Extreme Yama System

Chapter 235: The Age of Gods in the Biochemical World

Since the Wang family's three sticks slapped a slap in the face outside Ping'an City, the three largest settlements in the Huaxia district have understood one truth: the age of the gods has come.

Bearing the brunt is the highest level of the three settlements. They are not wrong, but in front of believers who have received the power of miracle feedback, the decision of these settlements to attack the Soul General is still tantamount to blasphemy. Originally, it was because of the elastic pressure of the force above, but there was nothing wrong with it. But later, the arrival of a group of dozens of Far Travelers changed all that.

These far-travelers were described as embarrassed, their bodies covered in blood, and many of them were injured and tired, but those strange eyes and the weapons they wore made them not look like refugees.

The first settlement these people came to was Shicheng. After arriving, they did not enter the city immediately, but took out a beautiful and well-preserved picture scroll and knelt down to worship. In the midst of reciting the words, others heard that it seemed that these people were thanking the gods on the scroll for the blessings that allowed them to find this place smoothly.

The curious Shicheng guard leaned over, and at a glance, he was a little excited. He had also seen the image of the **** on the scroll. It was the portrait of the **** Yama that was brought back by Feng Tao, the captain of the first guard. It is also the source of the spread of idols in the three settlements. Now almost all the residents of the settlement are paying homage to the **** Yama, so is this curious guard who is watching the fun. So it was instantly recognized.

A **** who gives a means of survival so that ordinary people can also gain the ability to fight against zombies and even slaughter them can naturally be accepted, but the price paid is only some of their own knowledge or experience that can be backed up, or it is difficult to come in handy. some materials and equipment. Not to mention that you can get the grace of God by visiting the statues. This is simply the best "medicine" to keep fit.

Seeing that these strange far-travelers are also paying homage to the **** Yama, this naturally found something in common with the people of Shicheng. After some chatting, I found out that these far-travelers actually came from a settlement in the south called Tian'an City. They walked thousands of kilometers on foot, and it took half a year to arrive here. Not to seek shelter, but to spread teachings!

The unique religion, the name quickly spread in the stone city. That teaching also naturally followed.

Almost overnight, all the people in Shicheng who believed in the **** Yama voluntarily joined the One God Religion. Even the teachings can be recited for the most part.

These far-travelers did not stay in Shicheng for too long, and in just ten days, they continued to move forward and declined all funding. They are ascetic, they have faith in their hearts, they have hands on their bodies, they can support themselves, why do they need help from others?

Their next destination is Longcheng, which is not too far away. The last place to go is Ping An City.

Perhaps the three settlements had more communication with each other. The dozens of ascetic people of the One God sect received quite high treatment upon their arrival. There was even a massive induction ceremony. But when these peaceful and humble ascetics who seem to have no desires and desires heard about the ambush action against the souls of the souls. Instantly changed. His face was full of indignation, and he even looked very ferocious.

Blasphemy! Such behavior is simply unforgivable in the hearts of these fanatics.

So the revenge actions of the abnormally instigated believers kicked off with a mighty prelude. For a mad believer like an ascetic, they don't care about life or death, but they simply can't tolerate the slightest blasphemy against the only true God in their hearts, let alone the ambush of the three gods.

The end result was that the top floors of the three settlements were all cleaned up. The situation of the three big cities changed in a few days. Changed the host. And among the dozens of ascetics, a dozen or so died.

Rejecting all retention, the ascetic left lightly, and the thin, tenacious and fanatical backs left an indelible impression on everyone in the three settlements.

They will continue to preach until the end of their lives. Everyone can't stop thinking, where can they go?

Compared with the footsteps of the ascetics, Zhao Quan's three children went farther on a tricycle.

In the past two years, they have turned around almost all the land of China where settlements may appear. The most profound experience is that there are too few people alive. And the changes of zombies are becoming more and more obvious.

In the past, it was difficult to see the first and second level infected bodies. Now, within a week, you can encounter four or five second level infected bodies, or even more advanced infected bodies.

The two women who had been following said worriedly that this might mean that the zombies were actually evolving. At the same time, I am also fortunate that if it weren't for the gift of the **** Yama, which gave people more ways to fight against zombies, humans would have no other way to go in front of zombies that can continue to evolve but to perish.

this day. According to the markings on the map, the three children who had grown up a lot turned around, and finally came to a valley that was marked with emphasis.

There is no settlement here, and it was a long time ago. Now there are only ruins. But here is a very special valley.

The news came from Feng Tao, who had used several encounters with his three children. According to him, it was here that he saw the true body of the gods, and there was also a level-4 zombie who was endowed with magical powers by the gods.

After two years, the three children completed the initial plan and came here. First, I wanted to try my luck to see if I could see Uncle God. Second, I was curious about what kind of zombies would be guarded by Uncle God.

Before going all the way, Zhao Quan and several others clearly felt that this place was very different from other places. There are very few zombies here, and after walking for an hour or two, I can see not a hundred of them. Apparently it was deliberately cleaned up.

As he got closer, Zhao Quan seemed to hear a violent roar. Full of anger and brutality.

This is very different from the roar of ordinary zombies, and ordinary zombies will not feel angry. Could it be that this is the special guard zombie that Uncle God accepted?

With some strength under his feet, he stepped on a tricycle and moved forward quickly. After a while, he arrived at the abandoned settlement, and then saw a giant figure more than five meters tall at the gate of the settlement.

The bright spine~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has a red surface with no skin at all, and the braided muscles look full of explosive power. A pair of scarlet eyeballs hung on his head, and his mouth was open, which was actually full of sharp, inch-long fangs.

As long as you are not a fool, you can see that this savage zombie is furious and crazy at this time.

Zhao Quan and several others felt the murderous gaze projected by the zombie a few dozen meters away, and his heart skipped a beat, and quickly warned loudly: "Not good! Be careful!"

At the same time as the voice sounded, I saw that the zombie was like a cannonball coming out of its chamber, with a whistling sound and a terrifying power, it jumped over a distance of dozens of meters, like a demon descending from the sky. The tricycle smashed down!

(End of this chapter)


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