Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1088: asking for trouble

"Xu" is very calm now. As a desolate clansman, his experience is not so smooth and stable. More often, he needs to face problems and dangers by himself.

When he was on the Dragon Reverse plane before, he was shamelessly attacked, and he couldn't even escape. It was a bit unexpected for him to wake up now, and he never thought that he would be alive. And feeling the surroundings, "Xu" determined that he had left the Dragon Reverse plane. But where is this place? Who is this sullen person in front of him? Why not kill him?

"Benjun Xue Wusuan, there is no way here, Yan Luo, I want to ask you something to wake you up." Xue Wusuan was talking, his glasses fixed on the group of souls in front of him. He deliberately pointed out the words "Worthy Underworld", just to see how this desolate clansman would react.

As soon as the words fell, Xue Wusuan found that the soul of the barren clan in front of him had obvious fluctuations. Although he tried his best to hide it, as Yan Luo, how could Xue Wusuan not find it? I thought to myself: As I expected, this "empty" should be known to the existence of Wudao Underworld, or at least heard of it.

Seeing that the other party was dull and didn't speak, most of them were thinking about countermeasures quickly in their hearts. They probably didn't think that they would be captured by the existence of the unscrupulous underworld. But Xue Wusuan didn't give "Xu" time to react, and then continued to ask.

"You have heard of the Wudao Underworld, and you should know what kind of existence I am. However, this monarch himself has some doubts about his existence, so you have to say that in your image, this monarch, this Wudao Yama, really counts. what?"

Straightforward, no superfluous cover-ups. Xue Wusuan wanted to hear the views of this desolate clan now, and this question also contained a question about the existence of the Wudao Underworld itself: Is this what your desolate clan did? Is it the so-called "Soul Cultivation Project" on the jade slip?


In the face of Xue Wusuan's questioning, "Xu" really couldn't hold back. He was really shocked enough. This series of changes was really too unbelievable. He never thought that he would one day face the rumored Wudao Yama, and he really didn't know what to say for a while.

"I don't have much patience, you are a desolate tribe, and you are the race with the greatest innate advantage among the creatures I have seen, and the origin of my existence must be inseparable from your desolate tribe, so you should know that you care about me. How important it is for you, this is the only reason you can survive. Don't force this monarch to torture me, save yourself some decent things."

"Xu" forced himself to calm down, and said, "I've been dismantled by you to look like this, so what's the decency to talk about? It's funny that you don't know your existence, but it's a good thing that you don't know, why bother. What about asking for trouble?"

The words of "virtual" brought these jokes. After the initial surprise, now I have come back to my senses. I don't pay much attention to this ruthless Yama, and even despise it.

And Xue Wusuan felt the contempt of "empty" most clearly. He is very puzzled, a prisoner, a guy who has been split into this shape, where does the confidence come from? Or is this just looking for trouble?

Xue Wusuan didn't talk nonsense, and now he doesn't have the patience to slowly grind his teeth with this ignorant desolate clansman. With a wave of his hand, dozens of pitch-black long needles appeared out of thin air and plunged into the "empty" soul.

This is Xue Wusuan's habitual method, and it is also a more useful method of torture, and it is very practical. But now he rarely does it.

The black "needle" is not a real needle, but a special thing made by Xue Wusuan that combines the Nine Nether Soul Flames and Soul Poison, and there are even some rules about the soulless system on it. Ordinary souls simply cannot afford this method, and will perish in an instant. But the natural and powerful physique of this desolate clan also gave Xue Wusuan more room for torture.


The screams had no meaning of patience from the beginning, and they couldn't bear it at all. Don't think that a powerful person is a hard bone. In the face of the cruel criminal law on the soul, Xue Wusuan did it himself.

"Since you don't want to speak in a decent manner, you are the one who found these sufferings now, so don't complain. Let's have a taste first. Maybe your desolate people don't care about the suffering of such souls?" Xue Wusuan smiled and nodded. The last cigarette was a joke.

It's not like "Xu" has never seen torture, and it's not even the first time he himself has accepted this kind of treatment, but when did torture become so brutal? These "needles" are simply constructed to torment people on purpose, not only burning the soul, but also scratching and scratching in the soul, leaving a strange tingling feeling in addition to the extreme pain, which is extremely uncomfortable.

Xue Wusuan's words in his ears are so irritating, what do you mean by not wanting to say anything? "Virtual", don't you think that you didn't say it just now? Not satisfied? If you are not satisfied, you can ask again, why should you just come up and clean up!

At this time, "Xu" only thought in his mind: The things in this unethical underworld are as tyrannical as the rumors say, and they are extremely vicious. It is true that he should not speak out to provoke the other party, and now the suffering is a bit unbearable.

"Stop! You, what do you want to know?!"

Xue Wusuan glanced at the shouting "Xu~www.wuxiaspot.com~" and smiled, but didn't pay attention. This is experience. For an unusual prisoner, the one-time suffering should be enough, otherwise once If you relax, then this type of person will forget the pain just now and start talking nonsense, wasting time. Therefore, Xue Wusuan will not stop the method as soon as the other party opens his mouth, and he has to wait more.

"You, hurry up, stop! What do you want to know?!" Xu Zhi really couldn't take it anymore. He really has nothing to hide from the Wudao Underworld. He was so quick just now that the other party really took care of him and was addicted to it, huh?

I don't know how long it took, but the dignified barren clan's almighty, from screaming to now, has completely lost his voice. The soul has been exhausted from the severe suffering, and has even been tortured to the point of being weak.

Xue Wusuan checked the state of Xu's soul, and only took back those black "needles" until he found out that Xu's soul could no longer bear the torture.

"I think we should be able to continue our previous topic now?"

"You, you can ask." Xu really can't say anything tough now, besides secretly sighing unlucky, he is more helpless. He doesn't know what will happen if he falls into this hands now.

Xue Wusuan nodded and said with a smile: "Very good, I asked you before, what do you think about this ruthless underworld? I have been waiting for your answer."


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