Extreme Yama System

Chapter 250: better than the movie

Relying on electricity to maintain the extremely low temperature environment on Megatron, Megatron is always in a dormant state. This itself has a huge loophole, and it is actually very simple to be targeted today.

With the Transformers of the Decepticon and the reincarnations, the indigenous army is similar to the elites in the original world of Xue Wusuan. How can they stop the attack of high-tech weapons and special functions? The power supply was easily cut off, and there was no need to kill at all. Megatron in the recovery operation could come out by himself, and completed the task of rescuing Megatron without any effort.

Then there is the search for fire. As a result, something went wrong. Those Transformers are the main force of the Autobots who have just arrived on the earth, including the leader of Autobots, Optimus Prime.

Optimus Prime led the crowd and completely disrupted the plans of the reincarnators, so that they not only failed to get the fire, but were intercepted by the later Autobot Transformers.

After some contact, the relaxed mood of the reincarnators was shattered. Ordinary Transformers, whether Autobots or Decepticons, are not to be feared, and the sharp reincarnations who rely on weapons are confident to deal with them. But a Megatron, an Optimus Prime, these two leaders, Transformers, are simply another creature compared to their younger brothers. Great, don't overdo it!

Cheng Lin, who has survived more than ten plot missions, can play with ordinary Transformers as toys by her own ability. But when she faced Optimus Prime, a deep sense of powerlessness swept away the pride in her heart.

The metal defenses on the surface of Optimus Prime are terrifying. Not only is her cutting ability completely useless, but even the Yin iron weapon in her hand can't cut it open. And Optimus Prime has a frighteningly high resistance to magnetism, flames, shock waves, psychic power, and soul attacks. In turn, the attack power and speed are so fierce that they scare people to death.

During the first intimate contact, if Liao Yong hadn't pulled her in time, he would have been slapped into flesh by Optimus Prime. Optimus Prime, who is benevolent to human beings on Earth, will not be soft on them, the Maliki.

Fortunately, Megatron, an old cannon that has been sleeping for thousands of years in an extremely cold and illusory environment, is powerful enough. I don't know if it's because I haven't moved for a long time and hold my stomach full of fire, actually facing Optimus Prime is like a big brother beating a little brother, bullying the small. Although it wouldn't kill Optimus Prime in the blink of an eye, he still beat Optimus Prime enough with three or two blows.

Being forced to do nothing, Optimus Prime could only cooperate with the human troops who were also at a disadvantage, retreating while blocking the Decepticon Transformers and Maliki who were chasing after him. But the effect is not very good. Just like this, sooner or later you will be caught up.

Standing in the cloud, Xue Wusuan was very satisfied with the chase and killing scene under his feet.

As a result, this scene is much more exciting than when I sat in an Internet cafe and watched it. All kinds of energy weapons are banging against each other, and the colorful look is very lively. What's more, the means of those reincarnators are varied, and it is an absolute visual feast. If he could have a bucket of popcorn, Xue Wusuan would definitely be able to see the finale with a smile.

Second, the strength of Optimus Prime and Megatron as the leader robots is indeed worthy of their "leader" status. Not as weak as normal Transformers. Look at the reincarnations who are too scared to approach Optimus Prime to know the stakes.

"Sam. As an audience, do you think that side is the righteous one?" Xue Wusuan asked Sam as he took out a pot of wine. There is no popcorn, and I can only drink some wine.

"I, I think Autobot Transformers should be the party representing justice."

"Yes, I think so too." Mikaela, who was on the side, followed suit.

Xue Wusuan smiled and said, "Is it because your car aliens are Autobots? Or is it because they are now standing with humans?"

Sam thought about it seriously, and nodded to show that Xue Wusuan was right.

"But Autobot's actions on their own race would be considered extremely abhorrent. It's like leaving their own fires unattended, and stopping the same kind who want to draw water to put out the fire, saying that the water they draw belonged to someone else's. , you can't do that. You have to watch your house slowly burn down."

"This is probably a relationship between different positions. So which side does Mr. Yan think represents justice? Is it the Decepticon?" Mikaela asked curiously.

"Me? Justice? There is no real justice in this world at all. Everyone has their own perseverance in their hearts. As long as they don't cross the final bottom line, it's not all judged by others. For example, now , I said that I am the "justice", do you believe it?

Hahaha. You can tell by the look on your face that you don't believe me. But you dare not say it. If you don't say it, he doesn't say it, and anyone who dares to say it will be shut up. In this way, after a long time, who knows whether it is justice or not? "

While speaking, Xue Wusuan's aura began to rise without warning, and a terrifying pressure like the sky collapsed through the black cloud under his feet, instantly crushing all of his own troops who were killing cheerfully below him. . Those who fled, did not dare to escape, and those who chased and killed also stopped. They looked up at the sky together, looking in amazement at the black cloud that appeared above their heads at some point in time.

The reincarnations who have been put on the mercenary status of the universe have a dark heart. Although they have never seen such a black cloud, they can still guess the coercion coming from the cloud. Mr. Yan has arrived. This means that the follow-up of their mission can end early. Nothing to do with them.

Although the Transformers don't know what the coercion is, they can still detect the "violent energy fluctuation", and understand that there is a very dangerous existence on the black object that looks like a cloud but is not a cloud. This is a demonstration against them.

The only people who know nothing are the natives. They were horrified for a moment and found that the surrounding enemies were inexplicably stunned. Thinking this was a good opportunity to escape, I was about to apply oil on the soles of my feet and leave with fire. Unexpectedly, he was stopped by his ally leader Optimus Prime.

"Humans, don't act rashly. There is a great threat watching here, and you are likely to be attacked if you leave now. Believe me, you will never be able to resist."

Optimus Prime's words sounded intimidating. But for these weakest indigenous troops on the scene, credibility is one thing, and now they have to fight in this situation. Because if they miss this opportunity and continue to kill later, their final result will be equally difficult to escape.

Looking at the human Optimus Prime who started the car and continued to escape despite the dissuasion, he could only sigh. The ignorant is fearless~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The energy reaction on the black cloud above his head makes it dare not act rashly, the fate of these poor human beings can be imagined.


A crack ten meters wide and hundreds of meters long appeared out of thin air in the desert! The car in front of it didn't even have time to brake before it went straight down. The person who stopped behind Kankan leaned out with a pale face, glanced down, and quickly backed away. The cracks are bottomless!

Now, these talents understand that Optimus Prime's advice to them is not a lie.

He looked up at the black cloud above his head in horror. But only then did he realize that the black cloud had disappeared. And those Transformers and those Maliki all looked behind him in unison.

Realizing what, the indigenous troops hurriedly turned around with their guns raised. They were shocked to see a yellow-skinned man in a black suit and white shirt with a jug of wine in his hand and two young white men who appeared in his room at some point. behind.

"Give me the fire, and I'll make sure you leave safely."

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