Extreme Yama System

Chapter 234: new year

Man-to-man approval can sometimes be so sloppy. After a brief conversation of less than an hour, Father Zhou even saw Xue Wusuan right in the eye. When the interest comes together, he is naturally happy, and even Xue Wusuan's vicious aura is now a good thing in his eyes. This kind of temperament, no one dares to mess with it when you go out, it's safe!

Mother Zhou's attitude towards Xue Wusuan also changed drastically. She asked her daughter in the kitchen just now how she met Xue Wusuan. The daughter told her that it was Xue Wusuan who came forward to rescue her when she met the gangster and then met her.

I don't know if the Zhou family's parents would have killed Xue Wusuan if they knew the real situation. But white lies are still irrelevant, the main thing is now.

The Zhou family's parents all went to their hearts, and the dinner table was lively.

Father Zhou happily continued to chat with Xue Wusuan about professional topics, while holding a glass of wine, he bumped into Xue Wusuan. He has a good drinking capacity, usually he can't lie down even after a pound or two. When he is happy, he naturally drinks a lot, and he also plans to get Xue Wusuan drunk today and then ask about the situation. This is also what the two of them discussed in the kitchen before.

But one or two catties of alcohol on Xue Wusuan would be the same as nothing. He can drink pure yin brewing from the unworldly underworld without getting drunk, not to mention this mortal drink?

All comers are welcome, and the wine is dry to the glass. In less than 20 minutes, the two drank two bottles of white wine. This time, Father Zhou, who was a drunken killer, couldn't bear it. Drink too quickly. I had to hold back the rhythm, but vigorously stuffed vegetables into my mouth. I thought: Slow down first, this guy doesn't look like he can drink, why is he so cruel when he eats alcohol? I have to take it easy today, don't let him get drunk and I'll be ashamed if I get drunk first.

It was also the first time that Zhou Huiru saw Xue Wusuan drinking, and it was the first time that Xue Wusuan knew material science and architecture through her father's mouth. With a stupid appearance, he didn't know how to persuade Xue Wusuan to let him drink less. At this moment, my mind was full of small stars, and I thought to myself: What else is there that he can't?

When drinking the fourth bottle of wine, Xue Wusuan's face was as usual, Zhou's father couldn't hold it anymore, his face was flushed, and his tongue was curled when he spoke.

Xue Wusuan said with a smile: "Uncle Zhou, should I finish drinking here today? I can't drink anymore, I'm afraid I'll get drunk if I drink more."

Except for Zhou Chengbin, who was already dizzy, who believed Xue Wusuan's words, the mother and daughter of the Zhou family could understand that Xue Wusuan didn't want to drink Zhou's father too much.

"Well, that's fine! Xiao Xue, you're a good person! That's right, your alcohol intake is poor, a little bit. Don't worry, I'll stay at Uncle Zhou's place for two more days, and I'll take care of it for you."

The drunk Xue Wusuan had seen too many. I don't know that Zhou Chengbin is talking without his head now, he nodded with a smile and said yes, this expression was originally humble. But it fell into Zhou Chengbin's eyes, but he shuddered, and he woke up a little bit.

Full of wine and food. The family chatted and bragged, and after a while, Zhou's father's alcohol surged up and he couldn't bear it and went to sleep. Seeing that it was late, Mother Zhou led Xue Wusuan to the bedroom prepared for him.

If you are not married, of course you have to sleep in separate rooms. No one mentions this, but it is necessary. At least in Zhou's house is a must.

Silent all night. Early the next morning. Zhou's mother, who was used to morning exercises, got up. She didn't want to see Xue Wusuan getting up earlier than her, smoking on the balcony.

"Yo, Xiao Xue got up so early? Are you not used to sleeping?"

Xue Wusuan hadn't slept at all, and he couldn't fall asleep even if he slept. Just smiled and said, "Aunt Zhou has nothing to do. I slept very well and was very warm."

