Extreme Yama System

Chapter 249: knock bumblebee

Xue Wusuan naturally didn't care about money. But Bumblebee is not a pauper in his eyes. Not to mention too far, as a veteran warrior in Autobot Transformers, it was watching the planet of Cybertron from its heyday to its destruction. Their lifespan is extremely long, and the civilization system is even more self-contained. These, in Xue Wusuan's eyes, are priceless treasures.

The seed of fire is important, but its value is not so dazzling compared to the civilization of another life system that has been tempered. Even in terms of the role of the two in the initial stage, Xue Wusuan felt that the knowledge system of Transformers was more important than Tinder.

Originally, I was thinking of finding a chance to knock on Optimus Prime or Megatron's bamboo poles, but I didn't expect that the appetizer of Bumblebee was delivered to the door by myself. Naturally there is no reason to let go.

"What do you want to get?" The Autobot Transformers of fraternity also understand the principle of giving and receiving, and facing such a Mr. Yan who is definitely not a good stubble, you can't expect him to be kind.

Xue Wusuan patted Bumblebee's head and said with a smile: "It's very simple. I have all the knowledge and information in here. You nod, I will take it myself, it will never hurt you. Of course, as long as you agree, I can Heal you first, then get paid. How?"

Bumblebee was immediately silent. Although he has a clear brain circuit, he is not stupid, even very smart. Knowing that as long as he nods his head, the things in his mind cannot escape the opponent's means, although he does not know how the opponent will do this. And he also understands what the things in his mind mean to another civilization.

"What will happen if I refuse?" Bumblebee decided to explore first.

"It's very simple. If you refuse, I will be unhappy, and if I am unhappy, I will be very excited. For example, twist your head off and smash the fire of life in your chest. Then go to the other deformations of your Autobots. King Kong continued to make the same demands until they voluntarily gave me what I wanted."

Bumblebee replied angrily: "You are persecuting rather than voluntary!"

"Hahaha. Is that right? I think it's voluntary. Okay, now you can choose." Xue Wusuan said, the hand on Bumblebee's head began to exert force. The tugging made Bumblebee's neck rattle, and as long as the force was a little bit stronger, the robot's head would really be twisted off by him.

How to choose bumblebee? Continue to grit your teeth to keep the civilization of the destroyed planet Cybertron a secret? Or save your life and continue to make some contributions to Autobot?

It doesn't seem like it's too hard to choose. At least this Mr. Yan has given it a step: it has agreed to this deal, not only can it save itself, but also save those brothers of its Autobot from suffering. This seems like a good deal, doesn't it?

"Okay, I promise the deal you said. I'll give you all my knowledge, but you'll have to heal my wounds first."

Xue Wusuan snapped his fingers happily, and then the system shot. In the blink of an eye, a shimmering blue light ball floated out of Bumblebee's brain. In the end, it fell into Xue Wusuan's hands and then was taken into the system space by him for temporary storage. This is not the time to study the Transformers body of knowledge.

And at the same time. The crippled bumblebee began to recover quickly. Not only did the shattered limbs reassemble into new ones out of thin air, but even some of the inner wounds recovered together. Its speech system, for example, now no longer needs to intercept the words of the broadcast to make ridiculous sounds.

"You can even heal the damage on my Fire of Life?" What surprised Bumblebee the most was the change in the "Fire of Life", the root of its body.

From the beginning of the Cybertron Star Wars, Bumblebee has been killed all the way. Several times it was close to death. Who is the Transformers who can live to the present without any dark wounds or the like? His dark wound is the damage to the fire of life. In the concept of Bumblebee, there is no other means to repair the injury on the fire of life other than fire. But now, Xue Wusuan has completely subverted this concept.

"Okay, Bumblebee, we're going to find the Tinder now. Hopefully you've told Optimus Prime where the Tinder is. Or he'll miss a big show."

"Humph! Optimus Prime will naturally be there, you won't succeed!"

Xue Wusuan shrugged and said nothing. Now he has to make his way to the coordinates where the fire is hidden.

With people, naturally you can't rely on teleportation. But that's not a big deal. If the system can't rely on it, then rely on yourself. Xue Wusuan took a lot of effort to upgrade himself to the realm of God Transformation, and it wasn't just fun to watch. There is no shortage of necessary means.

He waved a black cloud, then dragged Sam and Mikaela to the sky, and then flew away at the extremely fast speed indicated by the coordinates.

Without tools, you can gather a black cloud with a wave of your hand, and people can stand on it, and it is even used as a means of transportation. This simply subverts all the cognitions of Sam and Mikaela. It was more difficult for them to accept than seeing aliens with their own eyes.

Compared with Sam, Mikaela is obviously much more courageous. Although she was frightened once before, but now she wants to understand, and feels that Xue Wusuan is just forcing Sam to confess to her. Seeing such a subversive scene, the girl's curiosity made her unable to hold back any longer.

"Mr. Yan, are you also an alien?"

Xue Wusuan smiled and said, "Of course not." He is not even human, how could he have something to do with aliens?

"Then why can you take us to the sky? Is this magic?"

magic? Xue Wusuan thought for a while, then shook his head again. He had never seen magic before. But thinking about it, it should be different from the cultivation system he currently knows.

"What? Are you curious?"

"Yes." Sam responded.

Xue Wusuan raised his hand, and a six-color flame suddenly appeared in his palm. Shaking away, looking very strange, it gave Sam and Mikaela a strong sense of danger.

"This thing is called Pill Fire. It is a method that ordinary people can cultivate as long as they have enough talent and slowly accumulate. The effect of this thing will be shown to you later."

Xue Wusuan's seemingly mindless remark made the two of them interested again. They came with the idea that they might be courting death, just to see the excitement and the novelty. This kind of magical thing that is obviously not an ordinary flame can even ordinary people do it?

Soon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I saw the cities, mountains, and rivers under my feet were quickly overtaken by myself, which was definitely faster than an ordinary passenger plane. Finally stopped in a desert that seemed to be full of uninhabited people. Looking down through a gap in the black cloud opened by Xue Wusuan, you can see that a fierce battle is going on below.

The scene looks chaotic, with Transformers like Bumblebee, homegrown special forces, and those so-called "Malikis" seen earlier.

Among them, the local troops seem to be fleeing, and the Transformers and Maliki are chasing them. Even if you look closely, you will find that some of the Transformers below seem to be biased towards the local army, covering the army to escape.

"Is it weird? Those Transformers that help humans are the Autobot Transformers I said before. Look, that red and blue one, right, right, that big guy that can turn into a truck is Autobot's leader, Qingtian. Pillar. Another body similar to Optimus Prime is the leader of the Decepticon Megatron.

Hey, let's follow them first and see a good show before going down. "

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