Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1086: sneak attack

It was another morning with a clear sky, which should have been peaceful, but now there are few places in the Dragon Reversal Plane where you can spend your days with peace of mind.

The chaos of the rules is frequent, and the plane can be said to be a mess. Those who are still alive are all species with strong individual strength and excellent adaptability. The rest have disappeared in just over half a year.

The struggle for the origin of the world continues, but in the eyes of the "Xu" of the desolate people, Tiandao's unstoppable confrontation method is simply futile. Can a Heavenly Dao with a serious lack of power equipment have the ability to score points? It is completely impossible to break through the magic weapon in his hand, and can only be stopped. As long as he waits for some time, his cultivation will continue to rise, and then he will be able to exert the greater power of the magic weapon. Hmph, he will be able to imprison it in the black stone tablet again.

The only question that troubles this "empty" is that the way of heaven has been imprisoned for so many years, why did he suddenly break free from imprisonment? No matter how you look at it, this is a huge hidden danger that must be clarified. But now the top priority is to first re-lock the see. Otherwise, the collapse of the plane will have a great impact on his cultivation speed.

But "Xu" would never have imagined that the mastermind behind Tiandao's escape from imprisonment is now in this plane, and he has witnessed the conflict between him and Tiandao for more than half a year. And now a surprise attack is brewing to take him alive in one fell swoop.

Another old trick. Xu An thought to himself, of course he did not relax his vigilance, and used the magic weapon in his hand to resist the useless attack from the heavens bit by bit.

The rules of the Dao of Heaven are of no use in front of this instrument. Not even to mention consumption. The only regret is that the magic weapon can only exert less than half of its power, which is enough to subdue the heaven.

But at this moment, just outside the plane barrier, Xue Wusuan stood quietly outside with a million doubles, along with the three strongest fighters in the Dao Realm in his hands. This is the space between the plane and the plane, and it is a special space for plane shuttle after all.

"Please don't worry, Jun Yan, we will never let the target escape!"

Xueyu, Jade Emperor, and Amitabha were three well-behaved people kneeling in front of Xue Wusuan, and they were more respectful than they had ever seen Xue Wusuan before, and even their souls fluctuated a little. .

Once upon a time, this Demon Lord was still in the realm of Jinxian, how long has it been now? It is already the Great Immortal Luo Tian, ​​and the one million "devil masters" who are looking around and looking around are all of the cultivation realm of Great Immortal Luo Tian! A million! Coupled with the anger-sucking power that seems to be apparently restrained, even if they are arrogant about their current cultivation, they know that even if they don't rely on the soul and the ruthless system, this Demon Lord can be destroyed. three of them.

"Well, you are in charge of the target's 5,000-mile radius. Be careful not to keep your hands, and you can't kill. I need to live."


"Okay, then get ready, I will move you to this plane."

Those who want to enter the plane from outside the barrier of the plane break the barrier, just like Hongjun at the beginning. But Xue Wusuan didn't need it, because the Heavenly Dao in this azimuth plane was with him, the plane barrier would be opened directly for them, and the Heavenly Dao would also directly transmit the specific location of the location so that Xue Wusuan could move without error.

And in the process of waiting, Xue Wusuan has always maintained a real-time spiritual connection with Tiandao, grasping the situation of the battle below.

"Quick, it's now!"

There was a sudden rush in Tiandao's communication, and in the next second Xue Wusuan, together with the three Daoist powers of Xueyi and millions of substitutes, instantly disappeared outside the plane barrier.

Time for a sneak attack!

The "Xu" of the barren clan never thought that the offensive of the Heavenly Dao on the opposite side had already begun to weaken. A large group of monks with a terrifying aura suddenly appeared around him, occupying all within a hundred miles.

It's not over yet. These huge numbers of Luo Tian Daxian even have the same soul fluctuations! And at the same time as they appeared, they each exuded a strong suction and pull force, all of which acted on him, constantly sucking and pulling his physical anger and soul.

"This is a trap!"

After realizing this, "Xu" was extremely angry, and he figured out why Tiandao, who had been imprisoned well in the first place, would suddenly get out of trouble, it must be the secret hand of these bastards!

"You all have to die!"

The furious "Xu" Yun used the magic weapon, and the torrent of rules swept across like a piece of training. He didn't even pay attention to Luo Tian Daxian.

However, the magic weapon that performed extremely well in the face of the Tao of Heaven was surprisingly repeated at this time, and there was no more victory except that some formations appeared on the body of the sky-filled Great Immortal Luo Tian.

"This is impossible! You, you are not cultivators!"

No matter how stupid, "Xu" can understand. These **** who suddenly appeared and are enemies and not friends are not cultivators, nor are the rules in their bodies "Tao".

Before waiting for "Xu" to reflect again, Xue Wusuan's stand-in had already begun to work.

Compared with cognitive and mana means, Xue Wusuan may not be able to defeat this desolate clan, but the brutal energy suppression brought about by the accumulation of numbers is real. And Xue Wusuan also has his trump card.

"A map of the underworld! Suppression!"

This thing can be said to be Xue Wusuan's destiny, and he has rarely taken it out against the enemy. When it unfolds at this time, it is not what it used to be.

The huge picture scroll covers the sky and the sun, and it is full of scenes of thriving and unscrupulous underworld~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the center is Xue Wusuan's spirit sitting empty, with a total of three hundred and ninety-seven planes suspended above his head. projection.

I saw Xue Wusuan's spirit in the painting volleyed towards "Xu", and the huge pressure of the three hundred and ninety-seven planes rushed out in an instant, and the head was covered. This is not the power of rules, nor the means of mana, it is the suppression of energy. The crudest and most primitive means.

Don't say that the realm of "empty" is just an ordinary powerful person, what if it is the realm of Harmony? It is a miracle that he did not die immediately under the terrifying pressure of more than 300 planes. And for this, he has to thank the tyrannical magic weapon in his hand.

But even if you can resist the tsunami-like pressure, it is impossible to move your position or leave. Unless the "virtual" itself is strong enough to push away the pressure of these hundreds of planes.

"Who the **** are you!?" Such a strange and powerful enemy made "Xu" feel the extreme danger for the first time, knowing that it would be difficult to leave today.

How could Xue Wushen have time to talk nonsense with him? He didn't care at all. He flipped his hand, and more than a hundred six-way roulettes began to manifest their original shapes on top of his head like magic weapons. His mysterious power began to unscrupulously decompose the world's source power in his "virtual" body under the suppression of the underworld map. This is the most basic ability of the six-path roulette itself, and now it is unreserved by Xue Wusuan.


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