Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1090: barren

You can't believe whatever you say. Xue Wusuan's trust didn't overflow to the point of falling on one of his own prisoners. He needs to carefully examine whether the barren tribe is telling the truth, and more importantly, he needs to figure out what kind of existence the barren tribe is, how the barren tribe interacts with each other, and what the social form is like.

Let Xu let go of his soul's consciousness, Xue Wusuan is about to search his soul. It can be considered to be giving Xu a decent rhetoric, otherwise he will be dismantled directly.

This kind of "decency" can only be done with a wry smile. He had a new understanding of this savage Yama, and he was extremely cautious and arrogant.

As for Xue Wusuan, this time exploring Xu's soul was something he decided early on, and understanding the desolate clan was the best way.

This is the most powerful life soul that Xue Wusuan has explored. The solid soul makes Xue Wusuan feel a little ashamed, and the dignified Yama body is only a little ordinary in the face of the innate advantages of this desolate clan.

The amount of memory in the soul is astonishingly large. Xue Wusuan, the life soul of the Almighty, has not explored it, but this is the first time such a huge memory.

"How many years has this Xu experienced? So much memory?"

Memory is accumulated over time, and the greater the amount of memory, the more time it exists. As a desolate tribe with a huge innate advantage, this is a bit unreasonable. After all, Xu is just a powerful person. With such a huge advantage, it does not take so much time to cultivate to the realm of the powerful person, right? Ten billion years? !

However, this doubt quickly disappeared during the investigation and became clear. And the mysterious veil of the barren tribe was lifted bit by bit during this exploration.

It turns out that as the oldest and most powerful ethnic group known to Xue Wusuan, the Desolate Clan are not as unmatched as they seem in many respects. The most direct point is the joint between its innate advantages and the progress of cultivation: every desolate tribe has extremely high cultivation talent, and there is no bottleneck for them in any realm. Coupled with the natural eighth soul of the barren, cultivation is as simple as breathing and drinking water. However, while the cultivation is convenient, the energy required by the barrens is simply unimaginable compared to other creatures. This is also the reason why it takes so long for Xu to accumulate to reach the realm of the Almighty.

The strength of the soul and the strength of the body, to the point of the barren clan, bring not only convenience but also powerful needs. A cultivator or a demon cultivator like Xue Wusuan actually needs about the same amount of energy to break through the same realm. To Xue Wusuan's Yama body and his special soul are much more than other creatures, far from reaching the point of barren clan.

It is not enough for a cultivator to break through from the realm of human beings to the level of immortals and fall on the body of the desolate people. That's how it can be seen. And these are all the searches that Xue Wusuan obtained from the memory of the "empty" life and soul.

In addition, Xue Wusuan also discovered that although the barren people have extremely long lifespans, they are not a race that can live forever, and their lifespans are not even blessed by the increase in their own cultivation. That is to say, no matter how powerful a desolate clan is, there will always be a day of natural demise.

In the memory of "Xu", countless generations of barren powerhouses have never stopped exploring and pursuing immortality, but they have not found the slightest bit. When the number of lifespans is up, the damned still has to die.

"Perhaps this is the fact that the barren clan is being restricted. Maybe there are rules on the barren clan that balance all this."

Xue Wusuan carefully explored the numerology of Xu, and another characteristic of the barren tribe was also summed up: they live in a concentrated place, and the resources are all cultivated by themselves. And he never shows his face in front of other creatures easily, so little is known. It's like "Xu" his existence is little known, even if he is an exiled desolate clan.

"Almighty people have a complete realm division in the barren clan. When they reach the top of the realm of immortals, they can step into the realm of the powerful ones, and then go up to the realm of the combined Tao, but the combined Tao of the wild tribe does not need to have the Tao of Heaven. Participation, their cognition can grow directly and unlimitedly to the level required by the realm of the realm. Similarly, the realm of enlightenment is after the realm of the realm, and the step of the cultivator means that it has replaced the position of the heaven. A top-level existence. But the prince's enlightenment state still does not require the cooperation of heaven, and their strength can reach the level of enlightenment.

After the realm of enlightenment is the realm of chaos. The item guessed right before. The powerhouse who rescued "Xu", "Xu"'s clan uncle is a powerhouse in the realm of chaos. In the memory of "Xu", there is a considerable obsession with the realm of chaos. It seems that it is because as long as the clansmen in the wild clan reach the realm of chaos, they can be called "true wars". They are the most backbone of the wild clan and enjoy extremely high treatment and status. In this way, Te can return to the barren tribe to end his exile life on the reverse plane of the dragon.

However, the cultivation base of "Xu" is too low. He doesn't know about the Chaos Realm, which is three realms higher than he is now. He just heard the phrase "The beginning of chaos, the beginning of all things", saying that this is Chaos The true meaning of the eight characters of the realm. It is estimated that it is impossible for people who have not come into contact with Chaos to understand.

Above the Chaos Realm, it is said that there are two realms, one is too empty and the other is free. It is said that the desolate people who have reached the Void Realm are all super strong. In the long river of time, the Void Realm powerhouses of the Desolate Clan have never been cut off. Every generation has them, and they will become the top poles of the clan. In the wild clan, there are legends about the realm of freedom. It is said that the first generation of the patriarch of the deserted clan has reached the realm of freedom~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But no one can confirm the authenticity until now.

Hey, these desolate races can't be considered the strongest race, and the lifespan limit is too great for them. I don't know what the experience of the state of freedom is. Legend has it that the barren people can get rid of the limitation of their lifespan and become truly eternal and absolutely powerful creatures.

Tsk tsk, if the barren clan can really get rid of the lifespan limitation, then these countless planes will probably end up being turned into breeding farms like the reverse plane of dragons. "

Xue Wusuan did not hope that the barren clan could survive forever by virtue of their cultivation. This is bad news for other creatures and even for Xue Wusuan.

In addition to these messages, Xue Wusuan has other gains. That is about the connection between the desolate people and the desolate ancients. As he had guessed before, there is indeed a close relationship between Huanggu and the wasteland.

A very special plane that has existed for generations of the barren is their ancestral land, and when they call this ancestral land, it is called "barren ancient", and the older generation of barren who have passed away also like it. Self-proclaimed desolate people, and even now, many ancient books in the desolate tribe use the word "desolate ancient".

Then came the problem. Since Huanggu and Huangzu are actually the same thing, why did Xue Wusuan not find anything related to "Huanggu, your mortal heart is still there" in the memory of "Xu"?


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