any way to restrain him just by watching your battles. But what is certain is that the magic weapon is only for you and for All monks have powerful restraint."

"I understand what you mean, you mean that you will take down the "virtual" of that desolate clan, right?"

Xue Wusuan said with a smile: "Yes, this is part of our agreement. It's just that it has become easier after observing it for more than half a year. But this also requires your cooperation. Although it has no restraint effect on a magician like me, I am not sure if he has other magical weapons or some means of escape. I have to capture him in one fell swoop. This is very important to me. important."


"Sneak attack. You restrain his attention, I will appear at the most appropriate time and take him down in one fell swoop!" Xue Wusuan expressed his thoughts.

"Okay. I hope you are well prepared, otherwise if he runs away, I think you will have trouble sleeping and eating."

"Of course. I won't give him a chance to escape."

After discussing the details, Xue Wusuan immediately returned to the underworld. This time he needs to work out what cards to play.

First of all, blood ghosts and ghost soldiers are not suitable in this situation, and their individual pertinence is still weak, especially when facing an enemy like the barren tribe who has never experienced and does not know the details of their methods, lack of Ability to effectively face mutation.

Then there are not many cards left. One is Xue Wusuan's own stand-ins, and the rest are those powerful people under the control of Wudao Underworld.

Ordinary powerful people are not very useful in this incident, at least they need to step into the realm of combined Dao. So in fact, it was originally attached to the three bloodless, Jade Emperor, and Amitabha Buddha.

"One million doubles plus Xueyu and the others suddenly attacked from behind, and there will be Tiandao's assistance on the side. I think that the desolate clan should have no way to escape."


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