Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1089: it's a mistake

The smile on Xue Wusuan's face began to decrease. He found that his previous guesses and judgments actually had a great deviation.

"Actually, I've only heard of the existence of the Wudao Underworld, but I don't know it in detail. Since you asked me, I'll tell you what I know.

As far as I know, the concept of the underworld was proposed by a prophet from a long time ago..."

"The Prophet?" Xue Wusuan interrupted. He had to first figure out what kind of existence this prophet was in the desolate clan.

"The senior people who practice numerology in the clan can serve as prophets when they are elected. It is a high-ranking position in the clan, and there are very few. And the prophet who proposed the concept of the unworldly underworld is called "Zhen" and was very famous at the time. A prophet, and one who has been heavily recorded in the history of the desolate people. But it's been too long, and I haven't gotten to know this prophet carefully."

Xue Wusuan was puzzled and asked, "A long time ago? How long ago?"

Seeing Xue Wusuan asking, Xu could only shake his head and answer: "The exact time is hard to trace. It's been too long ago, and I only know that the age of the "town" is said to have not even existed except for the clan of the barren clan. How many planes have evolved. At that time, the concept of the underworld was just a concept.

In fact, it was the later prophets who really took out the idea of ​​Wudao Underworld and studied it carefully. They inherited some of the knowledge and will of the "town", and they were also very interested in the concept of Wudao Underworld.

However, due to the environment at that time, the surrounding planes did not evolve much, far less than now, so even if there is research, it is only research, and it has not been improved to the actual implementation stage. "

Xue Wusuan was a little confused. According to Xu's statement, the Wudao Underworld was indeed proposed by the barren clan. So far, it sounds like it is a long time ago. It has not even evolved much from the plane. It can be said that the existence of these desolate clans has exceeded For the plane, something that should have existed in the ancient times. On the other hand, it also shows one of the reasons for the power of the barren tribe. It has existed for such a long time. Just sitting still and unable to eat can also rely on the accumulation of time to become disdainful of everything.

Xu continued: "Later, there was a great chaos in the clan. The methods and methods that originally belonged to the prophets were also known to many clansmen because of the chaos. Among them, there were materials related to the absurd underworld that had been studied by the previous prophets."

Xue Wusuan interrupted again: "What kind of chaos? You seem to have been exiled in the Dragon Reverse plane, but also because of the chaos you said?" Xue Wusuan is not too talkative, but this is the question in his heart . The barren clan is so powerful, the number of clan members must not be many, this is common sense. Otherwise, how could there be other creatures in the current plane? There is no such thing as the concept of a ruthless underworld. Because if there is no shortage of personnel, where do you need to rely on the establishment of helpers to obtain plane resources?

"This, um, yes. You guessed it right, I was indeed exiled to the Dragon Reverse Plane. It was indeed because of that chaos that I was implicated." Xu's words were a little hesitant, but he didn't stop talking. Even if it's hard to tell. Being exiled is not a good thing.

After a pause, seeing that Xue Wusuan was still looking at him, Xu could only continue to speak. Speaking of the civil strife within the desolate clan.

"The patriarch disappeared many years ago, and this is the first time this has happened in the clan. Many high-level executives don't know how to deal with it. After a long time, the clan has no leader. Then there were differences. became a conflict..."

According to Xu's statement, the conflict within the barren clan was extremely violent. There are also many factions divided into different factions. At first, they were relatively restrained, but later the conflict intensified, and casualties began to appear, and Xu was a poor **** who was delayed. Fortunately, his uncle was on bail, otherwise he would not even be eligible for exile, and he might be directly imprisoned or directly given to destruction.

"At that time, I didn't have the current cultivation base. I was locked in the clan for a long time, and then my uncle came out and sent me to the Dragon Reverse plane. Hey, that was a long time ago."

How long has it been? Xue Wusuan didn't ask, but he could guess. For an almighty person, it can be called a long time, and it is definitely calculated in millions or even tens of millions and hundreds of millions of years. And this is also consistent with the timeline in Xue Wusuan's heart.

Xu's words continued: "The information of the Wudao Underworld fell into the hands of some people who failed in the conflict in the clan, and they continued to study it, and then I heard, um, I heard that there are results, but it seems to be out again. What's the problem. I don't know the specific joints." Xu's story has been as detailed as possible, but if he wants details, Xu really doesn't understand at all. But this was enough for Xue Wusuan.

After a long period of dullness, Xue Wusuan asked again: "What is the attitude of the barren tribes towards those so-called losers of the barren tribe? What's wrong with the absurd underworld studied by the losers?"

"For the losers, the only method of the desolate clan is to kill them all. Because any clan may become the most dangerous enemy. Therefore, those losers can only escape, and they can only hide in the east, and they don't know where they are now. , Have not found out and eliminated it completely.

As for that issue, I just heard that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is about the key to the underworld, Xu still feels that he has to be more cautious, lest he accidentally provoke this savage Yama again, and then it will still be bitter. Own.

Xue Wusuan has no other thoughts now. Now, the origin of Wudao Underworld is very clear. It was first proposed by the barren tribes, and then it was completed by generations of research. Finally, it was known and started to be implemented by a group of barren tribes who were said to be the losers. This implementation will certainly take a long time. But what's wrong here?

Tingxu continued: "On the other hand, I heard that there were disagreements among these losers, and the existence of the unreasonable underworld was a mistake made by many parties."

"Error? What do you mean?"

"...Woundless Underworld is not a complete and feasible solution. There are too many factors out of control. It is a mistake and a failed product." After Xu said that, he was a little trembling, and he did not dare to face the obvious momentum in front of him that began to fluctuate. Savage Yama. No one wants to hear someone say their existence is a mistake.

Xue Wusuan was so surprised that he was speechless. He thought that the meaning of himself and the existence of the system was to harvest the resources of the barren tribe, and even serve the barren tribe. Even the rebellion of the barren tribe is positioned in this way. But now, Xue Wusuan realized that his idea was fundamentally wrong. The system and his own existence were an accident.

"Let go of your will, the message in your life and soul needs to be confirmed in person."


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