"Well, let's go out for a walk together?" Mother Zhou also said with a smile.

Xue Wusuan naturally doesn't matter. After nodding, she went downstairs with Mother Zhou to a fitness space in the community.

Zhou's mother played Tai Chi, the kind of Tai Chi that is purely used for fitness. It looks like it has been practiced for some years.

"Xiao Xue. What did you and Huiru plan to do? This person is getting old day by day, especially women, who can't afford it at all. While you are still young, get married sooner rather than later. Give birth to a child and live your life in a down-to-earth way. What do you think?"

This sentence stopped Xue Wusuan from asking. Since he even went to the Zhou family's door, naturally he would not object to the details of marriage. It's a small thing for him. As for the situation, it's just to console Zhou Huiru and her family. But having a baby can be blind. He is not a living person, and it is not realistic for him to have children. Unless he can really upgrade the Yama body to the extreme of yin and yang transformation one day, there will be some possibilities.

"Don't worry, Auntie. I'll listen to Huiru about these things."

This answer is very clever. That is, he showed his attitude, and he didn't need to share his understanding with Zhou's mother.

Sure enough, Mother Zhou was very satisfied with Xue Wusuan's answer. He also took the initiative to ask Xue Wusuan if he liked sports at ordinary times and if he wanted to learn Tai Chi, she could teach him.

Life is very simple, so simple that Xue Wusuan has never experienced this kind of life. Shopping, shopping, cooking, watching TV...

It's four days in a flash. On the morning of the third day of junior high, Xue Wusuan had to leave.

He is very satisfied with this Spring Festival. Tell the Zhou family's parents directly that he will come over for the New Year next year.

This is not polite. The delighted Zhou Huiru understood that this man never liked jokes or politeness. Said to come next year, then it will definitely come.

And just when Xue Wusuan bid farewell to the Zhou family of three and drove away alone. In Rong County, two hundred kilometers away, under the blue sky and daylight, dozens of ghosts and ghosts were rarely gathered. All wear high hats, and their clothes are either black or white, all black and white impermanence from the underworld.

And two of them are not only very different from other black and white impermanence in their attire, but their auras are also extraordinary.

These ghosts swam up and down in the tall buildings in front of them dozens of times. seems to be looking for something. In the end, the two imposing black and white impermanence turned around in person. After returning downstairs, they glanced at each other and saw the solemn look in each other's eyes.

"Did you feel any unusual aura or show any unusual signs around you when you came to pick up the dead soul?"

"Returning to Lord Xie's words, when we arrived, the dead soul had already become like that. There was no abnormal situation around it except itself."

The two imposing black and white impermanence sighed in unison.

"The dead soul seems to have been taken away from most of the soul by life when it was alive. Then let it commit suicide. I haven't seen this method in the world for many years? Lao Fan, I'm afraid it should be Has it been nearly a thousand years?"

Hei Wuchang, known as "Lao Fan", shook his head and said, "It is estimated that it is more than a thousand years. As far as I know, I have never seen anyone capable of doing this except the evil ghost from a thousand years ago. But why? What about leaving some of the souls of the dead instead of taking them all?"

One "Master Xie" and one "Old Fan". The identities of these two extraordinary yin-chaos couldn't be clearer. It is the ten sinful commanders of the underworld, the black and white impermanence commanders: the two brothers Xie Bian and Fan Wujiu.

Xie Bi'an snorted coldly and said, "The purpose? I guess he didn't want to make people lose souls and be traced by Heaven~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and be tracked down afterwards. He didn't want this soul to keep his memory and be judged by the underworld. What's wrong."

"You mean he is avoiding our underworld?"

"It's possible. Have you forgotten that strange special existence that King Yama said before?"


"Nothing is impossible. Let's go, let's go back and report the matter truthfully. It's up to us to make a decision on what to do."

"Well, that's all it can do."

(End of this chapter)


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